Lesson 2

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Discipline and Ideas

in Applied Social
1.Define the concept of Counseling as an
Applied Social Science
2.Identify the Principles of Counseling
3.Distinguish the Goals and Scope of Counseling
4.Realize the importance of Counseling to
A collaborative effort between the
Counselor and the Client. Professional
Counselors helps Client Identify the goal
and potential solution to problems
which cause emotional turmoil

Practical Term, counseling

As an art is the subjective
happen when a person who is
dimension of counseling. It upholds
distressed ask for help and permit
a flexible and creative process
another person to enter into a
whereby counselor modify the
kind connection with him/her.
approach to the developing needs
of the client.
2 types of Counseling
Formal Professional

Informal Friends, Relatives,

Principle of Counseling
Accept the patient with his/her
physical, psychological, social,
economical and cultural condition
Communication instead of showing sympathy
Should be verbal as well as non put yourself in patients shoes
verbal should be skillful. and then give reflections.
Non Judge
Mental attitude-do not
criticize or comment
negatively regarding
patient’s complaints.

always keep the patient’s

name, and the problem
Confidentiality strictly secrete and assure
the patient about the
Goal of Counseling
1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or
advancing the clients human growth and
development including social, personal,
emotional, cognitive, and physical
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client
avoid some undesired outcome.

3. Enhancement Goals – enhance special skills

and abilities.
Goal of Counseling
4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to overcome and
treat an undesirable development.

5. Cognitive Goals – involves acquiring the basic

foundation of learning and cognitive skills.

6. Reinforcement Goals- helps client in recognizing,

that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine.
Goal of Counseling
7. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the
basic understanding and habits for good health.

8. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good

social interaction skills, learning emotional control,
and developing positive self – concept.

9. Exploratory Goals – examining options, testing of

skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
Respect – This means that the counselor must provide a client unconditional
positive regard, compassion, non-judgemental attitude, empathy and trust.

Partnership- A counselor must foster partnership with the various disciplines that
come together to support a integrated healing that encompasses various aspects
such as the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual.

Autonomy- This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a relationship of

counseling and ensuring a safe environment that is needed for healing.

Core Responsible Caring- This primarily means respecting the potential of every
human being to change and to continue learning throughout his/her life, and

Value especially in the environment of counseling.

Personal Integrity – Counselors must reflect personal dignity, honesty and

truthfulness with clients

Social Justice- This means accepting and respecting the diversity of the clients,
the diversity of individuals, their cultures languages, lifestyles, ideologies,
intellectual capacities, personalities and capabilities regardless of the presented
Scope of Counseling
•Adolescent identity, concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships
•Anger management
•Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school
experiences, peer relationships
•Family of origin dynamics and issues
•Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality
•Grief and bereavement
•Relationships: personal and interpersonal dynamics
•Sexual abuse recovery
•Seniors: challenges, limitations, transitions
•Singles: single, newly single, single through divorce or being widowed
•Stress management
•Workplace stress and relationships
•Young adult: identity, relationships, vocation

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