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Oral Communication

in Context

Mr. Ivan Marco Q. Marcelo

Pre-Lesson Activity

Find the synonyms of the given words and

choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. Context a. Etymology
_____ 2. Derivation b. Procedure
_____ 3. Function c. Remark
_____ 4. Process d. Role
_____ 5. Utterance e. Setting
Try to answer these questions…

1. What is Communication?
2. When do we say that there
is communication?
3. What are the things involved
in communication process?
Definition of
• To fully understand the communication
process, we must first define the word
communication and its etymology.
Communication is derived from the Latin
words “communis” and “communicare.”
• The word communicare, this means “to
share.” Meaning when you communicate,
you have something to share to the one
you intend to communicate with. It can
be sharing of thought, idea, feeling,
expression, information and observation.
Meanwhile, the word communication is
also derived from the Latin word
communis which means “commonness.”
And this means that for the
communicators to understand one
another or have an effective
communication, they should have
something in common and it is the
following: 1) Language 2) Knowledge 3)
Interest 4) Experience 5) Culture.
1. Language is a very important factor for the
communication to transpire. Persons involved in
communication should share the same
language/dialect for them to understand one
2. Knowledge is another factor for effective
communication. Knowledge refers to how much
information an individual has about a certain
topic which he gained through experience or
technique. In some contexts, some of the
communicators have limited knowledge about
the topic that they are discussing, thus, there will
be partiality in terms of sharing information.
3. Interest refers to the feeling that accompanies
special attention to something or someone. It is
also one of the factors for the communication to
transpire. Communicators should possess the
same level of interest so that there will be a
continuous exchange of information.
4. Lastly, communicators communicating with
each other should have the same culture or at
least have comprehension or knowledge about
the culture of the person they are
communicating with. This may include material
traits of racial, religious or social group.
Nature of
1. Communication is a process – communication
can either be one-way or two-way process. Aside
from the two, communication is also a dynamic
process which means it is influenced by the
communicator’s mood and thinking. For
example, both Juan and Pedro are listening to Mr.
Dela Cruz’s lesson in Filipino 1. There is a possible
chance that one of them will fully understand the
lesson while the other will not because he is
thinking of other matter. Communication is also a
complex process. It means one message may be
interpreted differently by many people.
2. Communication is an interaction – through
communication, people get bind together or get
deeper relationship with one another. Their
interaction by communicating connects their
3. Communication is inevitable – this means
that communication cannot be avoided even the
other party does not want to communicate. We
are still communicating even without a word by
just responding to the person who is
communicating with us like frowning, nodding,
smile or even moving away from that person.
4. Communication is irreversible – this means that when
you say something to the person you are communicating
with, whether what you have said is good or bad, it cannot
be taken back or cannot be unsaid. That is why we have to
be careful with what we are saying whether it is a promise
when we are happy or hurtful to others when we are mad.
5. Communication is unrepeatable – it simply means that
what you have said cannot be duplicated. You may say the
same thing like what you have said before but the result
will be different from the other. For example, your teacher
taught you grammar rules in English. At first, you cannot
understand what he has said. Then before the exam, you
had your review with the same teacher. The teacher may
say the same rules or even exactly explain the lesson but
this time you got the rules correctly.
6. Communication is vital – this means that
good communication is important because
effective communication can impact your
experience in a workplace, home, or
anywhere– every day, every minute, on a
ground level. It can significantly influence the
people around you through the use of words
and visuals.
Process of
In the previous lesson, you have learned the derivation of the
word communication where people who intends to
communicate should have something in common with the
person that they are communicating with in terms of language,
knowledge, interest, experience, and culture. Or you should at
least have some things that you would like to share with that
person, it can be a new information, a memorable experience,
or just some common interest that you both have, and since
you intend to share it to the person/people you communicate
with, the communication can be said a “two-way process”
where there is a give-and-take relationship or there is a giving
and receiving development between two or more parties. The
give-and-take relationship can be said reciprocal. In this case,
there can be a shifting of role between the parties involved.
This can happen when receiver gives his response/feedback to
the information received.
For example, you saw a Facebook post in our PCU
SHS – Manila page regarding the sectioning of the
incoming grade 11 students. You searched the names
of the students listed in your section and added them
to your Facebook account. Since you are all excited
for the beginning of classes, you made a group chat
in Facebook Messenger where members can post
updates to everyone if there is any. The giving and
receiving development happens when there is
someone sharing and someone who is receiving the
thing being shared.
Such as when you posted a reminder to your group
chat about the submission of your personal
information in Google Classroom. Shifting of roles
occur when the original sender becomes the receiver
and the original receiver becomes the sender
because he gives his response/feedback. How was
that? For example, you are the original sender
because you are the first to remind everyone about
the submission of your personal information in
Google Classroom. But because of some wrong
information about your post, one of your classmates
corrected it.
Your roles shifted, you from being the original sender becomes the
receiver and your classmate being the original receiver becomes the sender.
There is also the so called “oneway process” in which communication is
one directional, from sender to the receiver. In this situation, the receiver
cannot give his response/feedback to the sender. A report about the moving
of start of school year in public schools in television is an example of this.
No matter how hard you try to tell your approval/disapproval about the
news, the news anchor cannot hear you because he is just on the television
screen. Another example is when you are watching a vlog of a famous
vlogger in YouTube. He cannot hear your response like laughing or being
mad at his actions because he is not in front of you.

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