The Process of Conception

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The process of



• Identify the process of conception.
What is the process of conception?

Conception happens when sperm swims up through the vagina

and fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tube. It happens in the hours
or days after you have unprotected sex. After conception, the
fertilized egg implants into the uterus and a pregnancy begins.
• Released from the Graafian Follicle
• Will be surrounded by a ring of mucopolysaccharide fluid
(Zona pellucida) and a circle of cells (Corona radiata)
 Zona pellucida and Corona Radiata protects the ova by
serving as a buffer against injury.
• Moves from the ovary to the fallopian tube through the cilia
and peristaltic movement of the fallopian tube .

•is the male sex cell it has a head, a

short neck, and a thin motile tail. It is
formed through spermatogenesis.
The purpose of a sperm cell is to be
released during sexual intercourse
and eventually meet with an egg cell.
•Per ejaculation, 2.5 ml semen
containing 50-200M spermatozoa is
released (ave 400M
•Moves through the cervix, uterus,
and fallopian because of flagella and
uterine contractions.
•Undergoes CAPACITATION ( changes
in the plasma membrane of the
sperm head to reveal sperm binding
receptor sites) before penetrating
into the corona.
•Sperm clusters around coronal cells.
( proteolytic enzyme) to dissolve the
corona radiata.
•Sperm penetrates the cell; the cell
membrane of ova changes
composition to become
impenetrable to other sperm.
•Sperm and ova fuse carrying 23 pairs of
chromosomes each
•If sperm carries X sex chromosome paired with
the ovum X chromosome = female zygote
•If sperm carries Y sex chromosome paired with
the ovum X chromosome = male zygote

•Zygote moves from fallopian tube

to uterus
•It will undergo series of mitotic
divisions resulting in a cleavage
formation, 1 in every 22 hours, with
the cleavage division happening 24
hours after fertilization
•Once it reaches the uterus zygote
is now composed of 32-50 balls of
cells termed as MORULA
• In Another 3 – 4 days, morula becomes a
BLASTOCYST consisting of:
 An inner cell mass that will become the
future embryo
 Trophoblast which will become the placenta
and membranes.
• At approximately 8-10 days after
fertilization, the blastocyst attaches to the
 Sheds off last residues of corona radiata
zona pellucida
 Brushes against endometrium ( apposition)
and settles down
• A slight vaginal bleeding is experienced
during the implantation stage because
capillaries are ruptured by the
implanting trophoblast cells.

DECIDUA – a uterus that has grown thick and vascular

3 areas
 Decidua basalis – lies directly under the embryo
( portion where the trophoblast establishes
communication with maternal blood vessel )
 Decidua capsularis – the portion that stretches or
encapsulates the surface of the trophoblast
 Decidua vera – the remaining portion of the uterine

Miniature villi similar to

probing fingers that appear
on the 11th or 12th day
They begin the formation of
the placenta
Consists of a central core of
connective tissue and fetal

• Syncytiotrophoblast(syncytial layer ) –
produces HCG, somatomammotropin
( human placental lactogen), estrogen,
and progesterone
• Cytotrophoblast (middle or Langhan’s
layer) – functions in early pregnancy to
protect the embryo and fetus from

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