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Introduction to the

Philosophy of the
Human Person

(Review of Lessons)
“These are two closely related essential features of human personhood”
Freedom and
“It believes that humans are not free.”
Hard determinism
“It is the view that all events that happen in the world are caused by previous events or conditions along with the laws of nature.”
“It accepts that while certain
events in the world are caused
and thus are determined, there
are also some events that are not,
referring precisely to human
“It is neutral to the truth of
determinism (or does not really
care whether determinism is
correct) as it defines freedom not
in terms of the absence of
“It is regarded as
“default position.”
“There is causal relationship
between mental events and
the physical events in the
“It claims that mental states are
mere by-products (or indirect
effects) of the physical states
or processes of the body,
which do not have any causal
“Relations among human
persons which give respect to
each other’s personhood”
Interpersonal or
“This results in seeing the other
person either as a subject or as an
Theoretical Level
“We consider how the person’s
action towards the other
person relates to the person’s
own interests (desires and
Practical Level
“These are entitlements or
interests one is allowed or
permitted to pursue, or more
simply, things one may or
may not do.”
“These are duties to
provide the necessary
conditions for the exercise
of rights.”
Duties of Positive
“are rights one acquires when one
enters into a contract or an
agreement with another party,
which can be a person, a group of
persons, a company, or an
Contractual rights
“are rights that one possesses
by virtue of one’s
citizenship, which is
acquired either by birth or
by choice.”
Legal rights
Universal declaration of
Human Rights of the United
Article 1: Right to Equality
Article2: Freedom from Discrimination
Article 3: Right to life, Liberty, Personal Security
Article 4: Freedom from Slavery
Article 5: Freedom form torture and Degrading
Article 6: Right to Recognition as a Person Before the
Article 7: Right to equality before the Law
Article 8: Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal
Article 9: Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile
Article 10: Right to Fair Public hearing
Article 11: Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven
Article 12: Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family,
Home, and Correspondence Article 13: Right to Free
Movement in and Out of the Country
Article 14: Right to Asylum in other countries from
Article 15: Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change it
Article 16: Right to Marriage and Family
Article 17: Right to own Property
Article 18: Freedom of Belief and Religion
Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Information
Article 20: Right to Peaceful Assembly and Association
Article 21: Right to participate in Government and in Free
Article 22: Right to Social Security
Article 23: Right to Desirable work and to join Trade Unions
Article 24: Right to Rest and Leisure
Article 25: Right to Adequate Living Standard
Article 26: Right to Education
Article 27: Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community
Article 28: Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document
Article 29: Community duties Essential to Free and Full
Article 30: Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the
above Rights
“The Freedom from
Interference with Privacy,
Family, Home, and
Article 12
“The Freedom from State or
Personal Interference in the
above Rights.”
Article 30
“The Right to participate in
Government and in Free
Article 21
“The Right to Marriage
and Family.”
Article 16
“The Right to Asylum in
other countries from
Article 14
“The Freedom from
Arbitrary Arrest and
Article 9
“It is also known as the
virtual society.”
“A set of traits and behavior
that society considers good
and acceptable.”
“This are traditional in nature and
do not result in punishment if not
“The system of rules which a
particular country or community
recognizes as regulating the actions
of its members and which it may
enforce by the imposition of
Thank you. 

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