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Name: Donita Bernardino
Year & Section: BS CRIMINOLOGY 3A

To discuss the golden To explain the steps To cascade the role of
What is conduct of rule of criminal of crime scene law enforcement in a
crime investigation. investigation. investigation. criminal investigation.
Conduct of crime
investigation refers to
• To define What is conduct of
crime investigation. an undertaking that
seeks, collects, and
gathers evidence of a
crime for a case or
specific purpose.
 To determine if a crime
has been committed.
 To legally obtain info and
evidence to identify the
• TO DEMONSTRATE THE person(s) responsible for
major GOALS OF committing the crime.
CRIMINAL  To legally arrest the
 To recover stolen
The golden rule of crime
scene investigation: Do not
touch, change, or alter
anything until it has been
identified, measured and
• To discuss the golden rule of photographed.
criminal investigation
The unnecessary or improper
entry of individuals into a
crime scene should be limited
to avoid the destruction or
contamination of important
 Secure the scene.
 Separate the witness.
 Scan the scene.
• To explain the steps of crime  Photograph the
scene investigation. evidence.
 Sketch the scene.
 Search the scene.
 Secure and collect
Law enforcement describes
the agencies and employees
responsible for maintaining
public order, and managing
public safety.
• To cascade the role of law enforcement
The patrol officer has the
in a criminal investigation. authority to initiate and
complete investigation of
certain classifications of crime,
such as all misdemeanors.
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
1. One of the major goals of criminal investigation is to recover stolen property.
2. The golden rule of crime scene investigation: To touch, change, or
alter anything until it has been identified, measured and
3. If possible, the victim of a crime should be the first person
4. Physical evidence is defined as the type of evidence which is self-
explanatory in nature, such as weapons, fingerprints, blood and drugs.
5. The patrol officer has the authority to initiate and complete
investigation of certain classifications of crime, such as all
• Direction: Encircle the correct answer for each question.
1. It is important to separate witnesses at a crime scene in order to
A. Protect them in case the perpetrator is among them
B. Prevent contamination of evidence
C. Prevent them from talking and forming a conclusion
D. Prevent them from leaving the scene
2. Which factor affects the amount of evidence transferred during a crime scene except:
E. Intensity
F. Nature
G. Duration
H. All factors will affect it
3. The unnecessary or improper entry of individuals into a
crime scene should be limited:
A. To avoid causing inconvenience to bystanders
B. To provide defense attorneys with a basis for discrediting
the investigators
C. To avoid the destruction or contamination of important
D. To minimize the need for officers to note and record any
4. The describes the agencies and employees responsible for
maintaining public order, and managing public safety.

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