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Topics covered Page no.

Definition of NZEB 3

Net zero energy building 4

Various definitions 5

Classifications/ types 6

Benefits 7

Design process (how is it achieved) 8-10

Bibliography 11

A Zero Energy Building (ZEB), also known

as a Net Zero Energy (NZE) building, is
a building with net zero energy consumption,
meaning the total amount of energy used by
the building on an annual basis is equal to the
amount of renewable energy created on the
site or in other definitions by renewable
energy sources offsite, using technology such
as heat pumps, high efficiency windows and
insulation, and solar panels.
The wording "Net" emphasizes the energy exchange
between the building and the energy infrastructure. By the
building-grid interaction, the Net ZEBs becomes an active
part of the renewable energy infrastructure. This connection
to energy grids prevents seasonal energy storage and
oversized on-site systems for energy generation from
renewable sources like in energy autonomous buildings.
The similarity of both concepts is a pathway of two actions:

1) reduce energy demand by means of energy efficiency

measures and passive energy use

2) generate energy from renewable sources. However,

the Net ZEBs grid interaction and plans to widely
increase their numbers[23] of evoking considerations on Figure 1: The Net ZEB balance concept: balance of weighted energy import
increased flexibility in the shift of energy loads and respectively energy demand (x-axis) and energy export (feed-in credits) respectively
reduced peak demands. (on-site) generation (y-axis)
The overall conceptual understanding of a Net ZEB is an
energy efficient, grid-connected building enabled to
generate energy from renewable sources to compensate its
own energy demand (see figure 1
• Zero net site energy use
In this type of ZNE, the amount of energy provided by on-site renewable energy sources is equal to the amount of energy used by the building. In the United
States, "zero net energy building" generally refers to this type of building.

• Zero net source energy use

This ZNE generates the same amount of energy as is used, including the energy used to transport the energy to the building. This type accounts for energy
losses during electricity generation and transmission. These ZNEs must generate more electricity than zero net site energy buildings.

• Net zero energy emissions

Outside the United States and Canada, a ZEB is generally defined as one with zero net energy emissions, also known as a zero carbon building (ZCB) or zero
emissions building (ZEB). Under this definition the carbon emissions generated from on-site or off-site fossil fuel use are balanced by the amount of on-
site renewable energy production. Other definitions include not only the carbon emissions generated by the building in use, but also those generated in the
construction of the building and the embodied energy of the structure. Others debate whether the carbon emissions of commuting to and from the building should
also be included in the calculation. Recent work in New Zealand has initiated an approach to include building user transport energy within zero energy building

• Net zero cost

In this type of building, the cost of purchasing energy is balanced by income from sales of electricity to the grid of electricity generated on-site. Such a status
depends on how a utility credits net electricity generation and the utility rate structure the building uses.

• Net off-site zero energy use

A building may be considered a ZEB if 100% of the energy it purchases comes from renewable energy sources, even if the energy is generated off the site.

• Off-the-grid
Off-the-grid buildings are stand-alone ZEBs that are not connected to an off-site energy utility facility. They require distributed renewable energy generation and
energy storage capability (for when the sun is not shining, wind is not blowing, etc.).
The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) published a report called Net-Zero Energy
Buildings: A Classification System Based on Renewable Energy Supply Options.[3] This is the first
report to lay out a full spectrum classification system for Net Zero/Renewable Energy buildings that
includes the full spectrum of Clean Energy sources, both on site and off site.

This classification system identifies the following four main categories of Net Zero Energy

•NZEB:A — A footprint renewables Net Zero Energy Building

•NZEB:B — A site renewables Net Zero Energy Building

•NZEB:C — An imported renewables Net Zero Energy Building

•NZEB:D — An off-site purchased renewables Net Zero Energy Building

Benefits of Zero Energy Buildings

Zero energy buildings are environmental friendly home,

and produce much energy then it’s actually consumed,
looks pretty conventional like any other house, but whole
lot of strategies to bring it down to zero energy home.
Zero energy buildings are economic, affordable houses
and build for family with normal income and very healthy
too. Now a day’s world is focused on cost and economic
construction. At the end of the year these houses produce
more energy than used by the occupants. Puts an end to
high summer utility bills. These houses take the
construction industry to whole new levels
How Does a Building Achieve Net Zero Energy?
Several factors go into designing an energy-efficient building that achieves net zero energy goals.
 Location
To construct a net zero energy building, you must take several conditions into consideration. The building site, where you are
building, the climate and the building’s exposure all have an effect.
Among other things, take into account:
•Wind patterns
•Rain patterns
 Orientation
The orientation of the building depends on the success of achieving net zero energy. Certain renewable energy generation
mechanisms, like solar panels, work best when the building is facing south.
But factors that conserve energy are also important. Besides harnessing the sun’s energy, you can conserve by orienting your
building to take maximum advantage of the shade. In warm climates, this means you’ll need to use the air conditioning less to
keep your building cool.
Lighting is another important factor. Lighting systems can account for almost 25% of a building’s total energy consumption.
Orienting your building to take advantage of natural lighting can reduce that load. Window arrangement and the use of skylights
are strategies that can be considered when deciding on a building’s orientation.
You can also situate your building to take advantage of natural breezes. Using natural resources to power your building’s energy
systems and reduce energy requirements, will conserve resources at the same time.
 Design
Building design is next. Make sure to select the best-insulating materials possible so the building conserves as much energy as possible. Windows (dual- or, better, triple-pane and effectively
sealed) can pose a major factor in conserving energy.
Passive strategies aren’t about energy production. They’re about minimizing energy usage — and maximizing energy performance. In fact, they operate without energy use, which is why they
help buildings achieve net zero energy use:
•High-efficiency appliances require less energy and lighten the overall energy load.
•Low-energy HVAC systems do the same.
•Air sealing prevents cooled or heated air from escaping through cracks, often around openings such as windows and doors. This results in less need for air conditioning or heating to maintain
climate control.
•Insulation performs the same function by providing an extra barrier between the interior and exterior of a building. This layer traps heat (in winter) and cool air-conditioned air (in summer) that
otherwise might escape through walls, ceilings, etc.
The effectiveness of insulation is rated in R-values. These vary based on the thickness, density, and type of insulation: the higher the R-value, the better. Types of insulation include:
•Foam boards or blocks
•Ventilation is particularly important in tropical climates. It’s necessary to replace stale air with fresh air. This can help to moderate internal temperature while reducing the build-up of moisture
that can cause mold and bad odors. The energy used to maintain proper ventilation, by using electrical fans, for example, can be reduced significantly by employing natural strategies.
•Architectural design in new buildings maximizes efficiency and promotes sustainability.
ASHRAE, or the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, has created standards that apply to building design. The group, founded in 1894, has 87 active
standards and guideline project committees that address some of the following topics:
•Thermal comfort
•Energy conservation in buildings
•Reduction of refrigerant emissions
•Indoor air quality
 Renewables
The final step in designing high-performance buildings is determining the most relevant renewable energy sources based on the building. If the building is industrial scale, wind generators might
be used on-site rather than off-site. Solar panels might be the way to go for new homes or even ones that can be converted.
Active strategies reduce energy consumption during the building process through the use of renewable energy strategies, such as:
•Photovoltaics — Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light into electric power using semiconducting materials such as silicon. Each solar panel contains numerous photovoltaic cells, which
work together to produce electricity.
•Wind power — Wind is a kind of solar energy produced by three factors. It’s affected by the sun unevenly heating the atmosphere, irregularities in the Earth’s surface, and the planet’s rotation.
The resulting wind turns propeller blades around a rotor, which spins a generator, creating electricity. Wind farms in mountain passes near San Bernardino (San Gorgonio Pass) and Northern
California (Altamont Pass) contain hundreds of huge propellers.
•Hydroelectric power — Hydroelectric plants capture the energy of falling water and convert it into electricity. Water flows downhill and is captured by a reservoir behind a dam. This reservoir
acts like a battery, releasing water during periods of peak demand to produce power.
•Biomass — Biomass stores chemical energy from the sun, produced by plants through photosynthesis. It can be burned directly to produce heat or can be converted into renewable liquid and gas
fuels. Biomass can be as simple as a log on a fire. It’s like a solar battery, which releases bioenergy.
•Geothermal power — Geothermal power involves water pressure in the form of steam. Geothermal wells drilled a mile or two underground pump hot water to the surface. There, the pressure
drops and the water turns into steam. The steam spins a turbine connected to a generator, producing electricity.
•Solar power — Sunlight shining on a panel is absorbed by photovoltaic cells in the panel. This creates an electrical charge in response to an electrical field in the cell, producing electricity.
•Solar thermal — Solar thermal power systems use mirrors to collect sunlight and concentrate it. This raises the temperature until it is high enough to produce electricity. Examples include
curved parabolic troughs, such as those used in the Mojave Desert.
Net zero energy buildings react in various ways to their local electricity grid. Whether the grid is integrated or conventional affects the way it interacts with buildings and strategies (such as
renewable energy sources).
•Energy moves between the grid and conventional energy buildings in a single direction. It flows from the grid to the building, utilizing conventional metering.
•Moderately responsive buildings have interactive demand response.
•Buildings that are fully integrated with the grid include passive efficiency features as well as renewable energy production onsite.
Put another way, the two types of ZNE building typologies must work together to optimize grid performance:
•Renewable-oriented (active strategies)
•Efficiency-oriented (passive strategies)
Utilizing both passive and active strategies will prove most beneficial to the relationship between the utility grid and ZNE buildings.

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