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Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using subordinating
A. Setting The Stage

S r i n e
B. Explaining The Students What To Do

Class, today you are going to compose a clear

and coherent sentence using subordinating
• A subordinating conjunction joins a dependent
clause into an independent clause.
• Subordinating conjunctions often begin a
dependent clause. If the dependent clause begins or
interrupts the sentence, then it is separated from the
independent clause by a comma.
C Modeling
A subordinating conjunction may appear at a
sentence beginning or between two clauses in a
A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter
connection between clauses than a coordinating
conjunctions does.
Loose: It is raining, so we have an umbrella.
Tight: Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.
When the dependent clause is placed first in a
sentence, use a comma between the two
clauses. When the independent clause is
placed first and the dependent clause second,
do not separate the two clauses with a comma.
When to Use Common Subordinate Conjunctions:

Reason Subordinate Conjunction

Regarding time after, before, once, since,

until, when, whenever, while

To communicate a reason/cause as, because, since

To communicate a result/effect in order that, so that, that

To communicate a condition if, even if, unless

To communicate contrast although, even though,

though, whereas

Regarding location where, wherever

Regarding a choice than, whether

Other examples;
Once she found the perfect broach, she purchased three outfits to
match it.
He wore the top hat wherever he went.
• What does a subordinating conjunction connect?
• What happen to the other clause when a subordinating
conjunction is used?
• What happen when the dependent clause is place at the
beginning of the sentence?
• When do we use the subordinating conjunctions “even if” and
• What are the subordinating conjunctions to be used when it
communicate a contrast?
D. Guided Practice

Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to

complete each sentence:
although as long as because
even if so that unless
until while
1. She has decided to move to Portland _______ there are
more opportunities for employment in that city.
2. You can borrow my car _______ you agree to be very
careful with it.
3. They'll have a good corn harvest this year ________ it
rains a lot and prevents them from harvesting their crops.
4. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun _________ she can
protect herself from intruders who break into her
5. _________ he can save a lot of money by taking the
bus, Russ still drives his car into the city every day.
6. Ronald is going to finish his homework _________ it takes
him all night.
7. My daughter can't wait _______ she gets her new bike.
8. Stay in the car ________ I go into the store. I'll be right
9. It's a good idea to go to college for four years ________ it's
possible to get a good job without a degree.
10. __________ he's overweight, Tony eats a lot of food
before he goes to bed. That's not healthy.
E. Independent Practice

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the

different subordinating conjunctions. The group who
presents the most coherent sentences will be the
winner. Remind the students to be tactful in
constructing a sentence.

once because in order that even if even

though than wherever
F. Closure

What is a subordinating conjunction?

Give the correct subordinating conjunction
on the following sentence.
The teacher got angry because the students
were talking _______ he was trying to teach
the class.
IV. Evaluation

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the

different subordinating conjunctions. Use the
following subordinating conjunctions below.

after since if so that although than


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