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Project Name-ADOPT A PLANT

Submitted by

Name of the student:- Rohit Kumar Yadav

Registration Number:-12112916

AIM- To observe the growth of adopted plant overthe span of six


"B. Tech, (computer science and engineering)(Hons)"

Lovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, Punjab.

Facts that you should know about this project

before going through.

1.No animals were harmed during the implementation of

the project.

2.This project is about the observation of a plant for one

week which is divided into days and each day is
observed and written over here.

•No chemical fertilizers were used during the care taking

of plants

Plant that I chose to adopt

Snake Plant

First day—

I bought a baby snake plant which had dark green

leaves so that I could ensure it was healthy and well
nourished. Leaves that have a yellowish tinge on the outer
edge of the leaves or leaves that are pale and floppy could
indicate that the plant is dying. A pale sansevieria doesn’t
necessarily mean that the plant will die. It may just need
some water and care and you can bring it back to life!
•Then I bought a made out of a porous material.
Sansevieria are very susceptible to rotting out, especially if
they sit in water for too long.
Choose a pot that has good drainage, like a terra cotta
pot or a pot made with another porous material so your
snake plant isn’t at risk of rotting.

. Porous materials include terra cotta, clay, timber, paper

pulp, and other natural materials that allow moisture to
move through them.

. If you want to use a decorative pot that doesn't have

drainage holes, place your plant inside a plastic grow pot,
then set the grow pot inside of the decorative pot.

An important suggestion—
If you plan to keep your snake plant outside, choose a
darker colour pot to attract more heat,especially if you
live in an area that freezes
• I bought a potting mix that allows for good drainage

Snake plants don’t require too much water, and their roots
can actually be damaged if they’re allowed to soak in soil
that is full of moisture. To allow for good drainage and a
healthy root system, choose a free-draining soil mix or
even a soilless potting mixture. Place your sansevieria
into the potting mixture and cover it with enough to hold it
secure in the pot.

. Many potting mixes that you can purchase from gardening

stores are designed to help control moisture and improve
drainage. Check the packaging for information on the
potting mix.

. Use a soilless potting medium like vermiculite, peat moss,

or perlite.

I grasped the sansevieria at the base of the leaves and

pulled it off from the pot it came in. .When you’re ready to
re-pot your snake plant, take a firm hold of the base of the
leaves, where they connect to the soil. Gently slide the
plant out of its pot.
. Don’t shake any dirt loose from the roots.

. Be careful not to yank or jerk the plant or you could

separate the leaves from the roots and kill the
•Then I placed the snake plant into the new pot and
added soil to cover the roots.

Move the plant to its new pot and add enough soil or
soilless mixture to support the plant and keep it
upright. Add more soil mixture if the sansevieria
leans to one side or is unstable in the pot.
. Hold the snake plant in an upright position while
you add soil to the pot.
. Pack the soil down by patting it with your hand to
add support to the plant.

OH my goshh!!!!! It was too much for me on the first day

•So now I will tell you the methods I did on the second day
when you at some point in lifedecide to adopt a snake plant.
•Place the sansevieria in indirect
sunlight. Snake plants are hardy, tough plants that can
survive in full sunlight, as well as very low light. But they
really thrive in indirect sunlight, which is why they are such
great houseplants.

. Indirect sunlight can be near an eastern facing window or

in the centre or corner of a room that isn’t directly exposed
to sunlight coming in through a window.

. Snake plants prefer natural light, so avoid putting them in a

room without any windows.

•Keep the temperature between 55-85 °F (13-29

°C). Sansevieria prefer warmer temperatures, but
anything above 85 °F (29 °C) is dangerous for the
plant and will cause it to
start to wilt. Snake plants are also susceptible to cold
temperatures. Anything below 50 °F (10 °C) can kill the
roots of the plant.

. Temperature fluctuations do not generally affect snake

plants as long as the temperature stays within their
preferred range.

Suggestions you should follow-Frost is especially harmful

to sansevieria. If you plan to keep your snake plant outside,
be sure to bring it in before a hard freeze!

Do not place your sansevieria somewhere petsor

babies can reach it. Snake plants have a low level of
toxicity, but they can cause pain, nausea, vomiting, and
diarhea if they're ingested. Pets andsmall babies are at
particular risk of accidentally eating some of the leaves.
Be sure to place your snake plant somewhere out of
reach to them.
. A floating shell or stool can elevate your plant and keep it
out of reach.
Now we will talk about how I managed to maintain my
•Water your sansevieria when the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of
soil is dry. Snake plants do not need lots of water, which is
one of the reasons why they’re so easy to care
for. In fact, you may be more likely to overwater
the plant and put the roots at risk of rotting. To be safe,
only water your snake plant when the top
layerof the soil is completely dry. Check the soil by sticking
your finger into it to see if there is moisture.

• Add enough water to saturate the soil,but not so much

that there’s standing water in the pot. The excess water
should drain out of the pot.

Suggestions you should follow—If you’re using a soilless

potting mixture, water your sansevieria once a week.

•Add fertilizer every few weeks in the spring and

summer. Snake plants don’t need much fertilizer, but they
will grow more if you fertilize them during their growing
season in thespring and summer. Use a basic fertilizer for
houseplants and only add it every few weeks
orevery other watering.

•Check the packaging on the fertilizer that you

choose to follow the correctdosage and method.

i.Never give your plants fertilizer while they're

dormant, which is usually duringthe winter months.
3. Turn the pot weekly so the leaves get
evenlight exposure.
To ensure that your snake plant grows evenly and all
of the leaves are receiving adequate exposure to
sunlight, rotate the pot about a quarter turn. This will
also keep your plant growing vertically, rather than
leaning in one direction.

. An easy way to remember is to turn the pot

whenever you water your sansevieria.

4. Avoid trimming sansevieria

Unlike other houseplants, pruning snake plants
does not stimulate growth.
They are such slow growers that injuring them by
trimming or pruning will actually
cause them to slow their growth as they heal.

. If you want to keep your snake plant a specific

height and size, trim it sparingly to keep it healthy.
Repeated pruning and trimming will damage them
and could kill them.

Last point but not the least—

Keep an eye out for pests on the sansevieria.
Mealybugs and spider mites are the main pests
that like to feed and make their homes on snake
plants. Whenever you water your plant, inspect
theleaves for any insects.

. You can get rid of mealybugs by dropping a small

drop of alcohol onto them.
. Wash the leaves with warm water and a cloth to
remove spider mites.

. Pests may be a sign that your plant is unwell.

Restoring the plant's health will usually prevent bugs
from preying on it.
So it was all about the second day.... And the best part
was it was only first and second day that was difficult for
Afterwards I just watered the plant in every two days.
Because it does not require much water but when you
give it must be efficien
*. *
So this was the plant after 4 weeks of care take. I
changed the pot because such a small pot was could not
suffice for its growth.

But remember if you use chemical fertilizers then its

growth will not be as much effective as I saw in 4 weeks.

Benefits of snake plants and why I chose to adopt this

•It filters the indoor air, even at night.
•It removes toxic pollutants

•Whenever I did meditation sitting next to the snake plant I

could focus more and you can clearly say that it is a mental
health booster. •The great part of adopting this plant is that
it is very easy to maintain

•Relieves minor physical ailments.

Therefore, we conclude that plants should be regularly
planted to save the mankind and the animal world.
Plantation and its after-care is a pleasing work too. We can
get much pleasure in planting and intaking care of them.
Students should plant in theirschool- compounds and in the
front-yards, backyards and side-yards of their schools and
near their own houses and in other places wherever

They should explain to their neighbours the goodness of

plantation and encourage them to plant and care different
type of plants that benefitsthe population.

We should consider the fact that we all need plants and

trees and they are important to us humans. Save them and
they will save us in return.
Plant more trees and plants as you plant trees you are
planting life too because of the fact that they are giving us
fresh air, woods that we peopleused to build our houses.

They stands as our shelter most specially to the animals, a

shield to heat. We should protect them because they are
helping us. Sometimes we are being rude to them, we cut
them without replacements and we are the reason why
they are being fewer. Have mercy on them because they
are one of the reason why we still have fresh air now.

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