PDP Interview

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Aisha Saif – H00292386
Table of contents:


My goals

Introduce my PDP
The PDP helped me develop the teaching strategy and schedule, achieve my goals for this semester, arrange them, and
follow a clear and understandable plan.
also helped me in developing a strategy to improve my strengths and weaknesses and I needed to focus more on my
practical performance and this would improve my professional performance in the future and be a successful teacher
with experience of how to organize lessons, plans and goals to organize time. It is important for the teacher to have a
clear system in order to succeed in his profession.
The Indeed Editorial Team on the indeed website stated that a PDP should be a continual reference or touchstone, and
you should update it every time you reach important milestones. (Team, 2021). In order for your goals and plans to be
organized, they must be updated whenever a new plan is developed or a change occurs.
Your dreams will only ever be dreams if you do nothing about them. Writing a PDP is taking the first step to making
those dreams come true (Martinelli, 2017). Yes, I felt the beginning of change and development when I started working
on writing and developing my plan.
Justify your professional When writing my professional
development plan, I wrote down three

development goals for this goals. the first is demonstrate critical

thinking through storytelling measured by

semester observations by helping students tell the

stories read to them. Secondly, follow the
class rules by developing strategies that
help the student abide by the rules of the
classroom. Lastly, focus on the activities
group by encouraging students and
teaching them how to work as groups. 
To justify my PDP goals for this
semester I want to reach three goals: 

1-    First goal is demonstrated critical thinking through 2-    My second goal is following the classroom rules It
storytelling measured by observations I did not expect was good to choose this goal because the students
that children at this age can tell stories because they move a lot, talk and scream, and the children fight
are young. To tell stories, the child needs to be more most of the time. The students did not abide by the
attentive when the teacher reads the story to him so rules of the class. I tried to find a strategy to make
that he can tell it later. But some students were able to the students abide by the rules of the class, and I
tell the stories that I read to them, but not by reading found a way of colors by making the students’
the story. I was just reading them the story I was pictures in green. When the student violates the class
excited for the students to pay attention to the story. I rules, I give him a first verbal warning that reminds
used to ask them questions when I was reading the him of the rules of the class. The colors mean green
story to make sure that the students were paying for the committed student, yellow when I give the
attention to the story. I also helped them tell the stories student the second warning, and red when I give him
by printing the story map and put it in front of the the last warning.
student. When he forgot, he saw the story plan and
remembered and completed the narration of the story. I
also put the characters of the story in front of them. To
remind them of what happened in the story.
To justify my PDP goals for this semester I want to reach three goals: 

3-    The last goal is focus on the activities group, the students of this class did not learn how to work
as groups due to the distance that occurred due to the Corona virus, and the students had to learn how
to work as groups and cooperate. I changed the students’ tables and made them sit in groups and each
group contained 5 students and watched how it would be when they sat in groups and started writing
notes to students who do not commit to teamwork and sabotage the work on the rest of the group and
look for a solution for them.
Process of developing my PDP

04 Sticky 01

My goals Share my work

with my MST
from my
03 02
My smart goals:

01 Following the
critical thinking
Focus on the
storytelling group activities

 (Here's when I added the
story map into the lesson plan).

i d en ce
Afra told the story.

The MST is observed me

and telling me some advice.
I used to read a story every week to the students and the
teacher did not allow me to have more than two students tell
the story because she thought that this would waste time and
the other students would get bored so I only had two students
tell the story and I was writing my notes.
I noticed that Afra was able to tell the story fluently because
she was always paying attention when I read the story, but
Mansour could not tell the story because he was always
distracted by something else and talking to his colleague while
reading. near my table to notice the story and he was paying
attention and recounting some of the story.

The next week, after I read the story, I chose Khaled and Seif
to narrate the story and Seif was able to tell it because he is
one of the distinguished students who pay attention to the

teacher and always participate with him, but Khaled could not
Sticky notes after observing students. talk because his teacher always ignores him and does not pay
any attention to him because she says that he is weak

academically. I cannot waste time with him but We had to help
him talk to improve his level and I sat near him and made him
see the pictures of the story so that he could talk about it and

he was able to talk about some of the story.
The third week, I read the story and chose Share and Mary to
narrate the story. The class was able to tell some of the story.
Then, she needed some help to complete the narration, so I
gave her the map of the story to remember what happened
and complete the narration. Maryam was also able to tell the
whole story because she is one of the outstanding students.
Demonstrate critical thinking through storytelling

Link with Educational

Description theory
Why I chose it?
Children can tackle
challenging topics in
age appropriate Because we must
The teacher reads
ways. These topics show students'
the stories to the
can be revisited and abilities and help
students and then the
expanded upon year them develop
students tell the
after year. mentally and
In this goal the students enjoyed very much,
because I used real characters in front of
them, so I read the story and they saw the
characters in front of them, and this made
them pay attention a lot. I also prepared the
story map. When I finished reading the
story, I asked them who could tell me what
happened in the story, so the student Afra
told the story beautifully. And tidy because
she noticed the story when I was reading it,
efl e ct i on and because she had the map of the story,
R so she saw the map and remembered what
had happened. The students had a lot of
fun and wanted me to tell them another
story, but we don't have much time.
Su p p or t
(After observe students)

v id e nc e
Always keep in touch with the teacher

regarding any changes or updates.

(The strategy that I followed with
the students to abide by the rules of the class).
At first I observed the behavior of all the students and some of the
students were not abiding by the class rules and I talked to their
teacher because of their behavior and why they do not follow the
rules of the class and she said that she does not have time to focus
on all the students and she has no help and she said that I can
identify the students who do not comply with the rules of the class
and start improving their behavior so I monitored Students I noticed
that there are 5 students who always distract the rest of the
students, they are Mansour, Khaled, Ahmed, Ghalia and Saqr. I
started watching them and focusing on them. Mansour was a lot of
talking and moving and could not pay attention to the teacher. So,
we found a solution for Mansour, which is to alert him and remind
him of the class rules always, change his seat and make him sit

near the teacher’s table, and I noticed the next week that Mansour
started to improve. Khaled goes to the bathroom a lot to play, so the
rest of the students ask to go to the bathroom as well and they all

play, so when he asks to go to the bathroom, I go with him every
time to finish his need and then return to his place and he has no
room to play because I can't deprive a student of the bathroom

o b s e rv e because sometimes maybe He really wanted to go to the bathroom,

and then he started to go to the bathroom less because he had no
room to play. Ahmed used to draw and scribble a lot on the tables,

u d e n t s : and we cleaned them every day at the end of the work day, so I

started giving him papers and colors so that he could draw and paint
on them, not on the table. She talks a lot and the teacher always
gets distracted and cannot explain the lesson because of her. That
is why I always reminded her of the class rules and put her in yellow
and her only name would be on the yellow list. She kept silent so
that her name would return to green with the rest of the students,
and this plan worked for her. Saqr was always crying all day and
didn't want to come to class and I made him love school by making
him learn by playing and I always made him participate with the rest
of the students in the activities and he started to enjoy and love
Follow the class rules

Link with Educational

Description theory
Why I chose it?

Positive reinforcement
(praise, rewards, etc.)
strengthens behavior or
Because students
Helping students and increases the like hood that have to follow the
teaching them how the behavior will be class rules and abide
to follow and apply repeated. Negative
by them in order to
reinforcement pushed a
class rules. child away from a behavior. be organized.
During this week I tried to focus on the goal of
students following the classroom rules. The
students are irregular and do not follow the rules of
the class and are random and do not care about
the classroom rules, but I followed the system of
the student who does not follow the classroom
rules, his name will be shown in yellow, and when
he does not comply, his name will be shown in red,
and the students were following the system when
they saw that one of the students went down to the
color yellow. I did not expect that this system will

efl e ct i on work for them because they do not listen to the

R teacher and abide for 5 minutes and then break the

laws again, but with this system they are now
abiding by the rules of the class. This week I will
focus on finding a new way to get them to follow
the rules of separation because I think they will get
bored with this system and not care about it so I
have to find a new way which I'm thinking of is a
v id en ce
E (Students working in groups).

(Before sitting as groups).

(Asking my MST if I can change the tables).

After highlighting the work as groups, it was difficult for the
students to change their places in the beginning because
they used to sit as a pair and not as a group because their
teacher did not get used to group work always, they worked
as a pair or alone. I started changing the tables to make
them work as a group and then I started distributing the
students with the help of their teacher to make different
levels in each group so that they could help each other. I
started by observing the students and what their teamwork
would be like. I found that some of the troubled students

were sabotaging the activities of the rest of the group and
some of the students could not cooperate with their
colleagues. Talk with the teacher about some of the

problems that I noticed about the students, some of their
distribution as groups, and we found a solution by changing
the places of some of the troubled students who constantly

o b s e rv e sabotage the group work until we find the group that suits
them and makes them calm, and also talking to them

u d e n t s : constantly about the importance of teamwork and reminding

them of the rules of the class.
Focus on group activities

Link with Educational

Description theory
Why I chose it?
Because we must
The range of skills teach students the
that are a little bit importance of
Teaching students more difficult than teamwork and the
teamwork and how what a student can importance of
to help others. do independently. helping others
because this helps
them to strengthen
Lev Vygotsky their relationships
with each other.
Over the past week, I've focused around my
other goal, which is to get the students to
work in groups. The students in the class I
am with do not work in groups much, so we
should focus on this goal a lot. When the
students were distributed to the activities, I
would go with them and make them work as
groups by playing together or in pairs in
order to strengthen the students’
relationship with each other. Then I started
efl e ct i on making them work as groups in the
R activities when I explained to them a lesson.
Students began to learn how to work as a
group by cooperating, speaking, sharing
and performing the activity collectively.
Conclusion References

Writing my plan, setting my goals Yang, Y-T. C., & Gamble, J. (2013). Effective and practical critical
thinking-enhanced EFL instruction. ELT Journal, 67(4), 398-412.
and trying to implement and
accomplish them helped me a lot in Driscoll, M.P., (2014). The psychology of learning for instruction.
Pearson New International Edition.
arranging and organizing my time
and raising my level in school. It is Professional development plan basics: The purpose and benefits of
a PDP. Eat Your Career. (2021, June 21). Retrieved October 13,
good to set goals and write a plan 2021, from https://eatyourcareer.com/2019/06/professional-
because it helps you to be a development-plan-basics-the-purpose-and-benefits-of-a-pdp/.
successful teacher. Five simple tips for classroom management: Resilient educator.
ResilientEducator.com. (2018, August 16). Retrieved 2019, from

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