Module 3 Lesson 3 EGE 1 by LCA

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Lesson 3

5 Generation of Computer

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio


A computer is an electronic data

processing device, which accepts and
stores data input, processes the data input,
and generates the output in a required

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

What are the 5 Generation of

 First Generation The period of first generation: 1940-

1956. Vacuum tube based.
 Second Generation The period of second generation:
1956-1963. Transistor based.
 Third Generation The period of third generation:
1964-1971. Integrated Circuit based.
 Fourth Generation The period of fourth generation:
1971-2010 (Present). Microprocessor based.
 Fifth Generation The period of fifth generation: 2010-
Onwards (Present & Beyond). Artificial Intelligence
eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
 First generation (1940 - 1956)

 The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes as a major

piece of technology. Vacuum tubes were widely used in
computers from 1940 through 1956. Vacuum tubes were larger
components and resulted in first generation computers being
quite large in size, taking up a lot of space in a room. Some of the
first generation computers took up an entire room.

 The ENIAC is a great example of a first generation computer. It

consisted of nearly 20,000 vacuum tubes, as well as 10,000
capacitors and 70,000 resistors. It weighed over 30 tons and took
up a lot of space, requiring a large room to house it. Other
examples of first generation computers include the EDSAC, IBM
701, and Manchester Mark 1.
eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
 Vacuum Tube

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Second generation (1956 - 1963)

 The second generation of computers saw the use of transistors

instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors were widely used in
computers from 1956 to 1963. Transistors were smaller than
vacuum tubes and allowed computers to be smaller in size,
faster in speed, and cheaper to build.

 The first computer to use transistors was the TX-0 and was
introduced in 1956. Other computers that used transistors
include the IBM 7070, Philco Transac S-1000, and RCA 501.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Transistor

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Third generation (1964 - 1971)

 The third generation of computers introduced the use of IC

(integrated circuits) in computers. Using IC's in computers
helped reduce the size of computers even more compared to
second-generation computers, as well as make them faster.

 Nearly all computers since the mid to late 1960s have utilized
IC's. While the third generation is considered by many people to
have spanned from 1964 to 1971, IC's are still used in
computers today. Over 45 years later, today's computers have
deep roots going back to the third generation.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Integrated Circuit

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Fourth generation (1971-2010 (Present))

 The fourth generation of computers took advantage of the

invention of the microprocessor, more commonly known as a
CPU. Microprocessors, along with integrated circuits, helped
make it possible for computers to fit easily on a desk and for the
introduction of the laptop.
 Some of the earliest computers to use a microprocessor include
the Altair 8800, IBM 5100, and Micral. Today's computers still
use a microprocessor, despite the fourth generation being
considered to have ended in 2010.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Very-large-scale integration (VLSI)

 Ultra large-scale integration (ULSI)

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Very-large-scale integration (VLSI)

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Fifth generation (2010-Onwards (Present & Beyond))

 The fifth generation of computers is beginning to use AI (artificial

intelligence), an exciting technology that has many potential applications
around the world. Leaps have been made in AI technology and computers,
but there is still much room for improvement. Computers can understand
spoken words & imitate human reasoning. Can respond to its surroundings
using different types of sensors. Scientists are constantly working to
increase the processing power of computers. They are trying to create a
computer with real IQ with the help of advanced programming and

 One of the more well-known examples of AI in computers is IBM's

Watson, which has been featured on the TV show Jeopardy as a contestant.
Other better-known examples include Apple's Siri on the iPhone and
Microsoft's Cortana on Windows 8 and Windows 10 computers. The
Google search engine also utilizes AI to process user searches.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Ultra large-scale integration (ULSI)

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

How the computer Works?

 The computer performs the four basic functions, namely:

input, process, storage, and output.



eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
Data and Information
 Data- consist of raw facts represented with the help of characters such as
alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)
Ex. Random list of LGU Transactions

 Information- is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful

values for the receiver. Information is the processed data on which
decisions and actions are based.
Ex. Expenditures by Office and functions.

 Computer- accepts data, process these data and generate information as


eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

DATA Information

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
 Input (Data):
-Input is the raw information entered into a computer from
the input devices. It is the collection of letters, numbers,
images etc.

 Process:
-Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is
totally internal process of the computer system.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Storage:
- Saving data & instructions so that they are available for
processing as & when required.

 Output:
-Output is the processed data given by computer after data
processing. Output is also called as Result. We can save these
results in the storage devices for the future use.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Basic Components of a Computer

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Peopleware or User

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Parts of a Personal Computer

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
1. Hardware

 Hardware represents the physical and tangible components of

a computer, i.e. the components that can be seen and touched.
It consists of :

 A. Input devices- permit the computer user to communicate

with the computer.
 Ex. keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, light pen,
microphone, graphic tablet or digitizing pen, scanner, fax
machine, touch screen and etc.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 B. Output devices- where the processed data are displayed
or released.
 Ex. Monitor/Screen, printer, speakers, projector, etc.

 C. Storage Media- where data and instructions are stored.

 Two types:
1. Primary Storage
2. Secondary Storage

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 1. Primary Storage- or main memory, stores information for
very brief period of time.
 Ex. Registers, RAM, Cache Memory, ROM

 2. Secondary Storage- devices that store very large amounts

of data for extended periods of time.
 Ex. Magnetic Tape, Magnetic Disks, Hard drives (hard disks),
Magnetic diskettes (floppy disks), Optical Disks.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 D. Central Processing Unit (CPU)- where the conversion
and processing of data is done. CPU itself has following
three components:

 Memory or Storage Unit

 Control Unit-direct the flow of instructions and data
within the CPU.
 ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)- performs arithmetic and

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Memory Capacity:

 is the amount of data that can be stored in the storage unit.

This storage capacity is expressed in terms of Bytes.

 Bit- is a binary digit, either 0 or 1.

-smallest unit
 Byte- is composed of eight bits, can store 255 characters.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Hierarchy of byte memory capacity is
as follows:
 Kilobyte (KB)-1 KB = 1024 Bytes

 Megabyte (MB)-1 MB = 1024 KB

 GigaByte (GB)-1 GB = 1024 MB

 TeraByte (TB)-1 TB = 1024 GB

 PetaByte (PB)-1 PB = 1024 TB

-1024 terabytes, or a million gigabytes.
eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
2. Software

 are set of instructions or programs that tell the

computer how to perform a specific task.
 Two categories/types of software:
1. System Software
2. Application Software

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

1. System Software

 The system software is a collection of programs designed to

operate, control, and extend the processing capabilities of the
computer itself. System software is generally prepared by the
computer manufacturers. These software products comprise
of programs written in low-level languages, which interact
with the hardware at a very basic level. System software
serves as the interface between the hardware and the end

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 Some examples of system software are Operating System,
Compilers, Interpreter, Assemblers, etc.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Categories of System Software:

A. Operating System- tells the computer how to interact with the

user and how to use the hardware devices attached to the computer.
Ex. Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac OS and LINUX

B. Utility Program- help the user to manage and maintain the

Ex. PC-cillin, Norton Utilities

C. Compilers and Interpreters

Ex. C Compiler, BASIC Interpreter
eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
List of some of the most prominent features of a
system software

 Close to the system

 Fast in speed
 Difficult to design
 Difficult to understand
 Less interactive
 Smaller in size
 Difficult to manipulate
 Generally written in low-level language

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

2. Application Software

 Application software products are designed to satisfy a

particular need of a particular environment. All software
applications prepared in the computer lab can come under the
category of Application software.

 Application software may consist of a single program, such as

Microsoft's notepad for writing and editing a simple text. It may
also consist of a collection of programs, often called a software
package, which work together to accomplish a task, such as a
spreadsheet package.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Categories of Application Software:

A. Productivity Software
Ex. MS Office Tools, etc.

B. Graphics and Multimedia

Ex. Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, MS Publisher, etc.

C. Home, Personal and Educational Use

Ex. MS Office, etc.

E. Communications

eGE 1 Ex. Internet Explorer,Living

the IT Era byFirefox,
DMTenio Google Chrome, etc.
eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio
Features of application software are as follows

 Close to the user

 Easy to design
 More interactive
 Slow in speed
 Generally written in high-level language
 Easy to understand
 Easy to manipulate and use
 Bigger in size and requires large storage space

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Relationship between Hardware and

 Hardware and software are mutually dependent on each

other. Both of them must work together to make a computer
produce a useful output.
 Software cannot be utilized without supporting hardware.
 Hardware without a set of programs to operate upon cannot
be utilized and is useless.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 To get a particular job done on the computer, relevant
software should be loaded into the hardware.
 Hardware is a one-time expense.
 Software development is very expensive and is a continuing
 Different software applications can be loaded on a hardware
to run different jobs.
 A software acts as an interface between the user and the
 If the hardware is the 'heart' of a computer system, then the
software is its 'soul'. Both are complementary to each other.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

3. Peopleware or User

 is a term used to refer to one of the three core

aspects of computer technology, the other two
being hardware and software.
 Represents the skilled person who operates/ uses
the computer system.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

 There are different job titles for trained workers in
Information Technology today. The following are the
major information technology job titles today: Computer
Systems Manager, Database Administrator, Network
Administrator, Systems Analyst, Computer Engineer,
Computer Scientist, Computer Programmer, Computer
Operator, Data Encoder, Data Entry Operators, Computer
Librarian, Web Page Designer, Computer Security
Specialist, etc. As new uses of computers are discovered,
the demand for new job titles increasingly requires higher
level of skills and expertise. The possibilities are endless.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Capabilities, Faults
and Failures

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Computer Capabilities

1. Perform Logical Operations

2. Provide Information in a Lighting Speed
3. Store and Retrieve Information
4. Process Data Accurately
5. Perform Self-Checking

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Computer Faults

1. It needs good instruction to work properly

2. Inability to provide its own meanings
from objects
3. It cannot give the desired results by itself
4. Inability to check program errors.

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

Computer Failures

 Input errors
 Erroneous instructions
 The increasing demand for computer
 Limited access to the system
 Lack of standards

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

End of Lesson 3

Lesson 4

eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio



eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio


eGE 1 Living in the IT Era by DMTenio

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