Unit 2 - Networking & The Internet

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Networking &

the Internet

1 11/14/2022
Outline of presentation
O Computer network overview
O Types of computer network
O Network Topologies
O Network components &Tools
O Overview on the internet
O Web
O Purposes of the internet
O Browsers & its components
O Email 11/14/2022 2
Computer Network overview
O Group of computers & other devices that are
connected by some type of transmission media.

O E.g. In a network, we can use/access a single

printer which is connected locally to one
computer for group of other computers.

O It allows users to share resources & hence

decrease in the outlay for new hardware &
software. 11/14/2022 3
A typical network

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Types of computer network
O Networks are often defined by their
geographical size.  

O Local Area Network (LAN) : A network that

covers a small geographic area: like a home,
office, or building.

O Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): larger

than a LAN; connects clients and servers from
multiple buildings. 11/14/2022 5
Types …con’d
O Wide Area Network (WAN) : connects two or
more geographically distinct LANs or MANs
(one city to another and one country to another

O E.g. A national banking organization may use a

WAN to connect all of its branches across the
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Network Topologies
O It is a way of laying out the network & can be
either physical (PT) or logical (LT).

O PT describe how the cables are run.

O LT describe how the network messages travel.

O Each type differs by its cost, ease of installation,

fault tolerance, & ease of reconfiguration.
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A. Bus Topology
O It is the simplest physical topology which
consists of a single cable that runs to every

O Each computer shares the same data & address


O You run a cable from the 1st to the last computer.

Hence, it is difficult to add a workstation.
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Bus topology

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B. Star Topology
O It branches each network device off a central
device called a hub, making it very easy to add a
new workstation.

O It is easy to install.

O A cable is run from each workstation to the hub.

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Star topology

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C. Ring Topology
O This is a unique topology.

O Each entity participating in the ring reads a

message & then regenerates it & hands it to its
neighbor on a d/t network cable.

O It is difficult to add new computers.

O It will go down if one entity is removed from

the ring. 11/14/2022 13
Ring topology

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D. Mesh Topology
O It is the simplest logical topology in terms of data
flow, but it is the most complex in terms of
physical design.

O Each device is connected to every other device.

O It is very expensive to install and maintain but it

has high fault tolerance.
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Mesh topology

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E. Hybrid Topology
O This is simply a mix of the other topologies.

O Most networks today are not only hybrid but


O It may be more expensive than some types of

network topologies, but it takes the best features
of all the other topologies & exploits them.
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Topolog Advantages Disadvantages
Bus Cheap. Easy to install. Difficult to reconfigure. Break in
the bus disables the entire network.

Star Cheap. Easy to install. More expensive than bus.

Easy to reconfigure. Fault
Ring Efficient. Easy to install. Reconfiguration is difficult. Very

Mesh Simplest for data flow. Reconfiguration is extremely

Most fault tolerant. difficult. Extremely expensive.
Very complex.
Hybrid Gives a combination of Complex (less 11/14/2022
so than18 mesh,
the best features of each however).
topology used.
Network components &Tools

O Putting together a network is not as simple as

it was with the first PC network.

O You can no longer consider two computers

cabled together a fully functional network.

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1. Server: is the “leader of the pack,” offering
directions to the client computers regarding where
to go to get what they need.

O It offers networks the capability of centralizing

the control of resources & can thus reduce
administrative difficulties.

O Servers perform several tasks (like file servers,

print servers, remoteaccess services,
administration, mail, and so on.)
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2. Workstations: a computer that is found within a
network and configured with a NIC, networking
software, & the appropriate cables.

O They are the computers on which the network

users do their work.

O They are basically everyday computers, except

for the fact that they are connected to a network
that offers additional resources.

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3. Network Resources: is any item that can be
used on a network.

O Include printers and other peripherals, files,

applications, and disk storage.

4. Network Transmission Media: The physical

path that is used to carry a signal b/n a signal
transmitter & a signal receiver.

O There are two types of transmission media:

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O Guided Transmission Media/bound media: uses
a "cabling" system that guides the data signals
along a specific path.

O Common types of bounded media: coaxial,

twisted pairs & fiber optics cable.

O Unguided Transmission or wireless media:

doesn't use any physical connectors b/n the two
devices communicating.
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O Types: radio waves, micro & infrared waves.
5.Network Interface Cards or network adapter:
provides the physical interface b/n computer & cabling.

O It prepares, sends, & controls the flow of data. It can

also receive and translate data into bytes for the CPU to

6.Network Connectivity Devices: allow communications

to break the boundaries of local networks & let your
computers talk to other computers.

O Repeaters, Hubs/switches, Bridges, Routers, Brouters

and Gateways. 11/14/2022 24
O They are simple devices.

O They allow a cabling system to extend beyond its

maximum allowed length by amplifying the
network voltages so they travel farther.

O Repeaters are nothing more than amplifiers and,

as such, are very inexpensive.
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O Devices used to link several computers together.

O They are just multiport repeaters: They repeat

any signal that comes in on one port and copy it
to the other ports (a process that is also called

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O They are similarly to hubs in that they connect
several computers.

O However, switches don’t repeat everything they

receive on one port to every other port as hubs

O Rather, switches examine the header of the

incoming packet and forward it properly to the
right port and only that port. 11/14/2022 29
11/14/2022 30
O It segments a given network (to keep un-intended
traffic from entering d/t segments of a network)
according to the requirements.

O Bridges are more intelligent & can filter out noise

than repeaters.

O They cannot connect dissimilar network types or

perform intelligent path selection.
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O Highly intelligent devices that connect multiple
network types.

O Routers can determine the best path for data to

take to get to its destination. However, they are
slower than bridges b/c they are more intelligent

O Used to connect one LAN to another. Typically,

when a WAN is set up, at least two routers are
used. 11/14/2022 33
11/14/2022 34
O They are truly ingenious ideas, b/c they combine the
best of bridges & routers.

O They are used to connect dissimilar network

segments & also to route only one specific protocol.

O They are used when only one protocol needs to be

routed or where a router is not cost-effective (as in a
branch office).
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O Connect dissimilar network environments and

O Gateways convert data and repackage it to meet

the requirements of the destination address.

O This makes gateways slower than other

connectivity devices and more costly.
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Overview on the internet
O Internet is generally defined as network of
networks. Or it is largest WAN in existence.

O It is emerged for the US military purpose but

later adopted by the educational system, & now
exploited by the commercial world.

O It enables millions of computers to form a

universal super network & communicate &
exchange data & resources. 11/14/2022 37
O Intranet: is a smaller, closed version of the
internet in an organization. It is normally only
accessible by members of the same organization.

O Several workstations are connected through a

high performance computer called server.

O Server acts as a regulator of intranet which has

ability to allow or restrict access to information
contained its hard drive in the form of database.

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Layered System View

Intranet Corporate members

Extranet Clients, partners, customers

Internet Global society: competitors

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Summary of Internet, Intranet
& Extranet users

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O www was developed in 1989 by Tim Berners-
Lee in Switzerland.

O The original purpose of the Web was to use

networked hypertext links to ease
communication among its members that were
located in d/t regions.

O Websites are accessed over the Internet with

software called web-browser. 11/14/2022 41
O Each web page on the website has a unique
address, called a Uniform Resource Locator

O In reference to a website address/URL, there are

d/t domain names.

O A domain name is a name that identifies one or

more IP addresses.

O Domain names are also composed of TLD (Top

Level Domain) and Country codes. 11/14/2022 42
Examples of Top Level Domain
O •com- commercial business :Example:
www.google.com (Google)

O •gov - Government agencies :Example:

www.usa.gov (United States government)

O •edu- Educational institutions :Example:

www.harvard.edu (Harvard university Website)

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O •org - Organizations (nonprofit): Example:
www.wikipedia.org ( Wikipedia Website)

O •int – International organizations: www.who.int

(WHO website)

O •mil - Military : Example: www.army.mil (US

army website)

O •net - Network organ’s: www.ethiojobs.net

(Ethiopian Job Search company website)
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Others TLDs
O •biz (for businesses),
O •info (for information on websites),
O •name (for individual real names or use),
O •pro (for professionals), and others.

O Examples of Country Codes

O •et – Ethiopia : Example: www.moh.gov.et
O •de- German. Example: www.germany-
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Uses of the internet
OBanking and Investing
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Web Browsers
O A web browser is a software application which
enables a user to display & interact with text,
images, videos, music, games & other
information typically located on a web page at a
website on the WWW or a LAN.

O There are d/t types of web browser application


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O Internet Explorer: is becoming the latest web
browser with Windows products.

O Mozilla Browsers: The Mozilla platform offers

several browsers such as Mozilla Firefox,

O Opera: is a very popular alternative browser.

O Safari: is Apple's Web browser. It offers many

features for sophisticated Web browsing.11/14/2022 48
O Electronic mail is one of the communication methods by
which we can send message through the internet.

O When you create an account with an Internet Service

Provider, you are usually given an email address.

O The benefits and wonders of email include convenience,

speed, and accessibility.

O Using email you can send any form of file such as

image, or video as an attachment with minimal11/14/2022
cost. 49

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