Chapter 6 Banquet and Catering Service

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 In-house banquet functions which take place in

the company’s function rooms
 Outside catering that takes place in a venue
chosen by client or in an airlines, boats,
industrial site, other places.
Social events like parties, debut anniversaries, etc.
Conventions, conferences, meetings
Trade Exhibits

 Sit-down menus- where food is served to guest in their

respective tables using American or Russian service.
 Buffet- wherein foods are arranged in appropriate
sequence in a buffet tables and guest have to get food for
 Cocktails- hot and cold appetizers, finger foods like
canapets and hor d’ oevures are served buffet style.
Tables for guest are not set up since cocktail parties are
supposed to be a standing affair.
1. Banquet sales office
1.1. designing banquet packages with their corresponding
1.2. selling and promoting banquet facilities/services to
prospective clients
1.3. coordinating with various unit regarding concerns and
requirements for banquet events, particularly
1.4. attending to banquet bookings and reservations
1.5. preparation of event orders and event contracts
1.6. circulating information regarding function amendments
2. Banquet Service
2.1. preparing for the requirements for banquet functions-
2.2. amenities required by clients and the preparation of mis-
en-place, setting up the function room and/or catering venue;
2.3. serving food and beverage for banquet functions
2.4. coordinating very closely with banquet sales office for
the requirements of clients and for service instructions and with
the kitchen for the dispatching of food and with other
departments on matters pertaining to the functions.
Banquet service is under the overall supervision and command
responsibility of the banquet service manager or supaervisor.
A. Banquet Sales Manager or Coordinator
Basic function: responsible for handling bookings, reservations,
adjustments in banquet and catering functions as well as in promoting
banquet packages
Specific duties:
1. Assists sales executives in attending to banquet bookings, reservations and
inquiries and in making client calls.
2. Ensures that information regarding banquet bookings, cancellations and
adjustment are disseminated to all concerned departments.
3. Prepares banquet sales forecast and monitor sales against target
4. Designs marketing and sales strategies
5. Conduct sales blitz and other promotional activities
6. Prepares proposals for possible banquet materialization
7. Follows up on clients inquiries and tentative reservation
8. Prepares function order and ensures their proper circulation
9. Prepares the processes the signing of banquet contracts
10. Coordinates with the executive chef for the preparation of banquet menus.
11. Coordinates with other units for the smooth flow of service
12. Attends to the processing of application of commercial accounts
13. Prepares proposal to clients; scouts for new clients and accounts
14. Prepares sales and productivity reports and submit them to superior every
end of the month
15. Coordinates very closely with client organizers for the requirements
pertinent to the function
16. Checks the set-up and service and ensure that service standards and client
requirements are complied with
17. Coordinates with other department for the smooth implementation of
function requirements
18. Oversees ongoing functions
19. Prepares reports, solicitation, cancellation and banquet productivity
20. Supervises and checks the progress of task assigned to the staff
21. Performs other related duties aside duties assigned by superior
B. Banquet Sales Executive
Basic Function: Responsible for banquet sales and bookings.
Specific duties:
1. Attends to inquiries regarding banquets, menus, rates, packages of amenities,
terms, etc.
2. Conducts show rooms for interested clients.
3. Prepares proposals for possible banquet materialization in consultation with the
4. Follows up on the inquiries and tentative reservation
5. Prepares events orders for banquet function
6. Attends to the preparation and signing of banquet contracts
7. Checks with banquet service the availability of amenities and facilities required by
8. Checks preparations and service and ensure client satisfaction.
9. Maintains contracts and harmonious relationship with clients
10.Conducts sales blitz and implements marketing strategies
11. Goes on clients whenever called for
12. Attends to clients complaints and takes appropriate action
13. Conducts personal visits to individual/commercial accounts
14. Searches for new or potential markets through research and referrals.
15. Participates in company sales blitz, etc.
16. Maintains reports on solicitation, cancellation, progress of sales calls,
transportation report, etc.
17. Maintains and updates the accounts file and history of clients
18. Report to banquet manager noted deficiencies as well as complaints
regarding facilities and services.
19. Reports to superior about the progress of work assigned to her.
20. Performs other related duties as maybe assigned to her
C. Banquet Service Manager or Supervisor
Basic function: plans, organizes, directs and controls the set up and
service for all banquet function.
Specific duties:
1. In consultation with his superior, formulates policies and guidelines that
will ensure efficient flow of banquet operations.
2. Determines the operating requirements for banquet operations and prepares
operating budget based on these requirements
3. Establishes contract and harmonious relationship with prospective and
regular clients; entertains their inquiries, complaints and requests
4. Prepares staff work schedule and delegates side duties and special
5. Checks and monitors the preparations and actual service rendered for all
banquet function.
6. Calls for and presides over operational meetings with staff to discuss/resolve
operational problems and to discuss the progress of operations.
7. Conducts performance evaluation of her/his staff and discuss results with
them in an appraisal interview.
8. Undertakes disciplinary action against erring banquet staff in coordination
and consultation with the personnel manager.
9. Coordinates with the kitchen for the food preparations; with house keeping
section for cleaning and maintenance of function rooms and other departments
for the smooth flow of banquet service.
10. Coordinates very closely with banquet sales manager for the requirements
of clients for banquet functions and for special instructions regarding the set up
and service
11.Supervises the safekeeping, storage and insurance of banquet equipment's
and supplies
12. Supervise monthly inventory of stocks and supplies, monitors losses and
damages to equipment.
13. Makes spot check and monitors banquet service, ensuring that service
standards, policies and procedures are complied with
14.Monitors the use and maintenance of equipment under the custody o9f
banquet service; calls attention of supervisors/captain regarding carelessness
and recklessness of service staff.
15. Attends to investigation and processing of misconduct reports pertinent to
banquet service staff.
16. Evaluates the performance of his staff; calls their attention regarding their
performance deficiencies
17. Conducts orientation and training of his staff in coordination with training
manger and banquet service supervisor.
18. Performs other related duties as maybe assigned by superior
D. Banquet Captain
Basic function: overseas the set-up, service and cleaning in the
banquet function assigned to him
Specific duties:
A. Before the function
1. Initiates requisition for banquet supplies and equipment needed for
function assigned to him, using the event order as a reference.
2. Monitors the loading/transport of equipment's for catering functions
3. Initiates and supervises the installation and stocking of service station and
the bar if such is called for
4. Distributes assignments and side duties of banquet waiters and makes
5. Monitors the necessary preparation before the start of the operations and
sees to it that all needed supplies are available, clean and in good condition.
6. Conducts staff inspection and briefing among his staff before the start of the
7. Looks after the set-up, appearance, and cleanliness of the function rooms
8. Initiates and monitors the set-up of special amenities as contained in the
event order.

B. During the function

1. Receives celebrants, honourees and organizers, solicits their feedback on
set-up and finds out if they have other concerns with respect to the function
2. Monitors the performance of his staff and sees to it that they comply with
service standards and procedures as well as house rules.
3. Greets and entertains guests, attends to their needs, inquiries and complaints
4. Coordinates with the kitchen and other department regarding the
requirements, concerns and complaints related to banquets.
5. May assist in taking drinks order if the waiters are busy
C. After the function
1. Attends to the settlement of bills for banquet functions
2. 2. supervises the clearing of tables and the function rooms.
3. Checks for missing equipment and supplies, supervises stock inventory
4. Checks and supervises the storage and safekeeping of banquet equipment
and supplies.
E. Banquet and Receptionists and Attendants
Basic function: welcomes and greets guests at the entrance and
escorts them to their tables.
Specific duties:
1. Assists waiters in the preparation of mis-en-place and in the set up of the
2. Welcomes guests at the entrance and escorts them to their table
3. Attends to waiting guests
4. Fills/maintains reservations logbook and logs down critical incidents.
5. Monitors movements in the function room and reports to supervisor any
unusual incident or suspicious persons noted.
6. Attends to guests inquiries, request and complaints
7. Assist in making head count and in taking/serving beverage orders
8. Assist waiters in the service of food once all guest have entered the room
9. Assists waiters in clearing tables of soiled dishes, in cleaning the whole
area after the function and in conducting inventory
10. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior
F. Banquet Custodian
Basic function: responsible for the proper safekeeping and
issuance of banquet supplies an equipment
Specific duties:
1. Receives par stock from the company custodian and stores them in the
banquet storeroom
2. Undertakes opening and closing inventory of stocks
3. Issues stocks for banquet functions following prescribed policies
4. Receives and checks returned items for losses and damages and makes an
inventory/losses report
5. Assists banquet waiters during banquet functions
6. Performs other related duties as maybe assigned by superior
G. Banquet Waiter
Basic function: attends to mis-en-place preparation, set-up and
service during banquet function
Specific duties:
Before the function:
1. Assists in the set-up of service station
2. Wipes/prepares the necessary mis-en-place tray, cutleries, etc.
3. Refills salt and peppershakers and other condiments
4. Sets-up the table in accordance with floor plan
5. Installs/set-up required amenities like audio-visual, rostrum, etc.
6. Reports to supervisor for inspection and briefing

During the function:

7. Assists in seating the guest
8. Takes the serves beverage orders
9. Places drink orders to the bar and picks up orders.
10. Pushes the sale of beverage items
5. Presents beverage check, receives and remits payment
6. Attends to guest inquiries, request and complaints
7. Clears tables of soiled dishes

After the function:

1. Clears the function rooms
1.1. clears remaining soiled dishes and brings them to dishwashing area
1.2. unfold stackable chairs and tables and brings them to one corner
1.3. picks up soiled linen and bundled them by 10.
1.4. clears the area of dirt, mess and other trash
1.5. checks all areas for missing supplies and equipment
2. Assists in the inventory of supplies and accounts for missing and damaged
3. Unplugs electrical equipment and have them covered
4. Switches off aircon and lights
5. Brings equipment and amenities in their appropriate storage areas
6. Performs side duties and other assignments given by his superior
1. Inquiries and bookings for banquets are to be entertained at the banquet
sales office by sales personnel
2. If there are sales/booking offices other than the main office, the booking
party must first check with main office the availability of function rooms
before accepting booking and reservations to avoid double booking
3. Clients shall be made to choose from pre-designed menu packages.
4. One the client has decided on the menu packages, booking officer shall get
all the required information from the clients or organizer.
5. If t6he booking include room accommodation, a separate room reservation
form should be used for the room booking.
6. Clients is informed of some policies and provisions of the contract
7. One the clients has been briefed on the provisions of the contract and has
agreed on the terms and conditions, he is asked to sign the contract and pay
a deposit of 50%
8. After the payment is received, a receipt is issued to the client
9. After finalizing negotiations for the party, the booking officer shall prepare
and circulate a function order to all concerned
10. In case of cancellations or adjustments, a memo shall be circulated to the
above, using the appropriate adjustment form
11. Many hotels and food establishments make it a policy to require a
cancellation fee equivalent of 20% or 30% of cost of the minimum guarantee.
1. For the efficient flow of service the banquet service unit must maintain par stock
of banquet supplies and equipment
2. Upon receipt of a function order the banquet head waiter or captain should
prepare a requisition form indicating the type and quantity or equipment materials
needed for the function.
3. Property custodian shall issue the supplies based on the approved requisition.
4. Supervisor or captain in charge shall prepare a floor plan as a guide to this set up
5. The banquet head waiter or captain waiter must initiate and supervise the
preparation of service station
6. All the required mis-en-place that are prepared for set up must sanitized and
wiped dry
7. supervisor/head waiter must initiates the installation of other amenities for the
8. Table are to be set-up in accordance with the prescribed table plan
9. Set up must be completed at least 1 hour before the designated start of the party
1. Glasses are set-up upside down and inverted before the party starts
2. Appropriated are used for carrying during the set-up
3. All condiments are fully filled before service
4. Tent cards are set-up in facing the entrance
5. There are uniformity in the set up
6. Presidential buffet and cake table are skirted and the fold are evenly space
7. There are attractive centrepiece at the buffet table
8. Flowers and/or candelabra are set-up to add appeal
9. There is the appropriate blending of colours for the line use
10. Utensils, chinawares and glassware are clean and sanitized
11. All line and napkins are free of spots and dirt
12. The smoking area and non smoking areas are segregated with
corresponding signs
13. Set-up the tables and the function rooms are completed on time
1. Service operating equipment for banquet shall be stored at the central
stock room.
2. Stocks at the central stock room shall be under the custody of the
property of the custodian of the company.
3. Equipment and supplies which are to be use for banquest function
shall be requested from the store room with the captain initiating and
signing the requsition.
4. Equipments and supplies shall be issued by the property custodian
only upon presentation of a duty as sign requisition form.
5. The captain charge may endorsed his requisition copy to one of who
will pick up the equipment.
6. Incase of outside catering the loading of equipment that will be
transported to the catering site shall be supervise by the supervisor or
the captain.
7. Soiled dishes must be cleared to avoid losses.
8. After the end of its function an inventory of equipment and supplies
shall be immediately undertaken.
9. The staff on the duty shall be made liable for losses and damage of
10. All equipments that are issue at the store room should be
immediately return to the property custodian.
11. Losses and damages should be reported to the banquet manager.
12. An any equipment barrowed by another department should be
logged down as the counter sign by both issuing an receiving party.
The banquet captain is responsible for inssuring a smooth flow of banquet
1. Review manpower requirements and deligate assignments
1.1. check staff attendance and grooming
1.2. request additional manpower if necessary
1.3. give waiters their table assignments and said duties.
2. Check mis-en-place requirements.
2.1. review event order and take note of clients requirements
2.2. request for the needed supplies and equipments using the requisition form.
2.3. set-up service area (if not available)for mise-en-place preparation
2.4. check whether all glasses chinawares and flat wares are wipped dry.
2.5. coordinate with the housekeeping unit for the cleaning
of the social hall and function room.
2.6. check availability of audio visual and other
3. Physical arrangement and table formation
3.1. prepare a floor plan as guide for table formation and
3.2. check condition of tables and chairs
3.3. supervise the set-up of presidential, buffet and guest
3.4 supervise the bar set-up
3.5 check the availability or required amenities-dove, bell,
3.6 check tent cards and signage.
During the service
1. Captain must position himself at the entrance to resave and
welcome the guest
2. Pay special attention to the celebrant and the organizer and get
feedback about the set-up
3. Assists in sitting the guest

4. Incase of overflow, coordinate the organizer for additional

5. Make rounds to check each table ensuring the everyone are
properly serve
6. Monitor guest satisfaction, attend to their needs, concern in
7. For cash bar, check whether all ordered drinks
After the service
1. After the event settle the bill with the organizer

2. Supervised the clearing of soiled dishes

3. Check if crumbs are remove from all linen

4. Check whether all tables and chairs are properly stock

and stored
5. Check whether all electrical equipment's are switch off

6. Supervised the inventory of equipment's

7. Takes efforts to locate missing items

8. Log down and report to superior all critical incidents

losses complains and etc
1. Once the guest have left the function room clear the room of all soiled dishes
and linen
2. Load chinaware's in an oval tray and bar items in a bar tray
3. Carry all soiled item to dishwashing area
4. Place glasses directly to the divider rocks
5. Check for missing items under the chairs tables and ground
6. Remove table cloths and endorse them to the linen custodian
7. Clear all cloth napkins remove all crumbs and bundle them by tents
8. Stack chairs by 5’s and carry them to one side of the room
9. Remove tables, unlock all stackable ones and return them to the storage
10. Pick up all papers and dirt on the floor
11. Places all cutleries in appropriate container
12. Unplug all electrical equipment used for the function and store them properly.
13. Remove all sign board and store them properly
14. Make an inventory of stocks. Check for losses and damages

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