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MBA, 1st Sem , 1st year

MBA 107:Computer Application in Management

Topic: Operating System-Types
Lecture Number:7
June-Dec 2021
Dr. Pradeep Yadav
Associate Professor , Department of Computer Science &
• Prerequisite
• Objective
• Types of Operating System
• Batch Operating System
• Time-Sharing Operating Systems
• Multi-Programming Operating System
• Distributed Operating System
• Real Time Operating System
• Quiz
• Learning Outcomes
• Reference

BT 205 2

• Operating Systems Functions

BT 205 3

• Understand, list and define the types of operating system

BT 205 4
Types of Operating System

There are following types of Operating system:-

• Batch Operating System

• Time-Sharing Operating Systems
• Multi-Programming Operating System
• Distributed Operating System
• Real Time Operating System

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 5

Batch Systems

• Execution of a series of programs on a computer without manual


• Similar type of data and programs that need to be processed are grouped
as a “batch” and executed together.

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 6

Batch Systems


User Area

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 7

Batch Systems

Job 1 Batch 1

Job 2 Batch 2

Job n Batch n

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 8

Time-Sharing Operating Systems
•Each task is given some time to execute, so that all the tasks work smoothly.

• Each user gets time of CPU as they use single system.

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:5> 9

Time-Sharing Operating Systems

Job allocated to
New CPU Job
Job Completed
Ready Running

Allotted time

Completed Request


BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:5> 10

Multi Programming Operating System

•In this the operating system picks up and begins to execute

one of the jobs from memory.

•Once this job needs an I/O operation operating system

switches to another job (CPU and OS always busy).

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 11

Multi Programming Operating System

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 12

Multi Programming Operating System

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 13

Distributed Operating System
• A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers
and makes them appear to be a single computer.


Memory Memory Memory

Operating System


Memory Memory

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 14

Real Time Operating System

• These types of OSs serves the real-time systems.

• The time interval required to process and respond to inputs is very


• This time interval is called response time.

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 15

Real Time Operating System-Types

• Hard Real Time

• Soft Real Time

BT 205 SELO:1,8 <Reference:1> 16

1) In real time operating system ____________
a) all processes have the same priority
b) a task must be serviced by its deadline period
c) process scheduling can be done only once
d) kernel is not required

2) Hard real time operating system has ______________ jitter than a soft real
time operating system.

a) less
b) more
c) equal
d) none of the mentioned

BT 205 SELO:6 17
3) Multiprogramming is mainly accomplished by:

a) os
b) software
c) hardware
d) program

4) The technique that increases the system’s productivity.

a) multiprogramming
b) multitasking
c) multiprocessing
d) single-programming

BT 205 SELO:6 18
Compare hard and soft real time system.

BT 205 SELO:6 19
Student Effective Learning Outcomes

1. Ability to solve problems through application of theoretical &

practical concept.

6. Ability to observe and develop sense making, logical skills for

abstract concepts.

8. Ability to understand subject related concepts clearly along with

contemporary issues

BT 205 20
Learning Outcomes

• Various Types of Operating System

BT 205 21
1. Basic Computer Engineering- Anita Goel, Anand Motwani,Pearson
2. Basic Computer Engineering- Silakari and Shukla, Wiley India
3. Fundamentals of Computers - V Rajaraman, PHI
4. Fundamentals of Computers- E Balagurusamy, TMH
5. 1.Operating System Concepts – 9th Edition Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne
© 2013

BT 205 22

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