Lesson 3 Social Literacy

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◦Social literacy entails the development of
social skills, knowledge and positive human
values toward desire and ability in human
beings to act and react positively and
responsibly in a wide range of complex
social settings.
Types of Social Skills
◦ 1. Effective communication. It is the ability to communicate effectively
and share thoughts and ideas with students through group conversations,
discussions, etc.
◦ 2. Conflict resolution. It is the ability to get to the source of the problem
and find a workable solution by weighing both sides from those involved
with the goal of mediating for reconciliation.
◦ 3. Active listening. It is the ability to pay close attention to a student in
times of counselling, introspection and consultation.
◦ 4. Empathy. It is the ability to understand and identify the feelings of
students in times of difficulty and trouble
Types of Social Skills
◦ 5. Relationship management. It is the ability to maintain relationships and build key
connections with school stakeholders for the student’s development.
◦ 6. Respect. It can be done by knowing when to initiate communication and respond
during interactions or even in times of heated arguments and confrontations.
◦ 7. Problem- solving skills. These involve seeking help, making effective decisions and
accepting consequences to derive better solutions to the problem.
◦ 8. Interpersonal skills. These include the abilities of sharing, joining activities, asking
for permission and waiting for one’s turn in every facet of school undertakings.
Impact of Social Skills
◦1. Better relationships
◦2. Better communication
◦3. Greater efficiency
◦4. Advanced career prospects
◦5. Increased over- all happiness
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
◦Goleman (1996)-
◦(1) ability to recognize, understand and
manage own emotions;
◦(2) recognize, understand and influence the
emotions of others.
Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
◦ 1. Think about feelings. A person has to be sensitive to one’s and other’s
feelings to come up with the right manner of approach or appropriate response.
◦ 2. Pause. This is about taking a moment to stop and think before doing
anything to refrain from resorting to an unsound decision at the height of anger.
◦ 3. Strive to control one’s thoughts. This is controlling the reaction to
emotions by focusing on one’s thoughts in harmony with goals and values.
◦ 4. Benefit from criticism. Criticism, even not delivered in a favorable way, is
an opportunity to learn and it gives idea on how others think about you.
Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
◦ 5. Show authenticity. This is saying what we mean with what we say we have
to stick on to our values and principles.
◦ 6. Demonstrate empathy. Whenever we show empathy to others, such as
understanding their thoughts and feelings, we can easily establish a connection
with them.
◦ 7. Praise others. This is by way of acknowledging and appreciating others
toward attaining self- fulfillment and building trust.
◦ 8. Give helpful feedback. Although negative feedback may hurt one’s
feelings, at some point, it can be turned constructive for one’s improvement.
Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Intelligence
◦ 9. Apologize. Saying sorry demonstrates humility, a quality that will naturally win others as
you value the relationship more than ego.
◦ 10. Forgive and forget. Forgiving and forgetting prevent others from holding emotions and
allowing one to move forward.
◦ 11. Keep our commitments. The habit of keeping one’s word in things, either big or small,
develops a strong reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.
◦ 12. Help others. One way to positively win others is through helping them because listening
to and helping them can build trust and inspire them to follow.
◦ 13. Protect ourselves from emotional sabotage. This is being wise enough in protecting
ourselves when others attempt to manipulate our emotions for personal sake
Ten Characteristics of an Emotionally
Intelligent Person (Connors 2018)
◦ 1. Empathy. It is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within
their frame of reference.
◦ 2. Self- awareness. It is the art of understanding one’s self, recognizing the stimuli that he/she faces
and preparing how to manage him/herself, both in a proactive and reactive manner.
◦ 3. Curiosity. It is one’s willingness to learn improve. When one is curious, he/she is passionate and
therefore, he/she is driven to desire to be at his/her best.
◦ 4. Analytical mind. It pertains to being critical thinker that analyzes and processes all new
information that comes his/ her way and see if they can extract ways to improve.
◦ 5. Belief. It is the power of believing one’s self, both at present and the future. It is a matter of
affirming that people and things in one’s life happen for a reason and that everything will ultimately
turn out to be good.
Ten Characteristics of an Emotionally
Intelligent Person (Connors 2018)
◦ 6. Needs and wants. It is something to discern between things that one needs versus things that
he/ she wants and establishing prior to fulfilling wants.
◦ 7. Passion. It is the natural desire, instinct, drive, ambition and motivated love for a subject or
someone. More so, it brings positive energy that helps sustain and inspire one to keep going.
◦ 8. Optimism. It is about maintaining a positive attitude that may increase one’s opportunities,
improve relationships and think clearly and constructively.
◦ 9. Adaptability. It is an important recognition and the ability to make or remake decisions in
one’s best interest. It is also determining when to continue his/her course, or when is the time
for a change.
◦ 10. Desire to help others succeed. It is becoming interested and appreciative of the success and
achievement of others.
People Skills
◦1. Personal effectiveness or about how one
comes across with others
◦2. Interaction ability or how well one predicts
and decodes behavior
◦3. Intercede easily or ability to lead, influence
and build bridges between people
Strategies in Obtaining Good People
◦ 1. Good communication skills. It is ability to take information, clarify comments
and participate in effective verbal and written exchanges.
◦ 2. Conflict resolution skills. It is the ability to mediate disputes and resolve conflict
among others is an important personal and personal skills.
◦ 3. The value of patience. Patience is an exceptional people skill that is valuable in
every profession. It involves being able to maintain an even temper, repeat and
explain information as necessary and control anger in even the most trying
◦ 4. Tolerance and understanding. Tolerant people have the ability to accept
differences, even when they don’t personally agree with them.
Ten Essential People Skills to Succeed
◦1. Being socially assertive
◦2. Crafting a memorable presence
◦3. Mastering communication
◦4. Sustaining lasting confidence
◦5. Being an excellent conversationalist
Ten Essential People Skills to Succeed
◦6. Being highly likable
◦7. Being exceptional at decoding emotions
◦8. Pitching ideas
◦9. Being charismatic
◦10. Being an influential leader

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