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Our Moral life is our response to God.We need to examine our image of God and to make sure we do not have an incomplete or distorted image of God or else our moral response may be distorted. No single image can capture God completely but we can constantly strive hard and have a more authentic image of God.


The key to the moral life is the human person, considered in the light of both reason and faith.

Human Acts
Human Acts (actus humanus) are actions that proceed from insight into the nature and purpose of ones own doing and from consent of free will; or shorter, they are acts which proceed from insight and free will. A human act is a thought, word, deed, desire or omission which comes from a man acting with full knowledge of what he is doing, who is free to act or to refrain from action, and who gives full assent to his will to act. Other acts performed by man without full knowledge, freedom and choice are simply called ACTS OF MAN.

Acts of Man
Acts of man (actus hominis) are performed without intervention of intellect and free will. They comprise all spontaneous biological and sensual processes, like nutrition, breathing, sensual impressions; Acts performed by those who have not the use of reason, like people asleep, lunatics, drunken people; All spontaneous reactions which precede the activity of the will, like first reactions of anger and sympathy; Forced acts which, though affected with some insight and cooperation of the intellect, are carried out against mans personal decision and will. Acts of man, therefore, are indeliberate, not free, involuntary, not under our control and beyond the mind and the will


KNOWLEDGE The will can decide for something and seek it only if it is first known, thus Knowledge of the aspired object is required. FREEDOM Consent of the free will is required, which implies freedom from any external or internal compulsion. VOLUNTARINESS Also know as the intention of the agent.

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