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Retrofitting School Libraries for

21st Century Learners

Margaret Sullivan
Library Resource Group LLC

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Personal Biases
• What are yours?
• What are your school administrators?
• What are the school boards?
• What are your communities or the parents?

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

What are your biases?
• Educational Models
– L4L Advocates
• Experiences
• Training and Educational Background
• Demographics
• History /Family

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

My Biases
• I believe in “Books”
– Books build literacy
– Read for pleasure and relaxation
– “The Power of Reading” by Stephen Krashen’s 2004
– Literacy should be a National Concern
• 1 in 7 Adults are Illiterate
– “The Dumbest Generation” by Mark Bauerlein 2008

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

My Biases
• Intolerable distance between the “Haves” and
the “Have Not’s”
– Addressing the challenges of “have not’s”
• “The Meaning of the 21st Century” by James Martin 2006
• “The Shame of the Nation” or “Death at an Early” “Age
of Savage Inequalities” by Jonathan Kozol

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

1. Administrators
2. School Board
3. IT Director
4. Librarian


November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

What is a 21 Century Learner? st

“Twenty-first century learners are always on,

always connected. They are comfortable
multitasking. They are multimedia oriented.
Their world is Web-based. They want instant
gratification. They are impatient, creative,
expressive and social. They are risk-takers who
thrive in less structured environments.”

Partnership for 21St Century Learners

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Skills Categorized
• Information and Communication Skills:
– Information processing skills include
information and media literacy, visual
literacy as well as communications and
technology literacy, and oral, written and
multimedia communications.

Partnership for 21St Century Learners

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Skills Categorized
• Thinking and Problem-solving Skills:
– These skills use problem-solving tools, such
as spreadsheets, decision support and
design tools, to develop critical thinking,
systems thinking, problem solving, creativity
and innovation.

Partnership for 21St Century Learners

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Skills Categorized
• Personal and Workplace Productivity Skills
– These skills include interpersonal and
collaboration skills, the ability to self direct,
adaptability, ethical behavior,
social/personal accountability, leadership, as
well as project planning and development.

Partnership for 21St Century Learners

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

What is a 21 Century Learner?

• Learning 4 Life AASL Standards and Guidelines for 21 st

Century Learners

– Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.

– Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply
knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
– Share knowledge and participate ethically and
productively as members of our democratic society.
– Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Activities: What are they doing?
– Brainstorming, reading, teaching, eating,
mentoring, writing, storytelling
• Environments: Where is it taking place?
– Location, noise, lighting, all the senses
• Interactions: With whom are they interfacing?
– Talking, seeing, collaborating
Conifer Research tips and framework

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Objects: What are they using?
– Chairs, tables, projectors, keyboard, whiteboard
• Users: Who are they?
– Groups
• Classes
• Teams
– Individuals
– Demographic data
Conifer Research tips and framework

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Information Gathering
• Interviewing, focus groups
• Shadowing
• Fly on the Wall
• Note-taking
• Physical Traces

Conifer Research tips and framework

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Schools for a New Millennium
The Language of School Design by Prakash Nair & Randall Fielding

• Independent Study
• Peer Tutoring
• Collaborative Work in small and mid-sized
groups (2-6 students)
• One-on-One Learning with a Teacher
• Lecture Format
• Project-based Learning

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Schools for a New Millennium
The Language of School Design by Prakash Nair & Randall Fielding

• Technology-based Learning with mobile

• Distance Learning
• Research via the Internet with Wireless
• Student Presentations
• Performance and Music-based Learning
• Seminar-Style Instruction
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
Schools for a New Millennium
The Language of School Design by Prakash Nair & Randall Fielding

• Community Service Learning

• Naturalist Learning
• Social/Emotional Learning
• Art-based Learning
• Storytelling
• Learning by Building, Hands-on based Learning

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Learning/Information Commons
• Computer workstation clusters
• Collaborative learning spaces
– Cafes
– Gaming Environments
• Presentation Support Centers or Multimedia
Presentation Centers
– Electronic Classroom
• Digital Media Studios or Advanced Technology
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
Learning/Information Commons
• Instructional Technology Centers for Faculty
– Multimedia Support
• Soft Seating
– Lounges
– Cafes
– Social Networking
– Rest/Relaxation

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Learning/Information Commons
• Writing Centers and other academic support
• Privacy, personalized study area
• Private spaces
– Meetings
– Projects
– Seminars
– Receptions
– Programs
– Cultural events

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Sensory Stimulation
Technology Integration


November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Floor Plans


November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Zone Planning School Library


Fiction space
Signage Staff
Non-Fiction Reading
Meeting Space

Information Computer
Online Services Labs
Zone Planning School Library with
Wireless Network

and Circulation Work
Fiction Signage Desk space

Teaching Offices
Off-site Reading
Access Non-Fiction
Online Services Social
Networking Teacher
Computer Gaming
Labs Resources
Distance Learning Media Production

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

What need to be included/excluded?
Which space should have larger circle?
Which spaces can be smaller circles?
New circles?


November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Sustainability, Green Components
• Indoor Environmental Quality
– Carpet
• Ergonomics
• Acoustics and Ceiling Height
• New Windows and Treatments
– Light, Natural and Even
– New Energy Efficient Lights
– Light Switches verses Motion Detectors

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Planning: Technology Integration
• Electronics and Equipment
– Copy machine, laminating, binding
– Computers, Printers, Scanners, Cameras
– Televisions, DVDs, Multimedia Projectors
• Electrical Outlets
– Quantity and Location
• Phone Lines and Data
– Wireless network
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Safety and Security

– One Main Entrance
– Traffic Flow
– Site Lines
• Shelving heights
• Blind corners
• Exits

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Interior Color Palette
– Walls
– Flooring
• Squares verses rolls
• New Materials
– Wood Finishes
– Laminates
– Fabrics

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

• Work on Zones in Manageable/Logical Phases
• Weeding Process
– Materials
– Equipment
– Furniture
– Decorations/Displays
• Negotiate Budget
• Develop a Floor Plan
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
Furniture Issue
• Flexible
– New verses retrofitting
• Comfortable
• Scale
• Decentralized

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC
Samples to Discuss


November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Works Cited
• A Chronicle of West Virginia’s 21st Century Learning Initiatives, West Virginia Department
of Education 2008

• Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, ACRL/ALA 2000

• Standards for the 21st Century Learner, AASL/ALA 2007

• Schools and the Stimulus: How America’s Public School Districts Are Using ARRA Funds,
AASA, 2009

• Free Reading, by Stephen Frashen, School Library Journal, 9/1/2006

• Bauerlein, Mark, The Dumbest Generation, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Group 2008

• Kozol, Jonathan, The Shame of the Nation, Crown Publishing 2005

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Works Cited
• Martin, James, The Meaning of the 21st Century, Penguin Group 2006 Palfrey, John and Gasser,
Urs, Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives, Basic Books, 2008

• Nair, Prakash and Fielding, Randall, The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21 st
Century Schools, DESIGNSHARE.COM, 2005

• Barton, Paul E. and Coley, Richard J., Windows on Achievement & Inequality,, Educational
Testing Service 2008

• Hassel, Bryan, Revised edition updated Maria Ferguson, Comprehensive School Reform: Making
Good Choices, 2002

• Reading Performance and Achievement Gaps, Indicator 12, The Condition of Education, NAEP

• Tough Choices or Tough Times, Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce, National
Center on Education and the Economy 2009

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

Works Cited
• Is the Emphasis on Proficiency Shortchanging Higher and Lower Achieving Students,
Center on Education Policy 2009

• Greene, Jay and Foster, Greg, Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates
in the United States, Manhattan Institute , 2003

• How Teens Use Media, Nielsen Report, June 2009

November 6, 2009 Library Resource Group LLC

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