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Changes on the Earth’s surface as a

result of earthquakes and volcanic

any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage
of seismic waves through Earth’s rocks.
Kinds of Earthquake
Tectonic Earthquake when two tectonic plates move
suddenly against each other, an earthquake occurs.This
kind of earthquake is known as tectonic earthquake.
Seismograph measures the magnitude of an earthquake.
Magnitude is the energy released by the earthquake form its
focus. The focus is the break in the ground caused by the
pressure of the moving rocks. This is the place where the
earthquake originates. The ground around above the focus is
called the epicenter. It is measured using a Richter Scale.
Intensity is a measure of how much damage earthquakes cause
on the surface. The shaking is measured on the Modified Mercalli
Volcanic Earthquake occurs in areas that are associated
with volcanic activities.As the fluid magma rises to the
surface,its pressure fractures rock masses and causes
continous tremors that can be felt on small scale.
 is an opening or rupture in the
earth’s surface that allows magma (hot
liquid and semi-liquid rock), volcanic
ash and gases to escape. They are
generally found where tectonic plates
come together or separate but they can
also occur in the middle of plates due
to volcanic hotspots.
Active volcano in
the Philippines

Mayon volcano
Inactive volcano in the
Volcanologist can tell when a
volcano is about to erupt. The
following are the signs of an
impending eruption, bulging sides
of the volcano, earthquakes and
gaseous fumes (Ballon, 2014).
Volcanic eruption 
is when lava and gas are released from
a volcano—sometimes explosively. The
most dangerous type of eruption is
called a 'glowing avalanche' which is
when freshly erupted magma flows
down the sides of a volcano. They can
travel quickly and reach temperatures
of up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Types of Volcanic Eruptions
• Explosive or Violent Eruptions During
explosive eruption, the lava ejected is torn
into shreds, forming pieces of pyroclastic
materials called tephra.The composition of
magma affects the volcanic activity.When
magma contains more silica, the magma is
thicker and more viscous. In this case, the
eruption is a violent one, releasing huge
amount of tephra.
• Quiet Non-Explosive Eruption
Basaltic magma has relatively low
silica readily from it.It is less viscous
and gases can escape readily from it.
As a result , the volcanic eruption is
mild and a gentle flow of lava follows
(Padpad, 2015).
Plate Boundaries and Plate Movements
Plate boundaries are areas where two
plates meet. The plates move or drift
slowly. As plates move, they interact in
several ways. Two plates could collide ,
separate, or slide past each other. The
movements of plates help geologists explain
different geological events like earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and the formation of
Tectonic plates are composed of
the rigid outer portion of the
Earth , called lithosphere
Convergent Plate Boundaries occurs when
tectonic plates collide and move toward each
other. Divergent Plate Boundary occurs when
two plates move apart from each other and
Transform Plate Boundary occurs when two
lithospheric plates slide past each other along
transform faults. These three types of plate
boundaries cause movements in the Earth’s
crust resulting to an earthquake.

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