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Amit Kumar
Reg. no. 12113477
Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 2
Community Development Program
• Launched on 2nd October, 1952.
• Objectives:
1. To aware the people
2. All sided development
3. To motivate people
4. Provide equality
5. Solve community problems

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 3

Tanishqua Educational Trust

• Founded in 2017 in Nalanda District of Bihar

• The main objective of this organisation is to provide quality education to the
people in rural areas and to make people aware about several health issues.

Vision of Tanishqua Educational Trust

• It aims to achieve behavioural, social and economic transformation for students
across India and want an India where all children have equal opportunity to
access quality education.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 4

Our Project

• The name of our project is “Social Health Awareness Programme”.

• Aim of Project:
The aim of this programme is to spread awareness about common causes of
several diseases like cleanliness, wrong perceptions about vaccines for diseases
like COVID-19, malnutrition etc.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 5

Problem Identification

• In Bihar, lack of awareness towards several diseases causes a lot of deaths.

• Although the situation has improved in the past few years, still it is a very big
problem and act as a barrier in the development in Bihar.

• In the pandemic of COVID-19, many have lost their lives due to lack of
awareness, which is a major concern in the current era.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 6

Causes of the Problem Identified

• There are several causes of diseases in Bihar.

• Lack of cleanliness, flood (which causes several water-borne diseases), wrong perceptions about
some life saving vaccines for diseases like Covid-19, and malnutrition are some of the causes of
several diseases in Bihar.

• So, we have decided to make people aware about the causes of these diseases like:

• Lack of Cleanliness
• Malnutrition
• Lack of knowledge about the vaccines

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 7

Importance of Cleanliness

• The goal of cleanliness are health, beauty, absence of bad odour and
to avoid the spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others.

• It gives rise to a good character by keeping body, mind, and soul

clean and peaceful.

• Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because

Fig. Lack of
it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by cleanliness
keeping us clean externally and internally.

• It’s everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and

their surroundings clean and hygienic. It also brings good and
positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the occurrence of

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 8


• Malnutrition is lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having

enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being
unable to use the food that one does eat.

• Nearly 67% of the country’s population suffers from malnutrition.

It increases the risk of diarrhoea, measles, malaria and pneumonia.
It may also impair a young child’s physical and mental

• To spread awareness for malnutrition, we have initiated a door-to-

door campaign, which is still going on. But we believe that this
problem cannot be tackled just by awareness because poverty is
one of the main reasons for malnutrition. In order to tackle this
problem, government of Bihar should take some preventive
Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 9
Importance of Covid-19 Vaccine

• Vaccination builds protection

COVID-19 vaccines help our body develop immunity and
are effective at preventing the disease.
• It’s safe
The main concern that was among many people that “Is it
safe? “ - Getting vaccinated helps you build protection
without experiencing the disease.
• Vaccination will help stop the pandemic
Slowing the spread of COVID-19 with vaccination and
other measures will help us put the COVID-19 pandemic
behind us

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 10


Some of the objectives of this “Social Health Awareness Programme” are:

• To educate people about the importance of good nutrition, cleanliness and good
sanitation in keeping them healthy and free from diseases

• To spread awareness about the importance of vaccines in the prevention of

certain diseases

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 11

Steps taken in order to accomplish the objective

• Our first steps to accomplish was to motivate local peoples to clean their
surroundings and tell them about the importance of cleanliness in order to keep
them healthy.
• Then we made locals of Sabbait, Deepnagar (Nalanda) aware about malnutrition
and made them aware about various health issues that occur due to malnutrition.
• In due course of execution, we have found that there are many wrong perceptions
about vaccines. Many thought that these vaccines may cause further more health
issues. So, we started door to door campaign and told the importance of these
vaccines to locals.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 12

Steps taken in order to accomplish the objective

• We have organized meetings with locals and

motivated them to clean their surroundings
and keep themselves clean as well. Apart
from this we told them about the
consequences of malnutrition and inspired
to have the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as

Fig. These pictures are taken during the meeting held with locals

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 13

Effectiveness of the Project

• Spread Awareness about some causes of diseases

We have motivated many people keep their surroundings clean.

• Education is Important
Our NGO also works to provide free quality education for all. So, during this campaign,
we have motivated many families to send their children to schools.

• Motivated many to have COVID-19 vaccines

During this campaign, we have taught many people about the importance of COVID-19
vaccine and motivated many to take the vaccine.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 14

Future Plans of “Tanishqua Educational Trust”

• During this programme, we were not able to get any effective outcome for tackling the
problem of malnutrition. So, our NGO is planning to start a more effective programme in
order to tackle the problem of malnutrition.

• Apart from this, our NGO is looking forward to start a campaign to spread awareness
about the female sanitary health.

• We believe that most these problems can be solved just by providing proper education to
each and everyone. So, “Tanishqua Educational Trust” aims to achieve an India where all
children have equal opportunities to access quality education.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 15


“Health of a nation is more important than the wealth of a nation”

In order to build a healthy society, we all have to come forward to tackle this problem.
Everyone should educate themselves as well as others about several measures that can be
taken in order to have a healthy disease free surrounding.

Apart from this, the pandemic of COVID-19 taught us many lessons why should we take
health so seriously.

We should also keep in mind that “Prevention is better than Cure”.

Community Development Project by Amit Kumar 16

“Health is like
money, we
never have a
Thank You!
true idea of its
value until we
lose it”


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