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Presented by, G.Sahithya & P.Chandrakalavathi 3rd CSE, B.


First wave Second wave Third wave

BETWEEN Pervasive computing and Traditional computing

Fig: Taxonomy of computer systems research problems in pervasive computing.

Sensors Processors Actuators

Active Passive Coercive

Government initiatives Healthcare Domiciliary care Environmental monitoring Intelligent transport systems

Engineering issues Privacy, security and safety Technological measures



Smart andbags Smart ars Smart ings

Smart schools Intelligent elder-care Smart offices Digital cities

The Active Badge

The pill-cam

Artificial Retina

Smart Dust

Invisible Socialisation Decision-making Emergent behavior Information processing Enhancing experience Convergence

slow expensive connections frequent line disconnection limited host bandwidth location dependent data

to overcome both the technical and ethical/legal barriers technical challenges social and legal issues economic concerns research challenges

Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC ) IBM's project Planet Blue Carnegie Mellon University's Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Wrist watch


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