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by Manuel E. Arguilla
Manuel E. Arguilla was born on June 17,
1911 in Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union to
parents Crisanto Arguilla, a farmer, and
Margarita Estabillo, a potter. Their
mediocre living was not a hindrance for
Manuel to attain his dreams especially in
He finished his elementary school in his hometown
and his high school in San Fernando where he became
the editor-in-chief of his school's newsletter, the La
Union Tab. He was also an athlete where he became
champion in swimming events he joined. He entered
the University of the Philippines where he joined the
UP Writers Club and later became the president and
the editor of the UP Literary Apprentice. He finished
Education in 1933. He married Lydia Villanueva, a
fellow artist and writer and lived in Ermita, Manila.
Upon graduation, he practice his profession in
University of Manila. He later joined the Bureau of
Public welfare where he was the editor of Welfare
Advocate, the bureau's publication. As a writer, his
famous works were compiled in a book entitled How
my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife (And Other
Stories) published by Philippine Book Guild in 1940.
These stories were written when he was 22-29 years
old. This collection of stories won first prize in short
story category during the first Commonwealth
Literary Contest in 1940.
An afternoon on a hut with a tamarind tree beside it, Pablo, an old farmer, came
from the farm and unhitched his carabao upon its empty sled and began to feed it
with a zacate. Then, he called his wife, Sebia, from their hut but no one answers
him. He goes to the neighborhood to ask if they’ve seen Sebia and his children
but Osiang, their neighbor, seems not hearing what Mang Pablo is asking and
give a question back regarding his husband Andres. Later sometime Osiang told
Mang Pablo that his wife and three children went to the creek for some snails.
The Story Mang Pablo reminisce the scenario later that morning when he
with the several other tenants driven with their sleds to the house of the
senora to borrow some grains. But as they go changes come, their usual
tersiohan system on borrowing became takipan meaning the amount that
they borrow becomes double at harvest time. His co-tenants refuse for this
is too much and can’t even know if they can pay it exactly at the time given.
In the end everyone leave with an empty sled and will come home without
any rice to eat.
The Story Then, Osiang’s voice broke the silence. Asking if he had already
cook their rice and offered him pieces of coal. When he is about to go back
home Andres came and give a sign telling he must wait for him. Andres – dark,
broad and squat man, wearing a printed camisa de chino appeared asking Mang
Pablo if he is coming with them. Mang Pablo advice him not to continue this
because they will commit stealing but Andres together with other men is
The Story As he turned, he had seen wife and three children and was
accompanied with a man. The man told him that they are fishing in the fields
but Sebia disagreed and told him that they are just gathering some snails. Then,
the watchman told Mang Pablo that they must pay five cavans. Sebia is asking
for the rice but Mang Pablo told him that there is no rice while looking in his
hungry children seeing weakness and pain then he asks for his bolo joining
Andres and together they walked to the house of Eli.

• Pablo – an old farmer

• Sebia – Pablo’s wife
• Senora – the watchman
• Andres – Pablo’s co-farmer, much younger than Pablo
• Osiang – Andres’ wife
Hacienda Consuelo - a
SETTING rice field

"That even the righteous man

THEME can do anything just for his
family's sake

Man vs. Society - society plays an important role to Pablo's

TONE life because it serves the biggest obstacle for him to live a
good life.
by Néstor Vicente Madali Gonzalez
- September 8, 1915 (Romblon,
- Teacher, Author, Journalist and an
- studied at NU, Manila
- his forte depicts the life of the Filipinos
- wrote 14 books & received 35 awards.
- wrote for the Philippine Graphic & later edited for the Evening
News Magazine & Manila Chronicle.
-Taught in UST, PWU and UP
Novels: The Winds of April, The Bamboo Dancers & A Season
of Grace
Short Story: Children of the Ash-Covered Loam & The Bread of
Salt and
Essays: Work on the Mountain & The Novel of Justice: Selected
"Literature is an affair of letters,” - N.V.M. Gonzalez
It was his assigned duty to be up early in the morning and be on his way to the baker’s to
buy rolls and pan de sal for the breakfast table. He was fourteen and he has already got used
to his task. On his way he thought of the bread of salt – pan de sal – and wondered how it
was made, what gives its flavor and shape. He looked around the landscape at daybreak and
once again remembered how much he adored Aida, the niece of the old Spaniard whom he
thought he was destined to serve, just like his late Grandfather. At times he thought it was
his duty to stay in the house in the service of the young maiden. He even dreamed that she
likewise keeps an intense emotion for him, which she will only dare manifest in the right
He was a diligent student and violinist. It didn’t take long before he was
transferred from second to first violin and before long, he was invited to join
Pete Saez’ band and perform in one engagement after another. He was happy
to earn money through his own skill, although it was with utter bitterness that
he had to endure rehearsals despite the outward disapproval of his aunt against
his chosen field. She thought musicians are no better than dogs scurrying to
get their mouths on food scraps in trash bins. But he didn’t mind, thinking that
the money he’ll earn from playing the violin will allow him the capacity to
buy a brooch and beautiful stationery for his ardent love letters to Aida.
Then he was invited, together with Saez’ band, to the asalto for Don Esteban's daughters
who were arriving from Manila. He was honored to be in a sophisticated gathering and get
a magnified look at Aida’s stunning beauty. He was beside himself with immeasurable joy
and pride but will later on be displaced by an equally immeasurable embarrassment at the
buffet table after Aida caught him sneaking some sweets into the packet under his shirt.
She nonetheless offered him a big package of food after the party but due to his intense
shame, he lost the composure to react, along with the entire ardor he used to shower the
maiden with. After the party they led the guests home with their music. Then with Paez,
he went to the bakery to buy pan de sal with his own money. But the bread wasn’t ready
yet so they waited.
• The 14 year old boy - Protagonist
• Aida - Albert's apple of the eye
• Pete Saez - invited Albert to join his band
• Josefina and Alicia - Aida's cousins
• Don Esteban - J and A's father
• Aunt
• Grandmother and Grandfather
• Mr. Custodio

1930’s in the Philippines

• Aida’s house for the party
• Bakeshop
• School
Rising Action Conflict Climax Falling Action
When his aunt doesn’t
support him to perform in
When the fourteen year When the fourteen
public or parties because When Aida caught him
old boy started to learn year old throw away
the musicians are the last packing some of the
and master playing the food that he
to eat during parties. food in the party.
violin. packed.
(Man vs. Society, Man
vs. Circumstances)

The boy realized that like a pandesal he

is still not yet ready to face reality.
-Love between two
people with different
social status
-Simple routine in life
While it is alright to dream, a person should still at least weigh the
circumstances and the possibilities set upon the foundation of that
dream. In other words, reality should be in constant check,
whether a person is just fantasizing improbable future events or

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