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Critical Analysis

Muhammad Shaff 5328

Muhammad Daniyal(Sir) 5321
Analysis Breakdown
• Intro to the writer
• Summary
• Tone
• Organization
• Style
• Purpose
• Use of appeals
• Positive and negative points
• Relevance
• Personal opinions
• Conclusion
Introduction to the writer

Raza (2021) is a relatively new to the field of article writing. In a short span
he has highlighted a key Loophole of our education system in his article.
“Academic Railukatas" published on April 21, 2021.

● The main theme discussed throughout the article is how the department of education in
Pakistan has regressed and become less passionate over the years. The glorious
profession of teaching has now lost its true status in the society. The level of respect
given to teachers has seen a steep fall recently. This may be due to the Saturation of
non-motivated and ill-equipped teachers. Teaching has been plundered by "Jack of all
trades" people who are exploiting the profession's perks. The motivation or reasons for
joining this profession have also changed dramatically. While earlier generations used
to take up teaching because of their love to the profession, the people entering now are
only motivated by the materialistic benefits teaching brings to the table. The behavior
is further supported by students who are just as ill motivated as He teachers. There
changes in dynamics of thinking have decreased the quality of education and the
teachers attached to the system.

● The tone of the article is critical. The author is reprimanding the

teachers and the students whose collective mistakes have deeply
affected the system of education. There is use of critical words
throughout the article such as “Railukatas”, “khalai makhlook” and
materialism. These harsh words suggest a highly critical tone. There
are also traces of a sarcastic tone being used as suggested by the
word “perfect parrots" in the closing sentence of the article.
Organization of the article
● The author organizes the article using compare and contrast pattern
occasionally using cause and effect pattern as well. He begins by
writing about how the education system and teaching has seen a
rapid decline from its glory days. The author then further goes on
and compares today's teachers and students to their previous
generations. He also highlights problems and mistakes people in
highly important chairs are making and the effect it’s having on the
● The article is written in an informal style. The use of
colloquial language is visible through the use of words
like Railukatas. There is also use of transliteration,
contractions and third person pronouns. Proper
punctuation and cohesion is missing. There is repeated
use of the word "I" being used to narrate personal
experience. To conclude the article feels informal upon
being read.
Purpose of the Writing
● The purpose of the author is to persuade the reader to
agree with his point of view. He is trying to convey that
teachers have an enormous impact on the whole system
of education. There is use of forceful phrases and
hyperbole which is commonly found in persuasive
writings. To conclude, the factors mentioned justify the
persuasive nature of the article.
Use of Appeals

● The writer employs the use of emotional appeal when discussing the status
of teaching. The main foundation of the article is Pathos which appeals to
every person who has ever been in touch with education. The use of logos is
employed to justify the author’s viewpoint using logical reasoning. Ethos is
rarely used by the author as the articles lacks any facts or references to back
the claims made in it. By sketching a vivid image, the author tries to get the
Reader with his side of the story. This is further amplified by the use of
descriptive and expressive Vocabulary.
Positive and Negative points

● A positive point of the article is that the writer has chosen a very important
that we face and has tried to make the audience understand it with a possible
solution However, there are some negative points as well. Firstly, the article
is slightly difficult to comprehend for the average reader. The author is
trying to convince his idea in a very complex way. There are also some
errors in punctuation and grammar and the cohesion is also not up to the
mark. The lapses in the article mentioned above take away a pleasurable
experience from an average reader.
Relevance of the article
● The topic is relevant for all people in this country. It
makes people realize that with great power comes great
responsibility. The idea of using the highly important
position of teaching in a wrong and unfaithful way is
very seriously condemned in the article. It motivates the
reader to actually do something for the society instead of
just sleeping on the issues at hand.
Opinions about the Article
● In my opinion, the author has achieved his purpose of
trying to educate the public Even though the article is
slightly difficult to comprehend, the author is able to
keep the reader on board due to his topic being very
relative to today’s issues. The topic appeals to the heart
of every Individual that reads the article. As the view
point of the article is very clear and intelligible, it is safe
to assume the author has achieved his purpose.
● To sum it up, the author in a critical tone has informally written the
article justified through the use of contractions, transliteration, “..."
to serve as transitions and a harsh vocabulary choice. The purpose of
the author is to persuade the reader to agree with his viewpoint. The
Author has employed the use of Logos to persuade the readers to
agree with his viewpoint along with some shy use of pathos,
organizing his article using the compare and contrast pattern. The
article is very well written overall, with some lapses here and there
but it doesn’t stop the article from achieving its intended purpose.
Thank you !

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