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SEMANTIC BARRIER – With approximately 6,500

languages being used in the world,india alone comprises of 29 lanuages.
Communication issues are certain to
emerge.Vocabulary,jargons,euphemisms,slangs,ambiguous words,and
wrong translations are the common semantic barriers.
Vocabulary – The total number of words we use in a particular
Jargons – Special words or expression used by profession or a group
that are difficult to understand.
Euphemisms – These are inoffensive expressions that are used to
replace words that may sound offensive.
Slangs – People have a tendancy to use some phrases for the sake of
Abstract and ambiguous words – An abstract word is one that identifies an
idea or a feeling instead of concrete object phrases.
Wrong translation – translating one language to other is a onerus task.If you are a
language expert you would be able to translate it easily but if not then the message
could be misinterpreted.

SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS – These barriers arises due to

difference in people’s social status.these include perpetual differences,attitudinal
differnces,and conflicting signals.
• Perpetual differences – The way you interpret is largely depends on your
culture,learning age group,socio-economic status.When you try to communicate
person with different perception the problem may arise.
• Attitudinal barriers - in communication are mental interferences that are the
product of one’s assumption and attitude.
• Conflicting signals – problem arises when there is dissonance between verbal
and non verbal cues of message.
PERSONAL BARRIERS – These barriers arise out of factors
integral to one’s personality.
• Emotional conflicts – Communicating in an excessively emotional
state of mind can distort the message.
• Poor listening – If a person don’t pay attention on what is being
said,or inversely,not being paid attention,communication will not be
• Poor retention – You listen properly but due to some reason you
cannot retain the detail the communication will suffer.
• Premature evaluation – It refers to a tendency to evaluate and
judge someone or something quickly without waiting for complete
information.In such cases communication process would be futile.
• PHYSICAL BARRIERS – Also known as mechanical
barriers,these include noise,distance,faulty equipment,and time.
• Noise – One of the biggest communication barriers,noise is any
external distraction that interferes with the communication that one
tries to maintain at various steps of communication process.
• Distance – the sender and the receiver should be in close range not
large distance in between if the communicatioin is verbal face to face.
• Faulty equipment – Faulty mobile phones,poor receptivity,static in
the phone line these all affect voice clarity resulting in
• Time – If you receive a piece of information past the time you
needed,it becomes useless.
ORGANIZATIONAL BARRIERS – These barriers result out of
an organization’s structure,it’s culture,and peculiar style of working.
• Organization structure – Communication-wise,flat structures
usually prove more effective than tall ones.Majority of communication
issues and hassles occur in tall structured organization.
• Rules and regulations – Overemphasis on rules and regulations
negatively impacts the communication process.It is human tendency to
feel frustrated under strict regime.
• Role and status – Role points to the duties and responsibilities that
you carry out while status refers to the position you enjoy.
• Superior-subordinate relationship – Communication can suffer
unprecedented damage when relationship between superior and
subordinate are not cordial.

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