Anem 2

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Case Study #1

A 72 year old male has the CBC findings shown.

Peripheral RBCs are hypochromic & microcytic.

 Hb 8 .7 gm /dl
 HCT 27 . 9
 WBC 5 .5
 PLT 331
 MCV 69.7
 MCHC 32 4
Case Study #1

 Two questions:

 What is your diagnosis?

 What is the next step for this patient?

Case Study #1

 What test would you order for this

 A-Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
 B-Retic count
 C-Stool for occult blood
 D-B12 Assay
 E-Bone marrow biopsy
Case Study #1

 Answers
 Question 1
 Likely Iron Deficiency Anemia

 Question 2
 Colonoscopy
Case Study #2
A 48 year old male has become progressively more fatigued at
the end of the day. This has been going on for months. In the past
month he has noted paresthesias with numbness in his feet. A
CBC demonstrates the findings shown.
 Hb 9 .2 gm /dl
 HCT 27 . 9
 WBC 4 .5
 PLT 101
 MCV 113.7
 MCHC 39 . 4
Case Study #2

 Questions:

• What is the diagnosis from these


• How do you explain the neurologic

Case Study #2
A peripheral blood
smear (the slide is
representative of this
condition) shows red
blood cells displaying
macro- ovalocytosis and
neutrophils with
Case Study #2

Which of the following tests would be most

useful to determine the etiology?

A. Hemoglobin electrophoresis
B. Reticulocyte count
C. Stool for occult blood
D. Vitamin B12 assay
E. Bone marrow biopsy
Case Study #2

 Answers:
 Question 1
 This is a macrocytic (megaloblastic) anemia.
The neurologic findings suggest vitamin B12
deficiency (pernicious anemia).

 Question 2
 The B12 deficiency leads to degeneration in the
spinal cord (posterior and lateral columns).
Definition of Anemia

 Deficiency in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the

blood due to a diminished erythrocyte mass.
 May be due to:
 Erythrocyte loss (bleeding)
 Decreased Erythrocyte production
 low erythropoietin
 Decreased marrow response to erythropoietin
 Increased Erythrocyte destruction (hemolysis)
It may be defined as the reduction in Hg
Concentration, Hct Concentration or RBC count
Or defined as 2 standard deviations below the
WHO criteria is Hg < 13 in men and Hg < 12 in
Revised WHO criteria for patient’s with
malignancy Hg < 14 in men and Hg < 12
 Exertional dyspnea and Dyspnea at Exertion

 Headaches

 Fatigue

 Bounding pulses and Roaring in the Ears

 Palpitations

 Mild anemia:
 few or no symptoms; may be discovered
accidentally on lab test
 May complain of:
 Fatigue, decr. exercise tolerance, SOB,
palpitations, CP, lightheadedness on arising
 Sore tongue (glossitis), cracking mouth corners
(angular cheilitis), peripheral paresthesias (numb
toes, etc.)
 Hx:
 FH anemia, pica, vegetarian diet, excessive
menstural bleeding , melena/hematochezia,
malabsorption syndromes, Crohn’s disease

 Symptomology is poorly related to absolute

lab values
 Patients with gradual onset may be
asymptomatic with quite low Hb/HCT
 Acute onset can cause symptoms with
relatively less anemia
 Mild anemia may be “normal” or “OK” for a
menstruating woman, but you should always
seek a cause in a man or a postmenopausal
woman (or child)
Differential diagnosis

 Anemia
 Hypothyroidism
 Depression
 Cardiac (congestive heart failure, aortic
 Pulmonary causes of SOB/DOE
 Chronic fatigue syndrome, others
Physical examination
 Pallor (may be jaundiced– think hemolytic)

 Tachycardia, bounding pulses

 Systolic flow murmur

 Glossitis

 Angular cheilosis

 Decreased vibratory sense/ joint position sense

(B12 deficiency, w/ or w/o hematologic changes)

 Ataxia, positive Romberg sign

(severe B12/folate deficiency)


 For all: CBC, reticulocyte count, ± peripheral

 For some:
 B12, folate, hemoglobin electrophoresis
 Bone marrow aspirate to assess possible
defective hematopoiesis
 Other labs to assess other differential
diagnoses (e.g. thyroid function tests, etc.)
Approach to anemia

 First, is the problem ineffective

erythropoiesis, or is it destruction of RBCs?
 Ineffective erythropoiesis can come from a
variety of causes
 What test will tell you which is the problem?
Answer: _______________________
Anemia - Definition

 Decrease in the number of circulating red blood cells

 Most common hematologic disorder by far

 Almost always a secondary disorder

 As such, critical for internist to know how to

evaluate/determine cause
Anemia - Causes

 Blood loss

 Decreased production of red blood cells (Marrow failure)

 Increased destruction of red blood cells

 Hemolysis
Anemia Workup - Exaggerated

 Iron/TIBC/Ferritin  Acid hemolysis

 Folate/B12  Osmotic fragility
 LDH/Bilirubin  Rx iron/folate/B12
 Haptoglobin/Urine for  Type & Cross
 Transfuse 2-4 units
 Coombs Test – Direct &
indirect  GI Consult
 Hemoglobin electrophoresis  Hematology Consult – Bone

D ecreased Production Increased D estruction
 History and Exam

 Reticulocyte count

 Blood film


 Ferritin

 WBC, diff, platelets

Anemia - Peripheral Blood Smear
 Look for size and shape of RBC’s - esp for variability in
sizes & shapes

 Is there polychromasia present? (Often implies


 Is there a dimorphic population of RBCs?

 Are there platelet and WBC abnormalities?

Mean Corpuscular Volume

Macrocytic >100 fl

Normocytic 80-100 fl

Microcytic < 80 fl
Anemia Workup - MCV

Anem ia

M icrocytic N orm ocytic M acrocytic

Iron D eficiency Anem ia of chronic disease M egaloblastic anem ias

Anem ia of Chronic Disease Early iron deficiency Liver disease/alcohol
Thalassem ias H em oglobinopathies H em oglobinopathies
H em oglobinopathies Prim ary m arrow disorders M etabolic disorders
Sideroblastic Anem ia Com bined deficiencies Prim ary m arrow disorders
Increased destruction Increased destruction
Anemia – Normocytic (MCV 80-100)

 Most commonly caused by anemia of chronic disease

 Early iron deficiency often causes normocytic anemia as


 Anemia of chronic investigation – particular hazard of ICU


 Combined deficiencies
Anemia of Chronic Disease
 Common

 Develops over 1 to 2 months

 Non-progressive

 Usually mild to moderate

 but hematocrit < 0.20 occasionally

 30% mildly microcytic

 WBC, platelets normal or increased

Anemia of Chronic Disease -
 Cytokine effects (eg, IL-1, TNF)
 DNA & RNA iron-response elements
  erythropoietin responsiveness (&
  transferrin synthesis
  Fe mobilization from macrophages
  Fe re-utilization in erythropoiesis
  serum Fe despite adequate stores
  serum ferritin
 Reticulocytopenia
 Anemia
Effects of Interleukin-1 (IL-1)

Stimulates Inhibits

 erythropoiesis
 fever
 granulopoiesis
 thrombopoiesis  synthesis of:
 synthesis of:  transferrin
 ferritin
 Ig
 albumin
 fibrinogen, VIII
 IL-2, IL-6
 Thyroid disease
 Collagen Vascular Disease
 Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
 Polymyositis
 Polyarteritis Nodosa
 Inflammatory Bowel Disease
 Ulcerative Colitis
 Crohn’s Disease
 Malignancy
 Chronic Infectious Diseases
 Osteomyelitis
 Tuberculosis
 Familial Mediterranean Fever
 Renal Failure
Marrow Failure
Normocytic Anemia (MCV 80-100 fl)

Type of Marrow
anemia Blood film Ferritin Fe TIBC Fe stores

Chronic Normochromic, Nl or    Nl or ,
disease* normocytic clumped

Early Fe Mild anisocytosis, Nl or    absent

deficiency hypochromia

*including anemia due to renal disease and AIDS

Anemia Workup - MCV

Anem ia

M icrocytic N orm ocytic M acrocytic

Iron D eficiency Anem ia of chronic disease M egaloblastic anem ias

Anem ia of Chronic D isease Early iron deficiency Liver disease/alcohol
Thalassem ias H em oglobinopathies H em oglobinopathies
H em oglobinopathies Prim ary m arrow disorders M etabolic disorders
Sideroblastic Anem ia Com bined deficiencies Prim ary m arrow disorders
Increased destruction Increased destruction
ANEMIA - Microcytic (MCV < 80)

 Iron Deficiency - High RDW (Red cell distribution width)

 Thalassemia minor - Normal RDW

 Rare
 Sideroblastic anemia
 Metal poisoning (esp lead, aluminum)
 Occasional hemoglobinopathies
 Thalassemia major
Ineffective erythropoiesis

 Microcytic: think Fe++ deficiency

 Macrocytic: think B12/folate
 Normocytic: think anemia of chronic
disease, marrow problems, or other
Physical Manifestation : “Spoon
Nails” in Iron Deficiency
Fe++ deficiency anemia

 Most commonly due to chronic bleeding and

erythropoiesis limited by iron stores that have
been depleted
 May be dietary (pica, lack of meat/
vegetables, other)
 Iron balance is very close in menstruating
women, so Fe++ deficiency is not uncommon
with no other source of bleeding
 Iron and ferritin will be low
 TIBC (total iron binding capacity) will be high,
since iron stores are not saturating their binding
sites on transferrin
 Reduced RBC counts (definition of anemia)
 Microcytosis & hypochromia are hallmarks, but
early Fe++ may be normocytic (± hypochromic)
 Usually, MCH and MCHC will both be low
(whereas in macrocytic anemia, the MCH may
be normal while the MCHC is low, because of
the larger cell size)
Normal Peripheral Smear
Iron Deficiency Anemia: Peripheral

Microcytosis &, Hypochromic RBCs

 Iron, oral in most cases, parenteral in cases of
 All forms of iron are constipating; the amount
of constipation directly relates to the amount
of elemental iron delivered
 If intolerant of FeSO4 (cheapest), reduce the
dose, rather than switching form
 Start 325 mg QD, increase slowly to TID
 Follow up the cause of the iron deficiency!
Macrocytic anemia with ineffective
 Low/normal reticulocyte count, macrocytosis

 Most common is folate/B12 deficiency

 Dietary: folate far more common, B12 may occur in
strict vegans
 Pernicious anemia: lack of B12 protection in stomach
and gut
 Poor uptake in terminal ileum (e.g. in Crohn’s disease)
 B12 and folate are essential for cell maturation and
DNA synthesis, erythrocytes end up large, usually
normochromic, since iron is not lacking
 Other: drugs, toxins, myelodysplasia
Folate deficiency

 Folate intake is usually dietary, and may be

deficient with low fresh fruit & vegetable
 Folate supplementation prevents neural tube
defects in pregnancy
 PE may include neurological effects if severe
B12 deficiency

 Less common, usually caused by absorption

problems, rather than dietary deficiency
 B12 needs Intrinsic Factor for protection from
degradation in gut
 Produced by parietal cells of stomach, protects through
gut for uptake at terminal ileum
 Pernicious anemia from immune attack of IF production
 EtOH-related gastritis can affect IF production, and
liver disease may also contribute to macrocytosis
Neurological effects

 Deficiency results in damage to dorsal

columns (sensory) and lateral columns
(motor) of spinal cord
 Decreased vibration sense and position sense
of joints detectable, and may affect gait, etc.
 May have positive Romberg’s test

 Severe effects may include ataxia and


 Folate and B12 levels

 Schilling test may be useful to establish etiology

of B12 deficiency
 Assesses radioactive B12 absorption with and
without exogenous IF
 Other tests if pernicious anemia is suspected
 Anti- parietal cell antibodies, anti-IF antibodies
 Secondary causes of poor absorption should be
sought (gastritis, ileal problems, ETOH, etc.)
Smear shows macrocytosis with hypersegmentation
of polymorphonuclear cells,
Treatment– supplementation

 Do NOT correct folate levels unless B12 is OK

 Correction of folate deficiency will correct hematologic
abnormalities without correcting neurological
 Check B12 and correct first

 B12 usually 1000 mg I.M. q month

 B12 stores take a long time to deplete; missed doses are
not usually a problem
 Oral supplementation is gaining support; usually
effective in pernicious anemia (1-2 mg PO QD)
 Reticulocyte count should respond in 1 wk

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