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Global Navigation Satellite

• Definitions
• Augmentation Systems
• APV (Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance): An
instrument approach procedure which utilizes lateral and
vertical guidance but does not meet the requirements
established for precision approach and landing operations.
• Area navigation (RNAV): A method of navigation which
permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within
the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within
the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a
combination of these. RNAV includes PBN as well as other
RNAV operations that do not meet the definition of PBN.
• BARO-VNAV (Barometric Vertical Navigation) is a navigation
system that represents to the pilot a computed vertical
guidance based on barometric altitude.
• Navigation specification: A set of aircraft and aircrew requirements
needed to support PBN operations within a defined airspace.
– RNAV specification based on area navigation that does not include
requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the
prefix RNAV
– PBN specification based on area navigation that includes requirement for
performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNP
• Performance-based navigation (PBN): Area navigation based on
performance requirements (based on accuracy, continuity, availability
and functionality) for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an
instrument approach procedure or in designated airspace
• RNAV (GNSS) approach: A GNSS RNAV approach promulgated by a
State and designed in accordance with PANS-OPS Criteria Doc 8186
(Basic GNSS).
• RNP APCH (RNP Approach) based on GNSS in accordance with PBN
concept (defined in the ICAO Performance Based (PBN) manual).
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya
Global Positioning System (GPS) Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS)

• 24 satellites in 6 orbital • 24 satellites and several

planes backup in 3 orbital planes
• near-circular 20 200 km (10 spaced 120 deg apart
900 NM) orbits at an • Orbits inclined 64.8 deg at
inclination angle of 55 deg an altitude 19 100 km (10
• SPS - Coarse acquisition (C/A) 310 NM)
on frequency L1 (1575,42 • G1 frequency 1602 MHz
MHz), (center frequency) and G2
PPS – Precise Code (P-code) frequency band 1242,9375
on frequency L2 (1227.6 – 1248,625 MHz
• Geodetic system PZ-90
• Geodetic reference system
(Parameters of Earth 1990)
• Space segment: consists of a network of satellites in nearly
circular orbital planes
• Control segment: consists of a system of tracking stations located
around the world performing continuous observation of visible
GPS: Colorado Springs (Master Control Station), Cape Canaveral,
Florida, Hawaii, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein. 6
additional added in 2005 in Argentina, Bahrain, UK, Ecuador,
Washington DC and Australia.
• User segment: consists of GNSS passive receivers able to decode
received signals from satellites and obtain information from
them about their position and time
Determination of position in 3D requires 4 satellites (4 unknown
latitude, longitude, altitude, time)
GPS Space Segment
Positioning Error
• Ionosphere (7 m): transmitted signals are dispersed by the free
electrons. It is difficult to estimate the ionospheric effects.
• Troposphere (0.6 m): signals affected by the neutral atoms and
molecules in the troposphere. Models estimate the tropospheric
delay due to the values of the temperature, pressure and humidity.
• Ephemeris error (2-3 m): deviation from orbits due to gravitation
forces. Corrected data are included in the ephemeris data
• Satellite clock error (1-2 m): clock bias, drift and drift-rate.
Correction broadcasted in the navigation message
• Multipath (1-2 m): reflection of satellite signal on objects (buildings,
trees, etc.)
• Satellites geometry (1-2 m): effects of satellite geometry are usually
expressed by the Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) factor.
Augmentation Systems
• Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS) – augments
and/or integrates GNSS information with information
available on-board the aircraft
• Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) – augments
core satellite constellation by providing ranging, integrity
and correction information via geostationary satellites
• Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) – provides
differential corrections and integrity monitoring of GNSS
by transmitting differential correction message via VHF
radio data link from a ground based transmitter. In the
past reffered by FAA as the Local Area Augmentation
PBN in Europe
• Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) uses
redundant measures of GNSS pseudo-ranges.
– Fault Detection (FD) – fault of the associated satellite or
another signal integrity problem. 5 satellites required.
– Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE) – enables operation in
the presence of failure. 6 satellite required.
• Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (AAIM) uses
redundancy of position estimates from multiple sensors
to provide integrity performance. Support FDE.
• AUGUR – web-based tool which checks the availability
of GPS integrity for B-RNAV, P-RNAV and RNP APCH to
LNAV minima in ECAC airspace only.
Conventional NPA Approach
RNP / Conventional NPA Approach (CDFA)
APV Baro-VNAV operation
Lateral Navigation (LNAV)
• FMS generates roll command directly to FD and AP
• Commands are based on cross track error and track
angle error
• Armed after pushing (L)NAV button on MCP (GP) →
interception of flight plan route → capture and
tracking (e.g. B737 on any HDG within 3NM, if
outside 3NM A/C must be on intercept course of 90
deg or less)
• Flight plan route consists of straight segment and
curved segment (ARC or …)
Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
• Utilize non-FMS modes ALT(VALT), ASEL (VASEL), FLCH (VFLCH), FPA
• FMS manages only mode activation/deactivation
• VFLCH – selected automatically or manually (VALT active, FLCH button
is pressed and ALT selector is set to different altitude)
• VASEL – capture ALT selector altitude or the FMS waypoint altitude
– Climb: lower altitude
– Descent: higher altitude
• VALT – maintains the altitude commanded by the FMS or ALT selector
• VPATH – constant descent angle between two WPs
– Manually inserted by crew
– Defined by procedure from the database
– Automatically selected by FMS (no higher priority entry)
RNP APCH Operations Including APV BARO-
VNAV Operations (AMC-20-27)
• RNP APCH operation without vertical guidance (NPA – LNAV
OCA(H)) and with vertical guidance based on barometric
vertical navigation (APV BARO-VNAV – LNAV/VNAV OCA(H))
designed with straight final approach segment
• Lateral and Longitudinal TSE of the on-board navigation
system must be equal to or better than:
– ±1 NM for 95% of the flight time for the initial, inter-mediate and
RNAV missed approach
– ±0.3 NM for 95% of the flight time for the final approach segment
• Vertical Total System Error (using RSS) is based on a 99.7%
Operational Procedures
• Clearly identification of the RNP APCH. MDA(H) for LNAV approaches or
DA(H) for APV Baro-VNAV
• Valid navigation database (current AIRAC cycle) and are not prohibited by
company or NOTAM
• Sufficient means are available to navigate and land at an alternate /
destination aerodrome in the case of loss RNP APCH airborne capability.
– non-RNP APCH is available at the alternate, where a destination alternate is
– at least one non-RNP APCH is available at the destination where, destination
alternate is not required
• Appropriate navigation equipment must be available and serviceable to fly
the missed approach procedure based on conventional means or RNAV
• RAIM availability 15 min before / after ETA. Flight planning should be
revised in the event of predicted continuous loss of more than 5 minutes.
Prior to Commencing the Procedure
• Verification of the correctness of the loaded procedure –
approach briefing
• Correct altimeter setting. APV Baro-VNAV must only be
flown with current local altimeter setting
• Temperature compensations to all published minimum
altitudes / heights (initial and intermediate segment(s),
DA(H), missed approach)
• APV Baro-VNAV not permitted when aerodrome
temperature is below the promulgated minimum
• Manual entry of coordinates not permitted
• ‘Direct to’ clearance may be accepted to the IF provided
that the resulting track change does not exceed 45 deg
During the procedure
• Altimeter check at or before FAF – maximum difference 100 feet
• V/S consistent with the VNAV angle to be flown
• Monitoring of the following information:
– RNAV computed desired path
– A/C position relative to lateral path (Cross-Track)
– A/C position relative to vertical path (Baro-VNAV)
• For normal operations, cross-track error should be limited to ± ½
the navigation accuracy
• Deviation above and below vertical path must not exceed ± 75
• Procedure must be discontinued in case of RNAV failure, RAIM
alert or lost, lateral or vertical FTE is excessive, VNAV trajectory
not consistent with V/S
Monitoring of RNPs and Cross-Track Error
RNP Authorization Required (RNP AR)
Operations (AMC-20-26)
• Include unique capabilities that require aircraft and aircrew authorization
similar to CAT II/III ILS
• Require barometric vertical navigation capability
• RNP AR Operations:
– Radius to Fix (RF) Legs
– Final Approach RNP less than 0.3
– Missed Approach RNP less than 1.0
• Lateral track keeping accuracy and along-track position error shall be
better than the RNP for 95% of the flight time
• The 99,7% of system error in vertical direction is given by formula (See
• OEI should be documented against an objective of containment within
• Remote failures (10-5 – 10-7 ) should be documented against an objective
of containment within 2*RNP
• DME/DME updating can be used as a reversionary mode
during the approach when system complies with the RNP
• RNAV system may not used VOR updating
Additional Required Function
• RNP AR Operations use RF Legs:
– A/P must be capable of commanding bank angle up to 25 deg at
or above 400 ft AGL and up to 8 deg below 400 ft AGL
– Upon initiating G/A (TOGA switches), the FD should remain in
• Final Approach RNP is less than 0.3:
– Dual GNSS sensor, dual FMS, dual ADS, dual A/P and single IRU
– Upon initiating G/A (TOGA switches), the F/D should remain in
• Missed Approach RNP is less than 1.0:
– Dual GNSS sensor, dual FMS, dual ADS, dual A/P and single IRU
– Upon initiating G/A (TOGA switches), the FD should remain in
Operational Considerations
• MEL should be developed to address the
equipment requirements for RNP approaches
• RNP values less than 0.3 or with RF legs require
the use of A/P or F/D driven by RNAV system
• Predictive capability of RNP at the time and
location (mask angle above 5 deg)
• Exclusion of NAVAID in accordance with NOTAMs
(e.g. DMEs, VORs, LOCs)
• Pilots must confirm during system initialization,
that the navigation database is current
Flight Consideration
• Do not modify lateral path, except accepting clearance to go ‘direct to’ a
fix before FAF and that does not immediately precede an RF leg
• List of equipment conducting RNP approaches
• If not automatically set, crew must ensure that the smallest navigation
accuracy required to complete the approach or the missed approach is
selected before IAF
• Loss of RNP annunciation requires abandon approach
• Missed approach if the lateral deviation exceeds 1*RNP or vertical
deviation exceeds 75 feet
• Do not fly the procedure below temperature limit with uncompensated
• IRU “coasting” the inertial guidance can provide acceptable navigation
performance for a specified amount of time
• Contingency procedure should address at least failure of the RNP system
components or loss of navigation signal-in-space
• Engine Out: fly the approach, otherwise alternate procedure
• ground reference stations that monitor satellite signals;
• master stations that collect and process reference station data and
generate SBAS messages;
• uplink stations that send the messages to geostationary satellites; and
• transponders on these satellites that broadcast the SBAS messages.
• SBAS can support approach procedures with vertical guidance (APV).
An SBAS approach does not require any SBAS infrastructure at an
• Channel number from 40000 to 99999 assigned by the appropriate
organization (Eurocontrol in Europe)
• Reference Path Identifier (4 characters).
– Type of SBAS (E=EGNOS,W=WAAS,..),
– RWY number
– revision number of an approach (A=1.revision, B=2. revision,etc).
WAAS – Wide Area Augmentation System
EGNOS – European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
MSAS – Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System
SDCM – System for Differential Correction and Monitoring
GAGAN – GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation
SACCSA, AFI – Feasibility studies
The signal from GPS satellites are received by 38 Wide Area
Reference Stations (WRS). Their locations are precisely surveyed so
that any errors in the received GPS signals can be detected.
The GPS information collected by the WRS is forwarded to the 3 WAAS
Master Station (WMS) via a terrestrial communications network. At
the WMS, the WAAS augmentation messages are generated.
The augmentation messages are sent from the WMS to 6 uplink
stations to be transmitted to navigation payloads on Geostationary
communications satellites.
The navigation payloads broadcast the augmentation messages on a GPS-like
signal. The GPS/WAAS receiver processes the WAAS augmentation message
as a part of estimating position, that can also be used for position calculation.
WAAS Stations Location
34 RIMS – Ranging & Integrity Monitoring Stations: reference stations
4 MCC – Mission Control Centers: control centers
6 NLES – Navigation Land Earth Stations: uplink stations
APV SBAS Operation
Difference between LPV Approach and
GNSS approach operation to Localizer Performance
with Vertical guidance minima using SBAS (AMC-20-28)
• Characterized by a Final Approach Segment (FAS), which is approach path
– Laterally by the:
• Flight Path Alignment Point (FPAP)
• Landing Threshold Point / Fictitious Threshold Point (LTP / FTP)
– Vertically by the:
• Threshold Crossing Height (TCH)
• Glide Path Angle (GPA)
• AMC is related to system based on a stand-alone receiver or multi-sensor
systems including at least on GNSS SBAS sensor
• Lateral and Vertical Full Scale Deflection (FSD) ensure a ILS ‘look like’
presentation. The deflection may be fully angular with no limitation or
bounded at certain value
• AFM or POH should provide at least the following information:
– Equipment on board is certified for LPV Approach
– Limitations
– Normal / Abnormal Procedures
Pre-flight Planning
• Approach chart should clearly identify the LPV as RNAV(GNSS)
to LPV minima (Europe: LPV-250, LPV-200 in preparation) The
operator should determine in accordance with EU-OPS DA(H).
• Approach procedure are selectable from a valid navigation
database and are not prohibited by a company instruction or
NOTAM. Procedure are selected by its name are the SBAS
channel number.
• Sufficient means available to navigate and land at the
destination or at the alternate AD in the case of loss of the
• NOTAMs and SBAS NOTAMs are checked before flight.
• Available and serviceable equipment to fly missed approach
procedure based on conventional means or RNAV.
• MEL restriction must be observed.
Prior to Commencing the Procedure
• Flight crew must verify the correctness of the
loaded procedure by comparison with the
appropriate charts.
– Waypoint sequence
– Track and distances
– Vertical path angle where the system permits
• Manual entry of coordinates into navigation
system by the crew is not permitted
• ‘Direct to’ clearances may be accepted to the
Intermediate Fix (IF) provided that resulting track
change at the IF does not exceed 45 deg.
During the procedure
• Display should be selected to monitor the following information:
– A/C position relative to the lateral path
– A/C position relative to the vertical path
– Absence of LOI (Loss Of Integrity) alert
• Maintain A/C within ⅓ the FSD for the lateral deviation and
within ½ the FSD for the vertical deviation.
• Prior to FAP, the procedure must be discontinued or may be
continued to LNAV minima if there is LOI indicated by warning
• After the FAP, the procedure must be discontinued or may be
continued to LNAV minima (A/C above 1000 ft) if there is:
– LOI indicated by warning annunciator
– Loss of vertical guidance
– Excessive lateral or vertical deviation
Abnormal Procedures

• Failure of the navigation system components

• Loss of integrity annunciation
• Warning flag or equivalent indicator on the
lateral and/or vertical navigation display
• Degradation of the GNSS approach mode
during a LPV approach procedure
Selection of the Approach Procedure in FMS
Lateral and Vertical Guidance
Loss of LPV Capability Indication
Honeywell building (KDVT approach RWY 7L)
Garmin GNS 430W is certified for SBAS

1. Within 31 NM of AD, the 400W Series unit switches from en route mode to terminal mode
and the CDI scale transitions from 2.0 to 1.0 NM, full scale deflection.
2. Approaching the FAF, the 400W Series unit will begin to automatically rescale in an angular
fashion. At 2.0 NM from the FAF, CDI scaling is tightened from 1.0 to the angular full scale
deflection (typically the angular full-scale deflection is 2.0°, but will be as defined for the
3. Sixty seconds prior to reaching the FAF, the unit will check the required Horizontal Alarm
Limit (HAL) and Vertical Alarm Limit (VAL) to ensure the GPS position integrity is within
limits to complete the LPV precision approach.
In the event the HAL or VAL limits are exceeded, the approach will
be downgraded to a non-precision approach indicated by “LNAV”
on the moving map, a message that the approach is downgraded
(“Approach downgraded - Use LNAV minima”), and the glideslope
indicator will be flagged. You may continue the approach using
LNAV non-precision minimums if there are LNAV minimums for this
After the aircraft has passed the FAF, a loss of WAAS integrity will
cause the approach to abort instead of downgrade.
GNS 430W Annunciation
• LPV: Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) approach. Fly to LPV minimums. A
yellow background indicates that the approach is safe to continue but a downgrade to LNAV
may occur.
• LP: LP indicates Localizer Performance with no vertical guidance.
• LP +V: LP +V indicates Localizer Performance with advisory vertical guidance. Fly LP
minimums down to the MDA and missed approach location. This annunciation is available
in SW Ver 5.10, or later.
• L/VNAV: Lateral Navigation and Vertical Navigation (LNAV/VNAV) approach. Fly to
LNAV/VNAV minimums.
• LNAV+V: GPS approach using published LNAV minima. Advisory vertical guidance is
• LNAV : Lateral Navigation approach. Fly to LNAV minimums.
• MAPR: Missed Approach indicates the system is providing missed approach integrity and
CDI full-scale deflection ±0.3 NM.
• ENR: En route, CDI full-scale deflection is 2.0 NM or current CDI scale selection, whichever
is smaller.
• TERM: Terminal, CDI full-scale deflection is 1.0 NM or current CDI scale selection, whichever
is smaller.
• DPRT: Departure, indicates the system is using non-precision approach integrity. HAL = 0.3
and CDI full-scale deflection is 0.3 NM.
LP SBAS Approach =
LOC only Approach
Garmin GNS 430W
support this type of
• GBAS works based on three segments:
– satellites constellation
– aircraft receiver
– ground station, which consists of:
• GBAS reference receivers
• GBAS ground facility
• VHF Data Broadcast (VDB)
• The GBAS approach indication to the pilot is similar to the
course and glide path indications of ILS
• GBAS Approach Service Type – C (GAST – C): CAT I minima
• GBAS Approach Service Type – D (GAST – D): CAT III
Autoland performance (CS-AWO)
• Aircraft follows predefined exponential trajectory (flare)
• Improbable exceedance of the following limit:
– Longitudinal touchdown earlier than 60m (200 ft) from the threshold
– Longitudinal touchdown beyond the end of TDZ lighting, 823m (2700 ft)
from the threshold
– Lateral touchdown with the outboard landing gear more than 21m (70 ft)
from RWY centerline
– Sink rate for structural limit load
– Bank angle resulting in hazard to the airplane
– Lateral velocity or slip angle for structural limit load
• Slope not greater than 0.8%, See wall, Hilltop RWY
• Head wind (25 kt), Tailwind (10 kt), Crosswind (15 kt)
• GW/CG, Airspeed, Density altitude, Windshear
• Modes: Flare, Nose Lowering, Allign, Rollout
Reference receivers with their antennas
installed in precisely surveyed points
Information generated in the receiver is sent to a
processor that computes the corrections for each
navigation satellite in view
These differential corrections, besides integrity
parameters and precision approach pathpoints data are
sent to VDB
Information broadcast is received by aircraft in VHF
coverage that also receive information from the
navigation satellites
Benefits of GBAS
• Reduction of critical and sensitive areas – In order to guarantee
that the ILS signal will not be disturbed during instrument
approaches critical and sensitive areas were created
• Curved approach – use of guided curved approach both with
lateral and vertical guidance to create procedures to avoid
aircraft flying over specific areas close to airports for reasons of
noise over urban areas or even to avoid obstacles
• Positioning service – provides horizontal position information
to support RNAV operations within the service area. This
feature allows the increase of precision of positioning
information and reduction of separation between aircraft in
terminal area.
• Provision of service in several runways in the same airport – the
system may be configured to broadcast a maximum of 48
approaches (Reference Path Data Selector – RPDS) with
different configurations, which may serve different runways
with different approach parameters
• Provision of several approach glide angles and displaced
threshold – In each Final Approach Segment (FAS) data block
transmitted, parameters like glide angle and origin of the glide
path can be set differently. Broadcasting different glide angles to
the same runway allows setting approaches that best fit each
kind of aircraft operating at the airport.
• Guided missed approach – increasing the safety of missed
• Adjacent airports use – The structure of FAS data block allows
the same GBAS station to serve different airports. It has to be
within the coverage of the VDB transmitted signal.
GBAS basic technical information
• The GBAS ground station performs the following functions:
– Provide locally relevant pseudo-range corrections;
– Provide GBAS-related data;
– Provide final approach segment data when supporting precision approach;
– Provide ranging source availability data;
– Provide integrity monitoring for GNSS ranging sources.
• VDB Frequencies - selected from the radio frequencies in the band of 108 to
117.975. The lowest assignable frequency is 108.025 MHz and the highest
assignable frequency is 117.950 MHz. The separation between assignable
frequencies (channel spacing) is 25 kHz.
• Each GBAS approach transmitted from the ground subsystem is associated with
a channel number in the range of 20 001 to 39 999. The channel number is
given by: 20 000 + 40(F – 108.0) + 411(S)
– F = the data broadcast frequency (MHz)
– S = RPDS or RSDS
– RPDS = reference path data selector for the FAS data block
– RSDS = reference station data selector for the GBAS ground subsystem.

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