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Human Resource Policies

Human resource policies are systems of codified decisions, established by an organization, to support administrative personnel functions, performance management, employee relations and resource planning.

HR policies allow an organization to be clear with employees on:
The nature of the organization What they should expect from the company What the company expects of them How policies and procedures work at your company What is acceptable and unacceptable behavior The consequences of unacceptable behavior

Human Resource Policies

Each policy should include all the elements needed for easy revision and effective implementation: Carefully researched policy language, Thorough analysis of underlying management issues, and Comprehensive legal documentation with clear explanations.

Human Resource Policies

Identify the important policy issues for your organization. Consider: current laws funder requirements any collective agreements that affect your organization issues that address important concerns and support what your organization represents

Human Resource Policies

Analyze about each potential policy:
How have we handled this issue in the past? Does the size of our workforce justify having a policy about this issue? Are we willing to invest the time it takes to keep the policy up to date? What do we hope to accomplish with this policy? What are the outcomes? Will this policy foster something our organization believes in ?

Human Resource Policies

Drafting the policy : Policy name
Effective date of the policy and date of any revisions Approval status References Purpose of the policy Main policy statement Definitions of any key concepts or terms used in the policy Eligibility or scope Positions in the organization responsible for implementing and monitoring the policy Procedures for carrying out the policy

Functions of HR Department
Workforce Management Recruitment and Selection Training and Development Compensation and Benefits Performance Management Labor Relations Personnel Administration


Workforce Management
Encompasses all the activities needed to maintain a productive workforce:
Payroll & benefits HR administration Time & attendance Career & succession planning Talent management Learning management Performance management Forecasting and scheduling Workforce tracking and emergency assist

Time and attendance

Should include Work timings ,lunch time, travel time, waiting/idle times overtime ,relevant legislation, local agreements and the contracts of individual employees including work-life balance guidelines. Different types of leaves of absence should be included :

Medical Leave of Absence Parental Leave of Absence Family Care Leave of Absence Personal Leave of Absence etc


Succession Planning
Objectives To identify replacement needs To provide opportunities for high potential workers To increase pool of promotable employees To support implementation of business plan To guide individuals in their career paths To encourage the advancement of diverse groups To improve ability to respond to changing environmental demands To improve employee morale To cope with the effects of downsizing, attrition, retirements

Succession Planning
Assess the potential vacancies in leadership and other key positions Assess the readiness of current staff to assume the positions Develop strategies to address these needs based on the skill gaps


Forecasting and Scheduling

establishing likely demand by analysing historical data




The process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm.


Key Aspects of Hiring Policy

Recruiting Sources Selection and Hiring Procedures Offer Letter Reference Checking Background Investigations Rejecting An Applicant Equal Employment Opportunity and Hiring Physical and Educational Requirements Medical Inquiries and Examinations

Sources of Recruitment
Internal Sources
Retrenched Employees Retired Employees Dependent of deceased employees Internal Job Postings Promotions Demotions Moving across verticals

Sources of Recruitment
External Sources
Placement Agencies and Consultants Campus Recruitments Off-campus Recruitments Employees working in other organizations Employment Agencies Referrals Walk-Ins



Training and Development

The field concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. The objective is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization


Training and Development policy structure

introduction/definitions/scope (purpose and reach of policy) cultural/philosophical (values, vision, ethos, guiding principles, etc) legal (health and safety, discrimination, etc) people (where people stand in organizational priorities, input, care, etc) methods (career development, succession) systems/tools (training manuals, knowledge and information management process/operations (how T&D relates to operations) financial (planning, budgets, prioritization, etc) responsibility/authority (how T&D is managed, enabling voluntary and extra T&D) social responsibility (CSR, ethics, environment, sustainability, diversity) review and measurement (accreditation, qualifications, independent audit, etc)




Compensation and Benefits

Employee benefits in kind are various non-wage compensations provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. Some of these benefits are: HRA LTA Medical Reimbursement Insurance (health, dental, life etc.) Conveyance Retirement Benefits Profit sharing etc. The Compensation policy should state the proportion of fixed and variable components. The policy should be formulated considering the tax implications.



Performance Management
A formal system for evaluating employee performance can help the employer identify and correct performance problems, plan employee career development, assess readiness for transfer or promotion, determine compensation, and improve productivity by communicating goals and expectations to employees.


Policy Structure
Performance Appraisal Frequency of Appraisals Informal Discussion Significant Events Supervisor Training Factors to be Appraised Supervisors Recommendation and Documentation Action Plan Performance Goals Employee s Opportunity to Comment Final Review Timing of Evaluations Accurate and Fair Evaluations Negligent Evaluation and Performance Review Defamation



Grievance Redressal
To create a work environment, which would be free of hostility and try breed in a work culture which propagates a free and open thought process, encouraging growth and harmony free from encumbrance of force.




OBJECTIVE: The objective of Code of Conduct is to create a safe equal and ambiguity less work environment. It is just as essential that employees act in a professional manner and extend the highest courtesy to co workers, visitors, customers, vendors and clients.


various policies like dress code, use of company communication, open door etc clear in definitions and terms the operating authority and the consequences of violation of policy


Advantages of Good HR Policies

Curbing litigation Communication with employees Communication with managers and supervisors Time Savings


Recruiting and Selection Policies Performance Appraisal Policies Compensation Policies Training and Development Policies

Job Analysis

Job Description Job Specification

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