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Industrial Disaster

By Chahna, Nikhil, Akshansh, Kavya and Shreyash

Industrial Disaster

Types of industrial disaster

By Akshansh Pandey
1.Slips and Falls: workers have to carry heavy loads
from one place to another. Due to oil spill on the
way or wet staircase, the workers slip and injure
themselves. Sometimes, due to lack of training or
lack of non-slip footwears is also the cause of injury.

TYPES OF 2.From falling objects: in many industries, workers

and engineers have to work at a great height and
handle the heavy machines whereas there is always
INDUSTRIAL a possibility of falling objects. Sometimes, the
objects are not placed properly or placed on high
DISASTERS shelves can also cause severe injury.

3.Pipe Burst: pipelines are commonly used in

industries to transport liquid or gas. It is fast, cheap
and easiest mode of transport. But due to poor
maintenance, or high pressure, it bursts. Seeping of
poisonous gas into air, kills many people working in
the industry and nearby areas. Therefore, chemical
explosion, due to reaction causes serious industrial
Industrial Disaster
Causes and mode of

By Chahna Jain
Industrial accidents occur when
there is a failure to follow
proper procedures, including
taking shortcuts, improper
handling of materials, misuse of
Cause and mode equipment, fatigue and over-
confidence about abilities. These
of occurrence accidents also occur when
thorough training and emphasis
on safety techniques and
procedures are not accentuated
and reiterated through vigilant


Survival Skills
• Always be prepared emotionally for any
unfortunate events.
• Keep mind mentally stable to identify the
surroundings and the circumstances.
• Always carry a First-Aid kit in case of
• Make your colleagues ready for any of these
kinds of situations.
• Stock up storable food and water.
• Increase Your Situational Awareness And Keep
Yourself Updated
 1. Check the scene for danger before you
provide help.
 2. To treat cuts and scrapes, apply gentle pressure,
disinfectant, and bandages.
 3. To treat sprains, apply ice and compression at
intervals and keep the limb elevated.
 4. To treat heat exhaustion, use cool fluids, cool
cloths, and shade.
First Aid  5. To treat hypothermia; use warm fluids and warm
 6. To treat burns, determine the burn type and
severity. Cover the wound with loose cloth to
prevent infection.
 7. To treat fractures, keep the fractured area stable
and immobilized, and apply a cold pack.
 8. Perform CPR if an injured person stops breathing.
Industrial Disaster

Mitigation (Structural)
By Nikhil Nair
Mitigation means
reducing risk of loss from
the occurrence of any
What is undesirable event. This is
Mitigation? an important element for
any insurance business so
as to avoid unnecessary
• 1. Hazard mapping
• 2. Adoption and enforcement of land use
and zoning practices
• 3. Implementing and enforcing building
Types of Disaster • 4. Flood plain mapping
5. Reinforced tornado safe rooms
mitigation- •

• 6 .Burying of electrical cables to prevent

ice build-up
• 7. Raising of homes in flood-prone areas
• 8. Disaster mitigation public awareness
• 9. Insurance programs
Industrial Disaster

Mitigation ( Non-Structural)
By Shreyash Manjare
 Non-structural mitigation in
emergency management involves
what people can do on a personal
level that is not structurally or
physically evident as a protective
defence such as a surge wall or a
What is non- storm shelter. Non- structural
mitigation in general would involve
structural things such as having flood
mitigation ? insurance. In addition another
example would be a family creating
a family emergency plan.  Any
mental preparedness, training,
insurance, discussion, and planning
would be considered items of non-
structural mitigation.
i) Legal Framework :
 Industry should built a legal framework by
following appropriate building guidelines .
ii) Incentives :
 By suitable incentives people could be
included to adopt safe measures.

Non structural iii) Insurance:

 Insurance of workers and of the
mitigation in industry/factory should be taken because
if any disaster occur then they can use
industrial their insurance money.

disaster: iv) Training, Education and Public

Awareness :
 Training of the public officials at different
levels in an essential part of disaster
management. Separate training for
technical people . Workers should be made
aware and kept informed about the nature
of hazards to which they are exposed,
their vulnerability and protection measures

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