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emotions reason

Any one can become angry-that is easy . But to

be angry with the right person , to
the right degree , at the right time , for the right
purpose, and in the right-way -
This is not easy-----Aristotle

11/16/22 bhamidipaty
Despondent Arjuna in the battle field

Na kankshey vijayamKrishna

Na cha rajyam sukhani cha

Kim No Rajyena Govinda Kim

Bhogairjeevitena va

11/16/22 bhamidipaty 2
Disturbing trend

• “The most disturbing single piece of data comes from a massive survey of parents
and teachers and shows a worldwide trend for the present generation of children to
be more troubled emotionally than the last:more lonely and depressed,more angry
and unruly ,more nervous and prone to worry, more impulsive and aggressive.”

• “I have been struck by two opposing trends;one portraying a growing calamity in our
shared emotional life,the other offering some hopeful remedies”
Daniel Goleman

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Basic emotions in human beings

• Joy



• Anger
• Disgust

• Fear
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Features of Emotions

• Intense feelings,short lived ,known cause

• Physiological change like change in body language,facial

expression,rapid heart beat, change in pulse rate

• May be pleasant or unpleasant

• Varies from individual to individual

• Associated with all age groups.—children,adolscents,and adults.

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Why do we have emotions

• Fundamental traits associated with human

• Serve physical and psychological purposes.

• Physically,emotions aid in survival.

• Help people to cope up with various events in life

• They give depth and differentiation to people’s lives

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The emotional brain

Our emotions have

a mind Of their own,
one which can hold
views quite
of our rational mind
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• All emotions are in essence impulses to act.

• Emotional & rational mind operate in tight harmony for most of part

• When passions surge, the balance tips, it is the emotional mind that
captures the upper hand, swamping the rational mind.

• Emotional mind hijacks the mind.

Life is comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel….Horace wal pole

11/16/22 bhamidipaty 8
Emotions –what and How

• Emotion is a psyco physical process that arises spontaneously, evokes

either a positive or negative psychological response and physical
expressions, and subjective feeling associated with perceptions

• It is defined as a state in which the individual is aroused and is aware of

the bodily changes produced by the arousal.

• Changes associated with emotion are of three categories

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Emotions –what and How
Changes associated with emotion are of three categories:

• Overt expressions:face,eyes,lips, and facial muscles show appropriate

changes for anger,happiness,sorrow etc; voice also changes

• Physical responses: face turning red,increase in heart beat

trembling,increased breathing,muscle feeling tense, finally feeling very

• Psychological changes: internal-involving feelings ,thoughts and

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Emotions and well being
• When emotions are too muted they create dullness and distance

• When too extreme and persistant, they become pathological, as in

immobilizing depression, overwhelming anxiety, raging anger, agitation

• Keeping our distressing emotions in check is the key to emotional well being

• Managing emotions is a full time job; much of what we do –especially in our

free time- is an attempt to manage mood.

• The art of soothing ourselves is a fundamental life skill

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Impulse control
• Those who have the ability to restrain emotions and thus delay impulse
will be more socially competent,: personally effective,self assertive, and
better able to cope with frustations of life.

• It is found, such people are academically competent,can concentrate to

make plans and follow through on them,can put ideas into words, to use
and respond to reason,

• Goal directed self imposed delay of gratification is the essence of

emotional self regulation: the ability to deny impulse in the service of a goal

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• Mood is a general feeling like happiness, sadness,

frustration,contentment, or anxiety that lasts for a longer time.

• Moods do not have a clear starting point of formation.

• Moods can be either positive or negative

• Moods are usually based on multiple causes

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High energy High plesantness

E Low plesantness High energy

R Low energy High plesantness
Low plesantness Low energy

Marc Brackett
11/16/22 bhamidipaty 14
What are you on the Mood excited
meter? enraged
afraid ecstatic
What caused you to feel this
way? E
What words best describe
N enthusiastic

your current feeling? E

R bored content
How do you express this G
feeling sad calm
Given how you feel, what
stratergy you use serene


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• Attention,memory and learning

• Decision making and judgement

• Relationships quality

• Prosocial behaviour

• Physical and mental health

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Persuasive writing Creative writing

debating Brain storming

N determined flexible
E Proofing,editing Journal writing
G empathy Building consensus
critical reflections


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Emotional intelligence is the knowledge and skills
pertaining to

• Recognising emotions in self and others

• Undersstanding the causes and consequences of emotions

• Labelling emotions accurately

• Expressing emotions appropriately.

• Regulating emotions effectively

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Recognizing emotion:
identifying and interpreting emotion in
faces,posture,gesture,voice and physiology..
Marc Brackett

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knowing the causes and consequences of emotions and

how emotions influence attention,thinking,decisions and

Marc Brackett

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Labelling emotion:

having a sophisticated vocabulary to describe the

full range of emotions…

Marc Brackett

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Expressing emotion:

Knowing how and when to express emotions

appropriately with different people and multiple

Marc Brackett

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Regulating emotions

Knowing and using effective strategies to

prevent,reduce,initiate,maintain and enhance emotions

Marc Brackett

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• Professional excellence

• Physical wellness

• Mental health

• Relationship management

• Leadership

• Crisis management
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Emotional intelligence

unskilled skilled
• Conduct problems • Empathy
• Aggressive behavior • Well being
• Hyper activity/attention prob. • Adaptability
• Social deviance • Professional behavior
• Anxiety • Calm and cool
• depression • leadership

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Affective events Theory
Explains connection between emotions and feelings
Work environment In the work place and job performance, job satisfaction
• Characteristics of the job And behavior.
• Job demands
• Requirements for emotional

Work events Emotional reaction Job satisfaction

• Daily hassels • Positive
• Daily uplifts • negative
Job performance
Personal dispositions
• Personality
• Mood
Weiss and cropanzano

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Emotional intelligence refers to emotional management
skills which provide competence to balance emotions and
Reason so as to maximize long term effectiveness and


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Emotional intelligence

• Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own

feelings and that of others, for motivating ourselves, and for
managing emotions weill in ourselves and in others

Daniel Goleman

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Emotional competencies-Goleman model

• Self awareness

• Self regulation

• Motivation

• Empathy

• Social skill

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Self awareness

Self awareness is knowing one’s emotions; recognizing a feeling as it happens is the

keystone of emotional intelligence.It means to be aware of both our mood and our
thoughts about the inability
to notice our true feelings leaves us at their mercy…Goleman

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Self regulation
Managing emotions: handling feelings so they are appropriate is an
ability that builds on self awareness.People who are poor in this
ability are constantly battling feelings of distress,while those who
excel in it can bounce back far more quickly from life’s setbacks and

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Motivating one self: marshalling emotions in the service of a goal

is essential for paying attention, for self motivation and mastery
and for creativity……Goleman

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Recognising emotions in others: Empathy ,another ability that

builds on self awareness is the fundamental “people skill”People
who are empathetic are more attuned to the subtle social signals
that indicate what others need or want….Goleman

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Social skill

Handling relationships: the art of relationships is, in large part,

skill in managing emotions in others.These are the abilities that
undergrid popularity,leadership,and interpersonal

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• Emotional self awareness • Empathy
• Accurate Self assessment • Organised awareness
• Self confidence • Service orientation


• Self control • Inspirational leadership
• Transparency • Developing others
• Adaptability • Influence
• Achievement drive • Change catalyst
• Initiative • Conflict management
• Building bonds
• Team work and collaboration

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Developing emotional skills

• Stress management

• Emotional awareness

• Non-verbal communication

• Humour

• conflict

11/16/22 bhamidipaty 36
classification Emotional intelligence quotient Intelligence quotient

definition The ability to perceive,evaluate, and ones own Is used to determine a cademic abilities
emotions and others and apply information to appropriate
brain Right brain Left brain

prospect Gets you promoted Gets you hired

domain Social and emotional competence Academic and technical competence

workplace Team leader,good at networking and Talented professional with analytical and
collaborator research aptitude

tests Mayer-Salovey-Caruso test Daniel Goleman Stanford-Binet test;Wechsler;Woodcock-

model score Johnson tests of cognitive abilities

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Intelligent quotient vs emotional
intelligence quotient

85% of financial success is due to skills in

human engineering your personality and
ability to communicate,negotiate and lead.
only15% of financial success is due to
technical knowledge.. ResearchCarnegie
Institute of technology .
The root meaning of the word emotion is “to move”
emotional intelligence intelligence quotient

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Any questions ?

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The power of positive thinking--hope

• Hope-believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals
whtever they may be

• Being able to motivate themselves,feeling resourceful enough to find ways to

accomplish their objectives, reassuring themselves when in a tight spot that
things will get better, being flexible enough to find different ways to get to
their goals or to switch goals if one becomes impossiblem and having nthe
sense to break down a formidable task into smaller manageable pieces.

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The power of positive thinking-Optimism
• Optimism like hope, means having a strong expectation that ,in general ,
things will turn out all right in life, despite set backs and frustations.

• From the standpoint of EI,optimism is an attitude that buffers people

against falling into apathy,hopelessness,or depression in the face of
tough going.

• They see failure as due to something that can be changed so that they
can succeed next time around

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• Flow is an ecstatic state to such a point that you feel as though
almost you donot exist.
• It’s a state where excellence becomes effortless,crowd and
competitors disappearing into a blissful,steady absorption in
the moment.
• Being able to enter flow is EI at its best.flow represents
perhaps the ultimate in harnessing the emotions in the service
of performance and learning
• In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled,but
positive,energized, and aligned with the task in handl

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• Flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture.
• People become utterly absorbed in what they are doing,paying
undivided attention to the task, their awareness merged with
their actions.
• It is a state of forgetfulness,opposite of worry; instead of being
lost in nervous preoccupation,people in flow are so absorbed in
the task at hand that they lose all self-consciousness, dropping
the small preoccupations-health,bills,and other works of daily
• Watching someone in flow gives the impression that the difficult
is easy;peak performance appears natural and ordinary
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