What Is Paraphrasing

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 To paraphrase means to read and understand a piece of source
material (which can be any length) and then to rewrite it in your
own way.

 Paraphrase is done when you want to retain all the ideas you
find in the piece of source material.

 The exact meaning of the source is kept, but the way the
meaning is express is changed.

 Paraphrasing shows that you understand something. If you

understand the source, you should be able to express it in
different way.
 To do this it is necessary to change the grammatical structure,
rearrange the sequence of information if this is possible.

 Use different words except for specific terms and also use
your own style.
1. Structure: the grammatical structure should be change if this can
be done without changing meaning. Often this can be done by
joining up sentences or by dividing up long sentences
2. Meaning: your paraphrase must have the same meaning as the
source, it should also have the same relationship between main
idea and supporting details.
3. Words: Use different vocabulary when possible, usually more
common synonyms/expression and simpler phrases. Keep
specialized vocabulary which has no synonyms
(Ex: calcium, plastic, theory)
Proper nouns ( Europe, World Health organization)
Number and formulae (60%, 200KW, 1990)
4. Length: the length should not be vary very much from the
length of original.

5. Style: should be your own style and not an imitation of the

source, even if your won style seems less perfect to you.
The following list contain steps which help you write a good paraphrase

1) Read the source

2) Understand the source

3) Put away the source

4) make simple list of the main points you remember from the source.

5) Reread the source quickly to make sure you have included all the important points.
6. Put away the source again

7. Join together the points from list into proper sentences structure, using suitable
grammar to make a continuous piece of writing.

8. Reread your paraphrase to make, correcting the grammar and organization if


9. Check you paraphrase against the source: is it a good paraphrase?

A Good Paraphrase is
*Accurate (the ideas in the paraphrase are the same as in the source)
**Original (the language use is different from the source)
*** Grammatical
10. Rewrite your paraphrase to make it a (thee star) paraphrase.
China has long been the world’s most populous nation, but no
one knew exactly how populous it was until last week.
China has long been the world’s most populous nation, but
no one knew exactly how populous it was until last week.
Although China has been the world’s most heavily populated
country for many year, the exact population was not known
until a week ago.

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