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Learning Outcomes

1.1 Discuss Information System

1.2 Discuss system development approach

1.3 Understand Project Management

1.1 Discuss Information System

1.1.1 Define information and information system.

1.1.2 Describe information system components.
1.1.3 Identify various types of information system.
Information & Information System

1. Information
Information is data that has been processed in
such a way as to be meaningful to the person
who receives it. it is any thing that is

2. Information System
An information system is an organized system
for the collection, organization, storage and
communication of information.
Data vs Information

Data Information
• Raw unorganized facts A collection of facts
• Consist of letters, organized in such a way
numbers or symbol that they have additional
value beyond the value of
the facts themselves
Example 1

Raw Data 51, 77, 58, 82, 64, 70

Context Test scores achieved by students


Information Average test score is calculated

67%. This show the first student’s
mark is way below average
Example 1
• We started off with the raw data which was 51, 77, 58, 82, 64, 70.
• At this stage, those numbers could have been anything from street
numbers to chart positions of certain records.

• The raw data is given a context. We are told that the numbers are test
scores which were achieved by a group of students. At last they start
to make some sense.
• However even with a context, the data still needs to be processed in
order to turn it into information.

• The processing in this case might be to calculate the average from the
set of scores. The average is 67 so we can now tell that student 1 did
particularly badly in the test because they were so far below the
average mark.
Example 2

chocolate, strawberry, vanilla,

Raw Data strawberry, vanilla, vanilla, vanilla,
strawberry, vanilla, vanilla

Context Tubs of ice cream sold yesterday


Information Chart created from the data to show

which was the most popular flavor of
ice-cream tub sold yesterday
Example 2
• In this example we started off with a list of things which could have
been many different things from flavours of milk shake to paint colours
for a wall. So at this stage, the list is definitely data.

• We then find out that the data is in fact different tubs of ice-cream
which was sold yesterday. We can safely assume from that context
that the data is in fact the flavours of the tubs sold.
• The data still needs to be processed to become information.

• Because we have different instances of the same thing i.e. many tubs
of chocolate ice-cream being sold and many tubs of vanilla ice-cream
being sold, it would be useful to find out which was the most popular
flavour sold yesterday.
• The processing could take the form of creating a bar chart. This would
instantly tell us which flavour sold the most yesterday.
• The processing could even include charting yesterday's sales against
the sales for the previous week or month.
Exercise Time
In a group of two, list three types of data, context and the
information gathered once you process the data.

Raw Data ???

Context ???


Information ???

►A system is a group of interrelated

(organized) components working together
toward a common goal by accepting inputs and
producing outputs in an organized
transformation process.


Information Systems?

► Information systems (IS) is the study of complementary

networks of hardware and software that people and
organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and
distribute data.[1]
► Information systems are combinations of hardware,
software, and telecommunications networks that people
build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data,
typically in organizational settings.[2]
► Information systems are interrelated components working
together to collect, process, store, and disseminate
(distribute) information to support decision making,
coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an
Information System Components
Information System Components

Components of Information Systems:

1. People: End users and IS specialists, system

analyst, programmers, data administrators etc.
2. Hardware: Physical computer equipment and
associate device, machines and media.
3. Software: Programs and procedures.
4. Data: Data and knowledge bases.
5. Networks: Communications media and network
Information System Components

►End users: (also called users or clients) are people
who use an information system or the information it
►They can be accountants, salespersons, engineers,
clerks, customers, or managers.
►IS Specialists: people who actually develop and
operate information systems. They include systems
analysts, programmers, testers, computer operators,
and other managerial, technical, and clerical IS
Information System Components

►Machines: as computers and other equipment along
with all data media, objects on which data is recorded
and saved.
►Computer systems: consist of variety of interconnected
peripheral devices. Examples:
Server Computer
Workstation Computer
Personal Computer or PC
Information System Components

►Software Resources includes all sets of
information processing instructions.
►This generic concept of software includes not
only the programs, which direct and control
computers but also the sets of information
processing (procedures).
Information System Components

►Software Resources includes:
✔System software, such as an operating system
✔Application software, which are programs that direct
processing for a particular use of computers by end
✔Procedures, which are operating instructions for the
people, who will use an information system. Examples
are instructions for filling out a paper form or using a
particular software package.
Information System Components

►Data resources include data (which is raw
material of information systems) and database.
►Data can take many forms, including traditional
alphanumeric data, composed of numbers and
alphabetical and other characters that describe
business transactions and other events and entities.
Information System Components

►Telecommunications networks like the Internet,
intranets, and extranets have become essential to the
successful operations of all types of organizations and
their computer-based information systems.
►Telecommunications networks consist of computers,
communications processors, and other devices
interconnected by communications media and
controlled by communications software.
Various Types Of Information System
1) Information Systems in
Organizations / Executive
Information System

5) Transaction 2) Management
Processing Systems Information
Types of

4) Decision Support 3) Expert System

Systems and Neural
(DSS) Networks
EIS vs TPS vs MIS vs DSS vs Expert System
EIS TPS MIS DSS Expert System
• At the • At the • At the • At the • An expert
strategic level operational management management system is a
(top level level. level level computer
management) • TPS tracks • MIS is related • The DSS program that
• EIS assists daily routine to the helps uses artificial
the senior transactions managing the employees in intelligence
level (financial internal making (AI)
managers in activities) operations decisions technologies
making that are and the even for the to simulate
serious essential to documents daily tasks the judgment
decisions conduct and behavior
that are very business of a human
important or an
and critical to organization
make that has
experience in
a particular
1) Information Systems in Organizations /
Executive Information System
► This information system collects, stores and processes
data to give an organization real time useful and
accurate information.
► This information system encompasses (cover) data
gathering information from the people and machines
that collect, process, output, and store data.
► Also in the networks that transmit and receive data
and the procedures that governs the way data is
1) Information Systems in Organizations /
Executive Information System

► The role of EIS

1. Are concerned with ease of use
2. Are concerned with predicting the future
3. Are effectiveness oriented
4. Are highly flexible
5. Support unstructured decisions
6. Use internal and external data sources
7. Used only at the most senior management levels
2) Management Information Systems

► Information Systems that uses the data collected by

transaction processing systems and uses this data to
create a report for manager to use it to make routine
business decisions in response to problems.
► Example:
1. Sales management systems
2. Inventory control systems
3. Budgeting systems
4. Management Reporting Systems (MRS)
5. Personnel (HRM) systems
3) Expert System and Neural Networks

► An expert system, also known as knowledge-based

system, is a computer system that is designed to
analyse data and produce recommendations,
diagnosis and decisions that are controlled.
► A neural network system uses computer to foster
the way a human brain may process information,
learn and remember this information.
4) Decision Support Systems

► A decision support system helps make decision

by working and analysing data that can
generate statistical projections and data
► This system gives support rather than replacing
a managers judgement while improving the
quality of a managers decision.
► A DDS helps solve problems while using
external data.
4) Decision Support Systems

► Example:
1. Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
2. Computer Supported Co-operative work (CSCW)
3. Logistics systems
4. Financial Planning systems
5. Spreadsheet Models?
5) Transaction Processing Systems

► A transaction processing system provides a way to

collect, process, store, display modify or cancel
► Most of these systems allow multiple transactions to
take place simultaneously.
► The data that this system collects is usually stored in
databases which can be used to produce reports such
as billing, wages, inventory summaries,
manufacturing, schedules, or check registers.
5) Transaction Processing Systems

► Example:
1. Payroll systems
2. Order processing systems
3. Reservation systems
4. Stock control systems
5. Systems for payments and funds transfers
Information System User
Four level pyramid m
odel based on the diff
of hierarchy in the org erent levels
Exercise Time

1. Create group of two

2. Get a piece of paper and pen

3. Discuss in group regarding:

i. Selection of a type of information system
ii. Definition of the selected IS
iii. Find an example of existing system
iv. Identify the related data -> context -> information
v. Identify the end user involve

4. Present the findings

Exercise Time

1. Get a piece of paper and pen

2. Draw a MIND MAP based on what you learn today!

I don’t stop when I’m tired
I only stop when I’m done

“It is your responsibility to plan ahead”

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