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 5.1 Understand system development

 5.2 Understand testing in a project
 5.3 Explain system implementation
 5.4 Understand systems support and security
5.2.3 Differentiate between program, system,
operations, and user documentation.

 Program Documentation
 System Documentation
 Operations Documentation
 User Documentation
 Systems analysts usually are responsible for preparing
documentation to help users learn the system

5.2.3 Differentiate between program, system,
operations, and user documentation.
Program documentation describes the inputs, outputs, and
processing logic for all program modules.

 System documentation describes the system’s

functions and how they are implemented.
 System documentation includes data dictionary
entries, data flow diagrams, object models, screen
layouts, source documents, and the systems request
that initiated the project.
5.2.3 Differentiate between program, system,
operations, and user documentation.
Operations documentation contains all the information needed for
processing and distributing online and printed output. Typical examples of
operations documentation includes the following information:

 Program, systems analyst, programmer, and system identification

 Scheduling information for printed output, such as report
run frequency and deadlines
 Input files and where they originate; and output files and destinations
 E-mail and report distribution lists
 Special forms required, including online forms
 Error and informational messages to operators and restart procedures
 Special instructions, such as security requirements

Operations documentation should be clear, concise, and available online if

5.2.3 Differentiate between program, system,
operations, and user documentation.
 What is User Documentation?
 User documentation consists of
instructions and information to users who
will interact with the system and includes
user manuals, Help screens, and tutorials.
Programmers or systems analysts usually
create program documentation and system
5.2.3 Differentiate between program, system,
operations, and user documentation.
 User Documentation
 Effective online documentation is
an important productivity tool
 Written documentation material
also is valuable

5.3 Explain System Implementation

1. List the main steps in system implementation

2. Explain system installation and evaluation
3. Outline system installation and evaluation checklist
5.3 Explain system implementation.
Management Approval

 After system testing is complete, developer team need to

present the results to management
 If system testing produced no technical, economical, or
operational problems, management determines a schedule for
system installation and evaluation

5.3.1 List the main steps in system implementation.

 The new system now is ready to go to work. Now, you will carry out the
remaining steps in systems implementation:
1. Prepare a separate operational and test environment

2. Provide training for users, managers, and IT staff

3. Perform data conversion and system changeover

4. Carry out a post-implementation evaluation of the system

5. Present a final report to management

5.3.2 System Installation And Evaluation

1. Operational and test environment

 The environment for the actual system operation is called the
operational environment or production environment.
 The environment that analysts and programmers use to
develop maintain programs is called the
and test
 A separate test environment is necessary to maintain system
security and integrity and protect the
operational environment.
5.3.2 System Installation And Evaluation
2. Provide training for users, managers, and IT staff
Training Plan - it is essential to provide the right training for the right people at the
right time, specific training topics, identify the objectives, and determine how the
company will provide training. The main choices are to obtain training from vendors,
outside training firms, or use IT staff and other in-house resources.

Vendor Training - Many hardware and software vendors offer training programs free or at a
nominal cost for the products they sell. The training usually is conducted at the vendor’s site
by experienced trainers who provide valuable hands-on experience. Vendor training often
gives the best return on your training dollars because it is focused on products that the
vendor developed. Many vendors offer Web-based training options, including Webinars,
podcasts, and tutorials.

In-house Training - The IT staff and user departments often share responsibility for
developing and conducting training programs for internally developed software. If your
organization has a help desk, the staff might be able to handle internally user training.
5.3.2 System Installation And Evaluation
3. Data Conversion
 Data conversion is an important part of the system installation process. During data conversion,
existing data is loaded into the new system.
 Data Conversion Strategy - When a new system replaces an existing system, you should automate
the data conversion process, if possible.
 The old system might be capable of exporting data in an acceptable format for the new system or in
a standard format. If a standard format is not available, you must develop a program to extract the
data and convert it to an acceptable format.
Data Conversion

 Data Conversion Security and Controls

 The developer team must ensure that all system control measures are in
place and operational to protect data from unauthorized access and to
help prevent erroneous input
 Some errors will occur
 It is essential that the new system be loaded with accurate, error-free

5.3.2 System Installation And Evaluation

3. System Changeover
 System changeover is the process of putting the new information
system online and retiring the old system.
 Changeover can be rapid or slow, depending on the method. The
four changeover methods are :
1. direct cutover
2. parallel operation
3. pilot operation
4. phased operation
System Changeover

System Changeover

 Direct Cutover
Involves risk than other
changeover methods
 Companies often choose the direct
cutover method for implementing
commercial software packages
 Cyclical information systems
usually are converted using the
direct cutover method at the
beginning of a quarter,
calendar year, or fiscal year

System Changeover

 Parallel Operation
– Easier to verify the new system is
working under parallel operation
than under direct cutover
– Running both systems might place a burden
on the operating environment and
– Is not practical if the old and new systems are
incompatible technically
– Also is inappropriate when the two systems
perform different functions
System Changeover

 Pilot Operation
 The group that uses the new system first is
called the pilot site
 The old system continues to operate for the
entire organization
 After the system proves successful at the
pilot site, it is implemented in the rest of
the organization, usually using the direct
cutover method
 Is a combination of parallel operation and
direct cutover methods

System Changeover

 Phased Operation
 You give a part of the system to all users
 The risk of errors or failures is limited to the
implemented module only
 Is less expensive than full parallel operation
 Is not possible, however, if the system cannot
be separated easily into logical modules or

System Changeover summary
risk vs cost

5.3.2 System Installation And Evaluation
4. Post-implementation Evaluation
 A post-implementation evaluation assesses the overall quality of the information system.
 The evaluation verifies that the new system meets specified requirements, complies with
user objectives, and produces the anticipated benefits.

5. Final Report to Management

The final report to management marks the end of systems development work. Your report
should include the following:
• Final versions of all system documentation
• Planned modifications and enhancements to the system that have been identified
• Recap of all systems development costs and schedules
• Comparison of actual costs and schedules to the original estimates
• Post-implementation evaluation, if it has been performed
5.4 Understand Systems Support and Security
1. Explain the system support and security phase
2. Identify user support:
 User training
 Help desk
3. Explain various types of maintenance:
 Corrective maintenance
 Adaptive maintenance
 Perfective maintenance
 Preventive maintenance
4. Identify tools for system maintenance
5. Explain the system security and backup
6. Identify three elements of system security
5.4.1 Explain the system support and security phase
 Systems support and security is the final phase in the systems
development life cycle.
 Managing systems support and security involves three main
1.user expectations

2.system performance requirements
5.4.2 Identify user support:
Help Desks
User Training To make data more accessible and to empower users,
many IT departments create help desks.
 New employees must be trained on the
company’s information systems.
A help desk is a centralized resource staffed by IT
 The main objective is to show users how professionals who provide users with the support they
the system can help them perform their need to do their jobs.
jobs. A help desk has three main objectives:
 The training could include online support 1.Show people how to use system resources
via e-mail, a special Web site, a revision to more effectively
the user guide, a training manual 2.Provide answers to technical or operational questions
supplement, or formal training sessions. 3.Make users more productive by teaching them how to
meet their own information needs

A help desk often is called an information center (IC)

because it is the first place users turn when they need
information or assistance.
5.4.3 Explain various types of maintenance:
What is system maintenance?
System maintenance is the process of refining the system to
Corrective Maintenance make sure it continues to meet business needs.
 Corrective maintenance diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational system. To
avoid introducing new problems, all maintenance work requires careful analysis
before making changes.
Adaptive Maintenance
 Adaptive maintenance adds enhancements to an operational system and makes
the system easier to use.
Perfective Maintenance
 Perfective maintenance involves changing an operational system to make it more
efficient, reliable, or maintainable. Requests for corrective and adaptive maintenance
normally come from users, while the IT department usually initiates perfective
Preventive Maintenance
 To avoid problems, preventive maintenance requires analysis of areas where
trouble is likely to occur. Like perfective maintenance, the IT department normally
initiates preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance often results in
increased user satisfaction, and decreased downtime.
5.4.4 Identify tools for system maintenance

Many CASE tools include system evaluation and maintenance features, including the following
 Performance monitor that provides data on program execution times
 Program analyzer that scans source code, provides data element cross-reference
information, and helps evaluate the impact of a program change
 Interactive debugging analyzer that locates the source of a programming error
 Reengineering tools
 Automated documentation
 Network activity monitor
 Workload forecasting tool
5.4.5 Explain the system security and backup
 Every system must provide for data backup and recovery.
 Backup refers to copying data at prescribed intervals, or continuously.
 Recovery involves restoring the data and restarting the system after an interruption.
 An overall backup and recovery plan that prepares for a potential disaster is called a
disaster recovery plan.

 Backups can be full, differential, incremental, or continuous.

 The cornerstone of business data protection is a backup policy, which contains detailed instructions and
 An effective backup policy can help a firm continue business operations and survive a catastrophe.
 The backup policy should specify backup media, backup types, and retention periods.
5.4.5 Explain the system security and backup

5.4.5 Explain the system security and backup
To provide system security, you must consider six separate but interrelated
 physical security,
 network security,
 application security,
 file security,
 user security, and
 procedural security.

Like the chain shown in Figure 12-26, system security is only as strong as the
weakest link.
5.4.6 Identify three elements of system security
 Security is a vital part of every computer system

 System Security Concepts, CIA triangle:

 Confidentiality / Security policy

 Integrity

 Availability

 Also known as:

 3 Elements of System Security

3 Elements of System Security

5.4.6 Identify three elements of system security
System Security Elements
The CIA triangle in Figure 12-20 shows the three main
elements of system security: confidentiality, integrity, and
 Confidentiality protects information from
unauthorized disclosure and safeguards privacy.
 Integrity prevents unauthorized users from creating,
modifying, or deleting information.
 Availability ensures that authorized users have timely
and reliable access to necessary information.
 The systems implementation phase consists of application development, testing, installation,
and evaluation of the new system
 In addition to system documentation, analysts and technical writers also prepare operations
documentation and user documentation
 During the installation process, you establish an operational, or production, environment for
the new information system that is completely separate from the test environment.
 Everyone who interacts with the new information system should receive training appropriate
to his or her role and skills.
 Data conversion often is necessary when installing a new information system. When a new
system replaces a computerized system, you should automate the data conversion process if
 System changeover is the process of putting the new system into operation.
 A post-implementation evaluation assesses and reports on the quality of the new system and
the work done by the project team.
 The final report to management includes the final system documentation, describes any
future system enhancements that already have been identified, and details the project costs.
The report represents the end of the development effort and the beginning of the new
system’s operational life.

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