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Correlation Report:

Severe & Critical COVID cases

vs. Recoveries

Data by Fabrigar, Presentation by Nessa

Report by
Example of raw data
3 queries
Relationship What parameters Interpretation of
1 2 3
between variables limit our tools output

This pertains to the Are there oddities in the data Excepteur sint occaecat
hypothesis we are trying that limit tool use? Some cupidatat non proident, sunt
examples may be in culpa qui officia deserunt
to reject or not; generally
mollit anim id est laborum.
follows from the null ● Homo/heteroscedasticity
hypothesis set by the ● Parametric or non-
statistical tool used in
● Linearity
evaluating correlation ● Outliers
Preliminary tests, assumption checks

To find the appropriate correlational tool to use, some preliminary

checks have to be run to evaluate possible assumption demands.
What follows are the general descriptives, the scatterplot to
evaluate homoscedasticity & linearity, and the results of the
Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. Note as well that both variables to
be covariated are also of the scale type.
Correlation plot (Scatterplot, histogram)
Correlation plot (Scatterplot, histogram)

From the histograms of the respective variables,

one can observe the absence of outliers in either
of the two. Note as well the best-fit line,
visualizing the linearity of the relation.
Correlation plot (Scatterplot, homoscedasticity)
Correlation plot (Scatterplot, histogram)

The highlights in red show that the data points

remain homoscedastic throughout the sample
size; also furthers to highlight the linear nature of
the relationship between variables.
Shapiro-Wilk test
Shapiro-Wilk test for normality

Although the variables involved have a linear

relation, display homoscedasticity, and lack any
outliers, due to result of the Shapiro-Wilk test
rejecting the assumption of normality, the Pearson
correlation cannot be used.
Evaluation of further tools

However, the data is homoscedastic, and hence

monotonic; either Spearman’s ρ or Kendall’s τ
may be used. Since the data is non-categorical,
the chi-square association tool is glossed over.
Evaluation of further tools

Since there is an absence of tied ranks

within the variables, Spearman’s ρ is
chosen over Kendall’s τ.
Spearman’s ρ
Since there is an absence of tied ranks
within the variables, Spearman’s ρ is
chosen over Kendall’s τ.
Spearman’s ρ
Spearman’s ρ interpretation
The results of Spearman’s ρ leads to the interpretation that, since
+.40 < ρ < +.69, there is a strong correlation between the two
variables. With the value of ρ being positive, it implies a positive
relationship between them. Along with it comes the p-value of p
< 0.001, which implies that the results are very significant.
Bibliography & Sources

Data pooled and kindly provided by :

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