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Project Phase I Presentation

Automated Agriculture Monitoring System

Using NodeMCU

Presented by
Himadri Shankar Behara (BE22123)
Hrithik Mahato (BE22168)
Sharath Chandra Palle (BE22177)

Guided by
Prof. Suvarna a Hande

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

Hope Foundation’s
International Institute of Information Technology Hinjawadi Pune
• Introduction
• Literature survey
• Gap Identification
• Problem statement and Objectives
• Proposed Methodology
• Requirement analysis
• Impact analysis
• Professional Ethical practices to be followed
• System Implementation
• Results and discussion
• Conclusions and Future Scope
• References

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

17/11/2022 2
Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Brief about the topic selected

 The worldwide population is anticipated to contact 9.6 billion by 2050 – this represents a major
issue for the farming business.
 Regardless of fighting difficulties like extraordinary climate conditions, rising environmental
change, and cultivating's ecological effect, the interest for more food must be met. To meet these
expanding needs, farming needs to go to new innovation.
 New cultivating applications dependent on IoT advances will empower the horticulture business to
decrease waste and upgrade profitability from enhancing manure use to expanding the productivity
of ranch vehicles' courses.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

17/11/2022 3
Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Literature survey
• List out work done by researchers with proper citation
• [1]. Next evolution is the smart irrigation system that is a way to help reducing water consumption by
considering into agriculture field. Water is largely used for irrigation purposes. Smart Irrigation is an artificial
application of watering the land to assist in the growing of agricultural crops.
• [2]. Therefore, if the system is automated, the water flows to the crops could be controlled and monitored so
as to reduce the amount of water being used for plantation purposes.
• [3]. The experts agree that smart irrigation systems and controllers versus traditional irrigation controllers
conserve water across a variety of scenarios. Several controlled research studies indicate substantial water
savings anywhere from 40% to as high as 70%.
• [4].The tests conducted by the Irrigation Association (IA) and the International Centre for Water Technology
at California State University in Fresno, have shown smart irrigation controllers can save up to 20% more
water than traditional irrigation controllers.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Gap Identification
• Critical analysis of proposed solution
• However, the irrigation of plants is usually a very time-consuming activity to be done in a reasonable amount of time and
requires a large number of human resources. Traditionally, all the steps were executed by a human. Nowadays, some systems
use technology to reduce the number of workers of the time required to water the plants. With such systems, the control is very
limited, and many resources still wasted. Water is one of these resources that are used excessively. Mass irrigation is one
method used to water the plants. This method represents massive losses since the amount of water given excess of the plant’s
• Explain the need of the proposed system
• The main aim of this project is to reduce the consumption of water in the agriculture field and to bring a system which is solely
based on Internet of Things (IoT) where all information is viewed and controlled in fingertips.
• The following aspects have been counted into consideration:
• (i) Water consumption,
• (ii) Minimal project cost,
• (iii) Less labour,
• (iv) Power consumption, and
• (v) Reliability .

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Problem statement and Objectives
• Problem statement
To reduce the consumption of water in the agriculture field and to bring a system which is solely based on
Internet of Things (IoT) where all information is viewed and controlled in fingertips.

• Objectives
• (i) To develop an irrigation system that reduces water usage for better preservation, and
• (ii) To develop an application system that can assist the farmer to monitor the land’s condition and
control the irrigation system via a mobile platform.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Proposed Methodology

Block Diagram of the System

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Proposed Requirement analysis
• The microcontroller which has a built-in Wi-Fi module and is the heart of the project which takes in input from
the soil sensor and gives output to the relay to switch on the irrigation pump. This also controls the time for
which the irrigation needs to be done. This also sends data to the cloud which can be used for improving the
crop production.

• The sensor is connected to the GPIO pin which continuously gives input to the controller about the moisture

• Once this value nears or becomes less than the threshold value given the code instructs the GPIO pin which is
connected to the relay board to activate.

• The program will loop for given period of time and then sends a signal to deactivate the relay thereby
switching of the supply.

• The NodeMCU which is connected to the internet will update the moisture value and also receive command
through cloud from the user sitting in any part of the world.

• The cloud services will ease the work of farmers and can be upgraded to control other components as well.

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Hardware :
1. NodeMCU ESP8266\\
2. Soil Sensor\\
3. Rain Sensor\\
4. Moisture Sensor Module (LM393)
5. Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11)\\
6. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)\\
7. Grow Light LED\\
8. Water Pump\\
9. Single Relay Module\\
11. 9V Battery\\
12.Battery Cap\\
13.9V DC Power Supply\\
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17/11/2022 International Institute of Information Technology Hinjawadi 9
Impact analysis
Impact of your project on society and environment:

• Positive Impact :
• To reduce the consumption of water in the agriculture field and to bring a system which is solely based
on Internet of Things (IoT) where all information is viewed and controlled in fingertips.

• Negative impact:
• Increased unemployment.
• Hackers can easily hack the network and can get access to the important data of the users.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

17/11/2022 10
Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Professional Ethical practices
to be followed
The professional ethics :

• The work is being appropriately cited to the respective authors.

• This project was divided into parts and then given to the project members
with each member doing the part of their project which they are best suited to
maximize efficiency.
• Code integrity

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

17/11/2022 11
Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
System Implementation
First we prepare all the input devices which are all the sensors used in the project.

We connect soil and rain sensors to the moisture sensor module:

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
• Step 2: Now we will prepare the output devices used in the project.

• The water pump used for irrigation cannot be powered by the Arduino so a 5V relay module is used with it.
And grow LED is also used as output device for this project.

Water pump used with relay Grow light LED for plants

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Results and discussion

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
Conclusions and Future Scope
• Conclusions :

• It has been developed by integrated features of all the hardware components used. Presence of
every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully, thus contributing to the best working of
the unit. Automation enables various applications of crop growth monitoring and selection,
automatic irrigation decision support, etc. We proposed ESP8266 IoT Automation irrigation
system to modernize and improve the productivity of the crop.

• Future Scope:

• The future scope of the project would be to expand it area from not just irrigation but a whole lot
of other parameters such as pH of the soil, crop growth rate, type of crop etc. and feed those data
to cloud to get useful insights so that the overall yield can be increased.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication

17/11/2022 15
Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune

1] Pro Green Irrigation, “Pro Green Irrigation: Your Lawn Sprinkler Professionals,”
2017. [Online]. Available:

[2] V. C. Gungor and G. P. Hancke, “Industrial wireless sensor networks: Challenges,
design principles, and technical approaches,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56,
no. 10, pp. 4258– 4265, Oct. 2009.

[3] J. Gutierrez, J. F. Villa-Medina, A. Nieto-Garibay, and M. A. Porta-Gandara,
“Automated irrigation system using a wireless sensor network and GPRS mod-
ule,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 166–176, Jan. 2014.

[4] K. Taneja and S. Bhatia, “Automatic irrigation system using Arduino UNO,” in
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and
Control Systems, ICICCS 2017, 2018, vol. 2018–Janua, pp. 132–135.

[5] Krishna Anne, K. R V Siva Naga Durg, R. Krishna Muddineni, and S. Gowtham
Peri, “Smart irrigation using WSN based on IOT,” Int. J. Eng. Technol., vol. 7,
no. 2.8, p. 331, Mar. 2018.

[6] K. C, S. K. H. U, P. H. S, K. S. P, A. G. B, and D. J. Nayaka, “Water usage ap-
proximation of Automated Irrigation System using IOT and ANN’s,” in 2018 2nd
International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
(I-SMAC)I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2018
2nd International Conference on, 2019, pp. 76–80.
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication
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Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune

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