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Pragmatics – What does

pragmatics do?
Achmad Naufal Irsyadi l FIB-UNTAGSby.2022
Project analysis slide 2Preliminary

Pragmatics is the systematic study of how people understand and communicate more than
the literal meaning of words or sentences when they speak, write or gesture.

Pragmatics examines how speakers understand and communicate more than the literal
meaning of words or sentences.
Pragmatics discusses meaning in context or meaning in utterance; or what is said and what
is meant. The utterance is the key term in Pragmatics.
In Pragmatics, utterances are spoken, written or gestured contributions within a particular
social context that derive their meaning partly from the context.
Sometimes, an utterance is shaped by the context, but (on the other hand) it can also form a
context (the creation of a new context).

Some terms to hold: Utterance Context
Project analysis slide 2 Deixis

… is all linguistic means that mainly do pointing at extralinguistic context.

Deixis also includes deictic expression as expressions

that are used to point at someone or something, such as
person place
me and you, here and there. Deictic expression is also called
as indexical.
Therefore, the deictic expression is divided into three
kinds; person deixis, place deixis, and time deixis. Some
also say that social deixis and discourse deixis are also
discourse time called as deixis.
However, a pragmatic analysis on an utterance should
have a lot to do with finding out which perspective that
something is communicated. This way is called as deictic
Project analysis slideDeixis
2 of Person
It is about pointing at person.

Commonly, it is assumed that speakers tend to be the

deictic center of their utterances.
One of ways to understand person deixis is through T/V
distinctions*, tu vous distinction.
This way plays an important role in the choice of form of
address, such as first name, surname or title, or in
different choices of style and register.
This person deixis is categorized as social deixis, which
reflects how we represent, establish, and change social
distance, as well as social relationships.
*the contextual use of different pronouns existing in some languages and
serves to convey formality or familiarity.
Project analysis slide Deixis
2 of Place
It is about pointing at location.

The deictic location refers to closeness and distance of

To point out a closed thing, we can use proximal terms
like this or here, while distal terms like that and there to
point out relatively remote thing or individual.
This person deixis is categorized as social deixis, which
reflects how we represent, establish, and change social
distance, as well as social relationships.
Project analysis slide Deixis
2 of Time
Time deixis also concerns closeness and distance deictic center.

We can use today, now, this week to refer to time closed to

the event of speaking, while then, yesterday, or next month
to refer to time remote from the event of speaking.
It means that the past and the future context are about
distance/time remote deictic center.
Considering verb tenses and time signals is another way to
investigate whether an utterance indicates closeness or
distances deictic center.
Time deixis may serve to mark events as distant from the
speaker’s current situation in a hypothetical sense (away
from the reality of the present), such as conditional sentence
(known as if clause).
Project analysis slide 2let’s think!
As our previous slide on deixis variations, some might say that
social and discourse deixis can be another kind of deixis. To what
extent the two are attached?

Social and discourse deixis can happen in any kind of

deixis, as if an utterance has outer context; not only literal Would you mind giving
context. us an example of deictic
Social deixis can interfere with person (who’s) and time expression containing of
deixis (time reference), whilst discourse deixis interfere each deixis???
with person and place.
Project analysis slide 2let’s practice!
Please give your response on these linguistic phenomena!

“… we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any

hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure
the survival and success of liberty”

(John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961).

“… and I am happy that the President Director of

Defend ID has stated that they have a target to become
one of the top 50 defense company in the world. The
products that we have now must certainly be developed
as well as possible”

(The President, Joko Widodo, November 2, 2022).

Thank You

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