Attitudes 2021

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By – Dr. Deepali Raheja

Learning Objectives:

 Definition of Attitudes
 Components / Variables of Attitude
 Nature of Attitude
 Determinants of Attitude
 Types of Attitude
 Introduction to Moods and Emotions at workplace
Definition of Attitude:

 According to Gordon Allport, “An attitude is a mental and neural state of

readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic
influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with
which it is related.”

 Frank Freeman said, “An attitude is a dispositional readiness to respond to

certain institutions, persons or objects in a consistent manner which has been
learned and has become one’s typical mode of response.”
Concept of Attitude:
John Ivancevich defines Attitude as:
 “ An attitude is a mental state of readiness, learned and
organized through experience, exerting a specific influence on
person’s response to people object and situation with which it is
Hence it may more precisely expressed as:
 A persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way
towards the same object.
Thus Attitude can be understood as:
1. Attitudes refer to beliefs, feelings and action tendencies of an
individual or group of individuals towards objects, people and ideas.
2. Attitudes comprise three variables - affective, behaviour and
3. Attitudes are formed from several sources.
4. Attitudes, after being formed, discharge several functions.
5. It is difficult to change attitude.
6. Attitude needs to be changed at the individual and group levels.
7. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the two types of
8. Values distinguish between what is right or wrong, good or bad.
9. Attitudes and values are important concepts in the study of OB.
Nature of Attitudes:
 Attitudes are learned. How attitudes are learned will be explained in the next
section in this chapter.
 Attitudes refer to feelings and beliefs of an individual or groups of people.
 These feelings and beliefs define one’s predispositions towards given aspects
of the world.
 Attitudes endure, unless something happens. For example if X is transferred
to day shift, his attitude may become positive.
 Attitudes can fall anywhere along a continuum for very favorable to very
unfavorable. Such expressions as “This B-School is good”, “This leader is
corrupt and incompetent” are heard from people.
 Attitudes are organized and are core to an individual.
 All people, irrespective of their status or intelligence, hold attitudes.
Components/Variables of Attribute:

 Affectionate Component:  Affectionate Component:

The feelings,sentiments,emotions,moods I am “Scared” of Spiders.
about someidea,object, subject or a person.
 Behavioural Component:
 Behavioural Component:
 I will “avoid” spiders ,and if I
The way an individual act/ behave or
respond towards a certain idea, object, see one I will “scream”.
subject or a person.  Cognitive Component:
 Cognitive Component: I believe spiders are “dangerous”.
The beliefs,opinions,knowledge or
information held by an individual for an
idea, object, subject or a person.
Components of Attitudes: ABC Model
Component of Attitude ABC Model
Determinants of Attitude:
Types of Job Attitude:

Two work related attitudes are :

 Job Satisfaction
 Organizational Commitment
Types of Work Related Attitudes:
 Job satisfaction A positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an
evaluation of its characteristics.

 Job involvement The degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively
participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth.

 Psychological empowerment Employees’ belief in the degree to which they

affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their
job, and their perceived autonomy in their work.

 Organizational commitment The degree to which an employee identifies with

a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in
the organization.

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