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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

Introduction to Brand Management and Brand Equity

Unit: 3

Product and Brand Management Ms.Priyanka Malhotra

AMBA MK0312 Asst Prof.
Dept of MBA
MBA 2nd Year (3RD Sem)

Ms.Priyanka Malhotra
11/17/2022 AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
S. No. Index
Name of Subject with code, Course and Subject Teacher

Brief Introduction of Faculty member with Photograph

3. Evaluation Scheme
4. Syllabus
5. Branch wise Application
6. Course Objective(s)
7. Course Outcome(s)
8. Program Outcomes (POs)
9. COs and POs Mapping

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
S. No. Index
10. Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
11. Cos and PSOs Mapping
12. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
13. Result Analysis
14. End Semester Question paper Templates
15. Prequisite/Recap
16. Brief Indtroduction about the Subject with Videos
17. Unit Contents
18. Unit Objectives
19. Topic Objectives/Topic Outcome

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S. No. Index
20. Lecture related to topic
21. Daily Quiz
22. Weekly Assignment
23. Topic Links
24. MCQs
25. Glossary Questions
26. Old question papers
27. Expected Questions
28. Recap of unit

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Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida

Ms. Priyanka Malhotra

Assistant Professor
Department: MBA
Email ID:
Qualification: BBA, MBA, UGC NET, Ph.D (submitted)
Specialisation: HRM & OB
Total Teaching Experience: 14 years
Teaching Area: HR and Marketing

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Evaluation Scheme

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

• Introduction to Product Management 08 Hours
Introduction to Product & Product Related Concepts: Product Management & Scope, Define
Product, Classification of Product, Product Levels, Product Hierarchy. 
Product Life Cycle: Product Life Cycle Stages and corresponding Strategies and Product
Product Portfolio: Concept, Factors influencing Product Portfolio, The BCG Growth Matrix,
Shell’s Directional Policy Matrix
• New Product Strategy 08 Hours
New Products: New Product Categories, Organization for Product Management, prototyping,
New Product Development Process, test marketing.
New product strategy: The need for Product Innovation Strategy, the components of new
Product Strategy Commercialization: Test Marketing, Time to Market, Breaking into the Market,
Managing Growth, Resistance to Change, Leveraging new Product Growth, Sustaining
Managing the mature Product: Offensive Strategies, Extending the product life cycle, Customer
Relationship Management.
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•Introduction to Brand Management and Brand Equity 08 Hours
Branding Basics: Brand, branding and significance of branding, Branding
challenges and opportunities, Brand equity concept, Strategic brand management
process, Identifying and establishing brand positioning, Planning and implementing
brand marketing programs, Measuring and interpreting brand performance, growing
and sustaining brand equity.
Brand Equity concept and Brand Equity Models: Brand Asset Valuation, Aaker
Model, Brand Resonance.
•Brand Positioning and Brand Marketing Programs 08 Hours
Brand knowledge, Customer-based Brand equity Sources of brand equity - Brand
Awareness, Brand Image, The Four steps of brand building, Creating customer value
Identifying and establishing brand positioning, Positioning guidelines.
Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs: Choosing brand elements
to build brand equity, Options and tactics for Brand, Integrating marketing
communication to build brand equity, Conceptualizing the leveraging process, Co-
branding, Celebrity Endorsement.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

• UNIT-5
Measuring, Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity 08 Hours
The brand value chain, Designing brand tracking studies,
Capturing customer mind set through quantitative research
Brand architecture, Brand hierarchy, Designing brand strategy,
Brand extensions- advantage and disadvantage- Reinforcing
brands, Revitalizing brands, Brand Failures.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Branch wise Applications

• It will help to identify the critical information needed to develop a

product and brand strategy that generates both quick-wins and long-
term value.
• It also reflects on the different types of product and brand strategies
that are undertaken by a business institution for developing and
enhancing the product’s presence in the target market. 
• To create an activity plan to bring your brand strategy to life - both
externally towards consumers and internally to employees.
• Defining the right metrics for determining success in the
implementation product and brand strategy, considering any
adjustments that may need to be made under a test and learn
• It will help to manage both products and brands to engage more

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Course Objective

• The objective of this course is to learn fundamentals of Product and

Brand Management.

• The aim of Product Management Part is to make participants

understand competition at product level as well as brand level.

• The objective of Brand Management is to make students understand,

role of brands, components of brands, brand equity etc.

• The main aim for Brand Management is to make sure that students
understand the Brand Positioning and Brand marketing Programs.

• To provide insights into the conceptual framework for Strategic Brand

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Course Outcome

CO1 :Students will develop an understanding of Product and brand

CO2 :Students will develop an understanding of competition at Product Level
and Brand level
CO3 :Students will acquire the skill to Brand management and Brand equity.
CO4 :To enable learners to understand basics of brand equity, insights into the
conceptual framework for Strategic Brand Management.

CO5 :Understand the various aspects of Product Management and Product

Strategy, strategic significance of Product and Brand Management in

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Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Knowledge of Management theories and practices

PO2: Analytical & Critical thinking abilities

PO3: Value based leadership

PO4: Understand, analyze and communicate all aspects of business

PO5: Achievement of Organizational goals

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CO-PO Mapping

Mapping of course Outcomes and program Outcomes


1 CO1 1 3 3
2 CO2 1 3 2 2 3
3 CO3 2 2 1
4 CO4 1 3 1 3 2
5 CO5 2 3 1 3 2
Average 1.4 2.8 0.8 2.4 1.4

High =3 ,Medium =2 ,Low =1

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Program Educational Objectives

PEO1: Conceptual Knowledge to adapt in rapidly changing

environment and learn new skills and demonstrate
application of management principles in professional
work setting.

PEO2: Apply appropriate tools for decision making for solving

complex managerial problems in local or global context.

PEO3: Exhibit Integrity, social responsibility and teamwork.

PEO4: Exhibit ethics, communication skills, leadership qualities

and entrepreneurial mindset.

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Result Analysis (Department Result, Subject Result
and Individual Faculty Result)

Total No. 90 &

Subject Name & Pass 40>65 65>75 75>90 Average
Of Above Backlog
Code % (%) (%) (%) Marks
Students (%)
Product & Brand
Management 98 100 11 17 66 04 0 77.06

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End Semester Question Paper Template

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End Semester Question Paper Template

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End Semester Question Paper Template

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Prerequisite and Recap

Pre requisite of the Unit

Knowledge of markets and marketing, product and services.

Meaning of product and services
Product concepts
Type of products

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Introduction to the subject

• Product Management is important to understand competition at

product level as well as brand level.
• Effective product management is a practical, purposeful and positive
approach of improving the company results, through the efforts of a
competent and committed team, coordinating manufacturing,
marketing and sales.
• Brand management is a function of marketing that uses techniques to
increase the perceived value of a product line or brand over time and
builds loyal customers through positive brand associations and images
or a strong awareness of the brand.
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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Unit Content

1. Branding Basics: Brand, branding and significance of branding,

Branding challenges and opportunities, Brand equity concept
2. Strategic brand management process, Identifying and
establishing brand positioning
3. Planning and implementing brand marketing programs,
Measuring and interpreting brand performance
4. Brand Equity concept , growing and sustaining brand equity
5. Brand Equity Models: Brand Asset Valuation, Aaker Model,
Brand Resonance.

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Unit Objective

Make students understand the concepts of brand,

branding, brand management and brand equity

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Topic Objective /Topic Outcome

Branding Basics

Topic 1:
 Brand
 Branding and significance of branding
 Branding challenges and

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Definition of a Brand

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that

identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of
other sellers. 

It is the personality that identifies a product, service or company

(name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and
how it relates to key constituencies: customers, staff, partners,
investors etc.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 25
Features of a Good Brand Name

1. It should be unique / distinctive (for instance- Kodak, Mustang)

2. It should be extendable.
3. It should be easy to pronounce, identified and memorized. (For instance-Tide)
4. It should give an idea about product’s qualities and benefits (For instance-
Swift, Quickfix, Lipguard).
5. It should be easily convertible into foreign languages.
6. It should be capable of legal protection and registration.
7. It should suggest product/service category (For instance Newsweek).
8. It should indicate concrete qualities (For instance Firebird).
9. It should not portray bad/wrong meanings in other categories. (For instance
NOVA is a poor name for a car to be sold in Spanish country, because in
Spanish it means “doesn’t go”).
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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization,

company, products or services by creating and shaping a brand in
consumers’ minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help
people to quickly identify and experience their brand, and give them a
reason to choose their products over the competition’s, by clarifying what
this particular brand is and is not.

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Significance of Branding

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2 AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 28
Branding Challenges and Opportunities

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 29
Daily Quiz

• A _______ is a name, term, design, symbol or any other

feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct
from those of other sellers. 
• _________ is the process of giving a meaning to specific
organization, company, products or services by creating and
shaping a brand in consumers’ minds.
• Brands are considered as symbols of ______and social
significance give ______ satisfaction to the consumers.
• Give two challenges faced in branding products.

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Topic Objective /Topic Outcome

Branding Basics

Topic 2:
 Strategic brand management process

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Strategic Brand Management

Strategic brand management is the process of building, measuring, and

managing brand equity, brand recognition, and presence to boost revenue
and accomplish long-term business objectives.

Eg.: Tesla
In the initial years of Tesla, it fails to meet its production target and fails
to grab the attention of the consumers. It was criticized for its electric
vehicle. But with the efforts of the founder of Tesla, it started performing
well in the market.
The brand strategy of Tesla heavily relied upon providing the
best customer experience. This brand focuses on its brand reputation,
and even its founder was responding to the tweets of the consumers.
This is how it made a good brand reputation and manages the brand

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2 AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 32
Strategic Brand Management Process

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Importance of Strategic Brand Management

1.Improvement in customer retention and establishing customer loyalty.

2.Better engagement of employees in achieving the company’s objective.
3.Employees feel more close to the company.
4.Brand perception gets improved, and selling power strengthens up
5.Allows the company to have an impactful marketing communication.
6.A company gets less vulnerable to the drastic changes in the industry
7.Increase customer responses and trade cooperation
8.It promotes licensing opportunities.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Identifying & establishing Strategic Brand Management

1) Identify the current standing of the brand (if existing product)

2) Identify the direct competition
3) Understand the standing of the competitor brands
4)  Identify the uniqueness of the company
5) Develop the unique selling propositions
6) Formulate the messaging statements

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Identifying and establishing brand positioning

Brand positioning is the process of positioning your brand in the

mind of your customers, and used to set your business apart from
the rest.

Types of Brand Positioning Strategies

1. Customer Service Positioning Strategy

2. Convenience-Based Positioning Strategy
3. Price-Based Positioning Strategy
4. Quality-Based Positioning Strategy
5. Differentiation Strategy
6. Social Media Positioning Strategy
7. Other Positioning Strategies (competitive)

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Daily Quiz

• What is strategic brand management?

• Enumerate the steps in Strategic Brand management.
• Define brand positioning.
• How is price based brand positioning done? Give an
• Give an example of social media positioning strategy for
your brand.
• Strategic Brand Management helps in _________&

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Topic Objective /Topic Outcome

Branding Basics

Topic 3:
 Planning and implementing brand
marketing programs,
 Measuring and interpreting brand

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Planning and implementing brand marketing programs

It involves three steps –

• Choosing the brand elements brand name, logo, symbols, characters,

packing, and tagline.

• Choosing the marketing activities and supporting marketing

programs and the way the brand is integrated into them

• Leveraging secondary associations like the country of origin, the

channel of distribution, etc. They result in lending their own
associations to add to the planned positioning.

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Measuring and interpreting brand performance

The next step involves designing and implementing a brand equity

measurement system which helps the brand managers measure and
manage brand profitability. A brand equity measurement system is a set
of research procedure designed to provide timely, accurate and
actionable information about the concerned brand to the brand
managers so they can make best possible tactical and strategic decisions
to benefit the brand in the short as well as the long run.
•Conducting Brand Audits
•Designing Brand Tracking
•Establishing A Brand Equity Management System

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 40
Brand equity

Brand equity refers to a value premium that a company generates from a
product with a recognizable name when compared to a generic
A clear brand identity when reinforced over a period of time in the
customer’s mind to develop a high level of customer franchisee, leads to
creation of brand equity.
When a company has positive brand equity, customers willingly pay a high
price for its products, even though they could get the same thing from a
competitor for less.

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Daily Quiz

• ___________ & ___________ are secondary associations which if

leveraged can help in implementing brand marketing programs.

• A __________is a comprehensive examination of the brand’s current

position in the market with respect to its competitors.

• ____________is a set of organizational processes designed to improve

how the brand equity concept is understood within the company.

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Topic Objective /Topic Outcome

Brand Equity

Topic 4:
 Brand Equity
 Growing and sustaining Brand equity

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Brand equity

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 44
Brand equity

1. Brand awareness
2. Brand associations
3. Perceived quality
4. Brand loyalty
5. Preference  
6. Experience
7. Other proprietary brand assets: patents, trademarks and channel

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Importance of Brand Equity

1. Increases Market Share

2. Price Premium
3. Asset
4. Extension of Product Line
5. Information processing
6. Customer confidence
7. Customer satisfaction
8. Marketing programmes
9. Customer Loyalty

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Importance of Brand Equity

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 47
Growing and sustaining brand equity

Once the brand equity is built, the next step involves maintaining and
expanding it to make sure that the brand continues to grow.
This involves –
1. Defining brand architecture: It includes defining general guidelines
about the branding strategy and answers the what, why, where, who,
and how about the brand structure and brand elements. It is made up
of a brand portfolio and a brand hierarchy.
2. Managing brand equity over time
3. Brand reinforcement and revitalisation

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 48
Growing and sustaining brand equity

Brand sustainability is about perpetuating long-term differentiation and

strong brand recognition.

This can be achieved through sustainable competitive advantage, which

means having unique abilities, attributes and company assets that are
difficult to be reproduced or exceeded by another company.

Quality Credibility
Internal Marketing Positioning
Long-term Perspective Well-blended communications
Brand Building Repositioning

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Daily Quiz

• _________ refers to a value premium that a company generates

from a product with a recognizable name when compared to a
generic equivalent.
• A clear ________when reinforced over a period of time in the
customer’s mind leads to creation of brand equity.
• Anything that is connected to the customer’s memory about the
brand is an association like quality perceptions is called
• A customer is ________when he purchases one brand from
among a set of alternatives consistently over a period of time.
• Enumerate the ways of growing and sustaining Brand Equity.

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Topic Objective /Topic Outcome

Brand Equity Models

Topic 5:
 Brand Equity Models

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Brand Equity Models


1. AAKER Model
2. Brand Asset Valuation
3. Keller’s Brand Equity or Brand resonance Model

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Aaker Model

David Aaker defines brand equity as a group of assets and liabilities that
can be directly associated with the brand and that which adds value to
the product. For Aaker, brand management starts with developing a brand
identity, which is a unique set of brand associations representing what the
brand stands for and offers to customers an aspiring brand image.

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Aaker Model

Aaker model consists of 5 components:

Brand Loyalty: This explains the level of loyalty that a customer shows
towards a brand
Brand Awareness: This is the extent to which the brand is popular in the
Perceived Quality: The image of a product and its quality in the eyes of the
Brand Associations: The level of recognition that a brand has in its product
Proprietary Assets: The number of patents, intellectual property rights,
trademarks, etc. that a brand owns.
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Brand Equity Models

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Daily Quiz

• ____________ includes defining general guidelines about the

branding strategy and answers the what, why, where, who, and
how about the brand structure and brand elements.
• Brand reinforcement and revitalisation help in _________ the
brand equity.
• ___________ is about perpetuating long-term differentiation and
strong brand recognition.
• _________defines brand equity as a group of assets and liabilities
that can be directly associated with the brand and that which
adds value to the product.
• The level of recognition that a brand has in its product category is
called ________.

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Brand Equity Models


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Keller’s Brand Equity Models

Keller’s Brand equity model is also known as the CBBE model which stands
for Customer based brand equity.
The CBBE model or the Brand equity pyramid is actually a pyramid which
tells us how to build brand equity by understanding your customers and
implementing strategies accordingly and to give the right experiences to
their audience so that they create the WOW factor.


Establishing the identity of the brand through brand awareness ,
knowing the customers-their needs , wants, segmentation , USP of the
Giving meaning to the brand through brand performance and brand
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Keller’s Brand Equity Models


These judgments combine into a consumer’s opinion of a brand
Judgments can be made about :
1.Quality : Actual and perceived  
2.Creditability : The extent to which the brand is perceived as having
expertise, being trustworthy and likable .
3.Consideration :Brand must be unique, relevant to the consumer so that
they are likely to purchase or use it.
4.Superiority : Specialisation in brand.
5.Brand must have positive feelings : Warmth , Excitement , Security ,
Social approval and self respect.
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Keller’s Brand Equity Models

• Intensity of the psychological bond that customers have with the
brand and their level of engagement with the brand. 
• Increase the number of interactions (repeat purchases of a product
or service), provides them with a sense of community built around
the brand and even empowers them to act as brand champions.
• Behavioral loyalty, attitudinal attachment , sense of community,
active engagement show resonance. 

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3


DIFFERENTIATION                     ESTEEM 
          +                                                     +      
 RELEVANCE                                  KNOWLEDGE
          =                                             =        
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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3 61

Brand Asset Valuator has 4 pillars

1. Differentiation
2. Relevance 
3. Esteem
4. Knowledge

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1) Quadrant 1,
• A new brand and has newly entered the market or is an old stagnant
brand with no clear focus.
• Has brand stature and brand strength which get lower.
The quadrant is divided into 2 parts
a) Brand which is not focused tends to be stagnant
b) New brand which is better to be marked by the less differentiation,
relevance, esteem and knowledge.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

2) Quadrant 2,
• The company hasn’t yet to be able to realize the maximum potential from
the company brand or the brand plays in market niche.
• Marked with the brand strength in the form of differentiation and some
brand attribute which is relevant with the consumer needs but the lower
brand stature is  low
• The brand revenue is although low but having the potential to develop in
the next.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

3) Quadrant 3,
Brand has the high income and also has the potential of high growth in the
Quadrant 3 is divided into 2 diagonally parts
• The leader: brand results in the high sale marked by the high esteem and
knowledge as the result of building the past successful brand
• The decreasing leader: currently is in a position of low differentiation and
relevance which has the meaning that the company need to do some
research-based innovation to stay relevant.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

4) Quadrant 4,
• An indicator of eroding potential.
• These brands have failed to maintain their Relevance.
• Unless steps are taken to stimulate the differentiation and relevance,
these brands will lose Esteem and could ultimately fade from consumers’

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Daily Quiz

• Keller’s Brand equity model is also known as the ____________.

• The Keller model has 4 components namely ________, ________,
________ and _________.
• _________________ is characterized by the intensity of the
psychological bond that customers have with the brand and their
level of engagement with the brand. 
• Brands held in high _______ are more likely to see repeat usage
from consumers.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
This case is about the branding strategy that global toy manufacturing company LEGO Group
adopted to restore its brand image and expand its outreach among consumers across the world.
As a distinct player, LEGO followed a brand strategy which was disruptive, innovative, market-
changing, and category-killing. Started with the vision of ‘Inventing the future of play,’ LEGO
catered to the growing demands of its consumers through timely product expansion and
diversification. However, it failed to address its core customers and neglected its core business in
the wake of a mindless brand expansion strategy that resulted in losses to the company and
deterioration in its brand reputation for some time. To revive the company and rejuvenate its
brand, LEGO appointed Jorgen Vig Knudstorp as its CEO. Knudstorp undertook a rebranding plan
that focused on “establishing operational and financial control as well as stability.” The
rebranding strategy enabled LEGO to reach the milestone of mainstreaming sustainability with
its core business that focused on its core product, the LEGO bricks. Going forward, LEGO faced
the challenge of protecting its original brand and creating toys that lived up to the expectation of
the rapidly growing digital world.
1.Study and analyze how LEGO became a powerful brand.
2.Understand the challenges faced by LEGO going forward and explore the ways in which it can
overcome the challenges

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Topic Links

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1. Brand assets include:
• The name of the brand
• Reputation, relevance, and loyalty
• Less quality complaints
• All of the given options
2. _________ defines what the the brand thinks about the consumer, as
per the consumer
• Brand attitude
• Brand positioning
• Brand relationship
• Brand image

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3. ______ includes two aspects of a brand – its associations and its
• a. Brand attitude
• b. Brand positioning
• c. Brand relationship
• d. Brand image
• View Answer
4. ______ includes all that is linked up in memory about the brand. It
could be specific to attributes, features, benefits or looks of the
• a. Brand attitude
• b. Brand Associations
• c. Brand relationship
• d. Brand image
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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Q. 1. Attempt all the parts: please pick the correct option from Glossary
(i) Brand equity (ii) Brand attributes (iii) brand strategy (iv) Branding
• The process of discovering and communicating the overall image of your firm is called
• ……………. are the functional and emotional associations which are assigned to a brand by its
customers and prospects. 
• The value of a brand’s financial and non-financial assets measured by its quality of public
awareness and influence is called ……………………………………...
• The long-term strategy that guides a business in the development of a brand and its
implementation in every aspect of marketing and operations is called as a
Q. 2. Attempt all the parts: please pick the correct option from Glossary
(i) Qualitative Research (ii) Repositioning (iii) Brand architecture (iv) Rebranding

• ………………. is the relative structure of an organization’s brands.

• The act of updating or revising a brand is called ……………….
• Research conducted through interviews, focus groups and other forms of observation is
• ……………………. is a method of enacting changes to a product’s positioning to enhance its value in
the mind of customers or change its potential market. 

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Q. 3. Attempt all the parts: please pick the correct option from Glossary
(i) Brand audit (ii) Brand equity (iii) Growing (iv) Brand tracking
• …………………… and sustaining brand equity is one of the steps of the brand management
• A comprehensive examination of the brand’s current position in the market with respect to its
competitors is called …………………
• …………………….. involves the collection of brand-related information directly from the consumers
on a routine basis over time.
• ……………….. refers to a value premium that a company generates from a product with a
recognizable name when compared to a generic equivalent.
Q. 4. Attempt all the parts: please pick the correct option from Glossary
(i) brand loyal (ii) Preference (iii) Brand Awareness (iv) Brand associations
• ……………….. essentially means that customers know about the existence of the brand and can
also recall what category the brand is in.
• …………………. are anything that is connected to the customer’s memory about the brand is an
• A customer is …………. when he purchases one brand from among a set of alternatives
consistently over a period of time.
• When the consumer has a good experience with the brand, it becomes a ………………….. 
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Question Papers
Printed page: 2 Subject Code: AMBAMK0312

                          Roll No:


(An Autonomous Institute)

Affiliated to Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow

Course: MBA Branch: Marketing

Semester: III Sessional Examination: III Year- (2021 - 2022) Subject Name:
Product & Brand Management
Time: 1.15Hours [ SET- B] Max. Marks:30

General Instructions:

 This Question paper consists of…2…pages &……questions. It comprises of three Sections, A, B, and C
 Section A -Question No- 1 is objective type questions carrying 1 mark each, Question No- 2 is very short answer type carrying 2
marks each. You are expected to answer them as directed.
 SectionB-QuestionNo-3isShortanswertypequestionscarrying5markseach.Attemptanytwoout of three questions given.
 Section C -Question No. 4 &5are Long answer type (within unit choice) questions carrying 6marks each. Attempt any one part a
or b.

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Question Papers
    SECTION –A [08Marks]  
1. All questions are compulsory (4×1=4)  
  a. The process of discovering and communicating the overall image of your firm is called (1) CO3
  b. Brand Asset Valuator model, measures the degree to which a brand (1) CO3
is perceived from others.
a) Promotion
b) Relevance
c) Energy
d) Differentiation

  c. is the added value endowed on services and products. (1) CO3

a) Brand value
b) Brand strategy
c) Brand equity
d) Brand loyalty
  d. In strategic brand management, focus is on (1) CO3
a) Brand positioning
b) Brand marketing
c) Brand performance
d) All of the above
2. All questions are compulsory (2×2=4)  
  a. Give two points of significance of branding. (2) CO3
  b. Differentiate between brand association & brand awareness. (2) CO3

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Question Papers

SECTION –B [10Marks]  
3. Answer any two of the following- (2×5=10)  
  a. Discuss the traits of successful Brands (5) CO3

  b. How is brand equity different from a brand name? (5) CO3

  c. How do judgments help in creating brand equity? (5) CO3

SECTION –C [12Marks]  
4 Answer any one of the following- (1×6=6)  
  a. “People have more faith in Brands rather than products”. Critically (6) CO3
analyse the statement with the role and importance of branding.

  b. Enumerate the 4 pillars of the brand asset valuation model. (6) CO3

5. Answer any one of the following- (1×6=6)  

  a. Highlight the main points of the brand equity pyramid. (6) CO3  
  b. Give a detailed note on “Designing and Sustaining Branding Strategies”. (6) CO3  

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3
Expected Questions for University Exams

1. Define a brand.
2. Discuss the characteristics of a good brand.
3. Give the meaning of branding.
4. Differentiate between brand and branding.
5. Discuss the various challenges and opportunities in branding.
6. Explain the strategic brand management process.
7. Discuss the concept of brand equity and highlight its importance.
8. Discuss Aaker’s Model of brand equity.
9. Explain the Brand Asset Valuator Model of brand equity.
10.Discuss Keller’s Brand Equity Model.

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Kotler , P. , Marketing Management, Prentice Hall , 2003( 11th edn )

Michael Baker, Susan Hart Product Strategy and Management,, Pearson Education,
Second Edition.
Kevin Lane Keller, M.G. Rameswaram and Isaac Jacob, Strategic Brand Management,
Pearson Education, Third Edition.
Donald R. Lehmann and Russell S. Winer, Product Management, TMH, Fourth Edition
Paul Trott, Innovation Management and New Product Development,Pearson, Fourth
Brand Management, , H. V. Verma, 2004, New Delhi: Excel Books

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Recap of Unit

• Basics of branding

• Brand Equity

• Growing and sustaining Brand Equity

• Brand Equity Models

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

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AMBAMK0312 Unit-3

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