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Nonverbal communication is the transfer of
information through body language, facial
expressions, gestures, created space and
more. For example, smiling when you meet
someone conveys friendliness, acceptance
and openness.
Nonverbal communication is important because it gives us
valuable information about a situation, including how a
person might be feeling, how someone receives information
and how to approach a person or group of people. Paying
attention to and developing the ability to read nonverbal
communications is an invaluable skill you can leverage at
every stage of your career.
POSTURE - The way you sit or stand can also communicate your comfort level,
professionalism and general disposition towards a person or conversation.

EX: Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when
you are walking, running, or bending over to pick up something.
GESTURE - While gestures vary widely across communities, they
are generally used both intentionally and unintentionally to convey
information to others.
EX: giving a thumbs-up or a salute or just waving your arms
around when you talk.
SPACE - Creating or closing distance between yourself and the
people around you can also convey messages about your comfort
level, the importance of the conversation, your desire to support or
connect with others and more.
EX: The speaker occupies a space on the “stage,” even if it's in front of the
FACIAL EXPRESSIONS - One of the most common forms of
nonverbal communication is facial expressions. Using the
eyebrows, mouth, eyes and facial muscles to convey emotion or
information can be very effective.
EX: Smiling, scowling, rolling eyes, and eye contact 
EYE CONTACT - Strategically using eye content (or lack of eye
contact) is an extremely effective way to communicate your
attention and interest.
EX: He maintained eye contact with me throughout the conversation. The speaker
made eye contact with audience members. The jury avoided eye contact with the
defendant as the verdict was read.
TOUCH - Some people also use touch as a form of communication. Most commonly,
it is used to communicate support or comfort. This form of communication should be used
sparingly and only when you know the receiving party is okay with it. It should never be used
to convey anger, frustration or any other negative emotions.
EX: Placing your hand on a friend’s shoulder may convey support or empathy.
An advantage of non-verbal communication is that you get to know
people better and because it shows your true emotions. A disadvantage is that
there can be misunderstandings because the meaning might not be what the other
person is thinking, feeling or intended.

EXAMPLE OF ADVANTAGE - help demonstrate confidence, enthusiasm

and professionalism through attire choice, active listening cues and the ability
to present a message.

EXAMPLE OF DISADVANTAGES - Imprecise and vague.


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