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Basic Terms

• Bit: A digit of the binary number { 0 or 1 }

• Nibble: 4 bit Byte: 8 bit word: 16 bit
• Double word: 32 bit
• Data: binary number/code operated by an instruction
• Address: Identification number for memory locations
• Clock: square wave used to synchronize various devices in µP
• Memory Capacity = 2^n , n->no. of address lines
Bus: Group of conducting lines that carries data , address &
control signals.
Classification Of Buses
1.Data Bus: group of conducting lines that carries data.
2. Address Bus: group of conducting lines that carries address.
3.Control Bus: group of conducting lines that carries control
signals {RD, WR etc}
Cpu Bus: group of conducting lines that directly connected to µP
System Bus: group of conducting lines that carries data , address
& control signals in a µP system
3 logic levels are:
•High State (logic 1)
•Low state (logic 0)
•High Impedance state
High Impedance:  output is not being driven toany defined logic
level by the output circuit.
Microprocessors and Microcontroller
⮚ General-purpose microprocessors contains
▪ CPU for Computers
▪ No RAM, ROM, I/O on CPU chip itself
▪ Example: Intel's x86, Motorola’s 680x0
Microprocessors and Microcontroller
⮚ Microcontroller
▪ A smaller computer
▪ On-chip CPU (microprocessor),RAM, ROM, I/O ports...
▪ Example: Motorola’s 6811, Intel’s 8051, Zilog’s Z8 and PIC

single chip
Difference between Microprocessors and Microcontroller

Microprocessors Microcontroller
CPU is stand-alone, RAM, CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O and timer are
ROM, I/O, timer are all on a single chip
Designer can decide on the Fix amount of on-chip ROM, RAM,
amount of ROM, RAM and I/O ports
I/O ports.
General-purpose For applications in which cost, power
and space are critical
Access times for memory Less access times for built-in memory
and I/O devices are more. and I/O devices
Microprocessor based Microcontroller based system requires
system requires more less hardware reducing PCB size and
hardware. increasing the reliability
can be used for any number do one task and one task only
of applications
Microcontrollers Applications
Appliances, intercom, telephones, security systems, remote controls,,
camera,, toys, exercise equipment etc.

Telephones, security systems, fax machines, microwave, copier, laser

printer, color printer, paging etc.

Trip computer, engine control, air bag, climate control, cellular phone,
keyless entry
⮚ 8-bit microcontrollers : Motorola’s 6811, , Intel’s 8051, Zilog’s Z8,
Microchip’s PIC
⮚ 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers also made by various chip makers

8051 CPU
The 8051 family has the largest number of diversified (multiple
source) suppliers
▪ Intel (original)
▪ Atmel
▪ Philips/Signetics
▪ Infineon (formerly Siemens)
▪ Matra
▪ Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim
⮚Intel introduced 8051, referred as MCS-51, in 1981
▪ The 8051 is an 8-bit processor
⮚ The 8051 had
▪ 128 bytes of RAM
▪ 4K bytes of on-chip ROM
▪ Two timers
▪ One serial port
▪ Four I/O ports, each 8 bits wide
▪ 6 interrupt sources
⮚The 8051 became widely popular after allowing other
manufactures to make and market any flavor of the 8051, but
remaining code-compatible
General Block Diagram of 8051
General Block Diagram of 8051
▪ 8 – bit CPU with two Registers A (Accumulator) and B
▪ reads program written in ROM memory and executes them and do the
expected task of that application.
▪  User has no control over the work of the CPU directly 
⮚ Interrupts : 6-source interrupt structure
1. External interrupt -INT0
2. Timer overflow interrupt -T0
3. External interrupt -INT1
4. Timer overflow interrupt -T1
5. Serial communication interrupt - RI/TI
⮚ Internal ROM of 4K Bytes
▪ non-Volite
▪ It is a flash memory that supports in – system programming.
128 Bytes of the RAM is divided into 32 working registers. These registers are in turn
divided into 4 banks.each bank contains 8 registers from R0 to R8
I/O Ports : 32 bidirectional I/0 lines (Port 0,1,2,3)
1. Port 0 { P0.0-P0.7 } –8 pins
▪ Address is 80H. Multiplexed with address/data lines(AD0 – AD7)
▪ Port-0 can be used as a normal bidirectional I/O port or it can be used for
address/data interfacing for accessing external memory.
▪ When control is '1', the port is used for address/data interfacing.
▪ When the control is '0', the port can be used as a  bidirectional I/O port.
▪ to access external memory, the address for the memory generates due to Port 0 and
Port 2. We get the lower half of the address from Port 0 and the upper half from
Port 2. This is done using ALE pulses, which help to latch the address to the
external bus. Once done, the Port 0 goes back to being an input port to read data
from that memory.
2. Port 1 { P1.0-P1.7 } –8 pins
⮚ Address is 90H
⮚ dedicated only for I/O interfacing.
3. Port 2 { P2.0-P2.7 } –8 pins
⮚ Address is A0H
⮚ Multiplexed with higher order
address lines(A8-A15)
⮚ Similar to Port 0
4. Port 3 { P3.0-P3.7 } –8 pins
⮚ Address is B0H
⮚ Multiplexed with serial communication pins,
interrupt pins, timer and memory read and write pins
⮚ similar to other ports
⮚ Serial Port (bit by bit transmission): two pin TxD(transmit data),
RxD(Receive Data). UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
⮚ Two 16-bit timer/counters(Timer 1,Timer 0)

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