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“Pemberian Terapi Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique
(SEFT) terhadap kecemasan pasien dengan diagnosa medis Infeksi
Saluran Kencing (ISK)”


1. Aulia Hamiyatul Fitri

2. Azizatul Mutmainnah
3. Dewa Ayu Linda Mahayani
4. Ida Bagus Putu Y.P
5. Irdaniati
6. Riyan Zulkarnain
7. Susi Mariyati
8. Wiwin Apriani
Differences/ Doubt

● Is there any impruciationof the provision

of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique
(SEFT) Therapy to the anxiety of patients
with a medical diagnosis of Urinary Tract

● In October 24, 2022, we were taking care of Mrs. "M" with a diagnosis
medis Urinary Tract Infection. Condition at the time was anxious due to her
illness, the patient said it was difficult to sleep because she thought the
disease she suffered would get worse.
● One of the actions taken by the Puskesmas in handing anxiety is to provide education
and restrictions on visitors
● After being educated on patients, the anxiety problems in patients have not
been resolved.
● Therefore we provide nonpharmacological therapy in the form of Spiritual
Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT)) therapy. Spiritual Emotional
Freedom Technique (SEFT) is a psychological therapy used to complement
existing psychotherapeutic tools.
● SEFT is a combination of Spiritual Power and Energy Psychology.

● Anxiety is a feeling of fear that is not clear and not supported by situations
when feeling anxious the individual feels uncomfortable, afraid or may have
a premonition that will be overwritten by catastrophe when he does not
understand why the threatening emotion occurs (Karina,2021).

● Spritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Therapy is a therapy that

combines spirituality in the form of prayer, classiness and resignation, with
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which utilizes the body's energy
system to help the state of mind, emotions, and behavior (Sri Mariatun,


● Based on research conducted by Yuswinda K. (2017) Evidence Base effect of

SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) Therapy on Anxiety of
Preoperative Patients in the IAR Preparation Room of RSO Prof. Dr. R.
Soeharto Surakarta obtained after seft the anxiety of respondents mostly
became mild.

● Prabowo (2019) The Effect of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

(SEFT) on Anxiety Levels in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Patients in 60
respondents showed that there was a decrease in anxiety score in
preoperative cardiac surgery patients for 2 days. SEFT therapy carried out
for 2 days, 2 times the therapy showed a significant impact on the decrease
in anxiety in respondents.
● On the first day of October 25, 2022, nursing actions were carried
out in accordance with the planned nursing intervention and a
response was obtained, the patient's result response said that he was
still anxious, afraid of his own thoughts, lethargy, could not rest
calmly, anxiety, fear of being left alone, difficulty entering sleep,
waking up at night, sleeping poorly, waking up with lethargy,
sadness, waking up early in the morning, aches and pains in the
muscles, feeling weak, nauseous, mushy bowel movements,
dizziness, headaches, restlessness and the anxiety scale based on the
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) is 18 (Moderate Anxiety).


● on the second day on October 26, 2022, nursing actions were

carried out in accordance with the planned nursing intervention
and obtained a response , the results of the patient said that they
were still anxious, afraid of their own thoughts, lethargy, could
not rest calmly, were restless, afraid of being left alone, waking
up at night, sleeping poorly, waking up with lethargy, waking up
early in the morning, aches and pains in the muscles, defecation
flaccid, dizzy, headache, and anxiety scales based on the
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) are 14 (Mild anxiety).

● On thethird day on October 27, 2022, nursing actions
were carried out in accordance with the planned nursing
intervention and obtained a response, the results of the
patient said that he was still anxious, could not rest calm,
fear of being left alone, waking up at night, sleeping
poorly, waking up early in the morning, mushy bowel
movements, dizziness, headaches, and anxiety scale
based on The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) is 8
(No anxiety).


● After nursing action in the form of Spiritual Emotional Freedom

Technique (SEFT) therapy for three days, the anxiety problem is

● Anxiety management using Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

(SEFT) therapy has a number of therapeutic effects that can reduce

● Seft therapy is also useful as a non-pharmacological therapy that is

beneficial for lowering anxiety.
What we do :
1. Pay attention to the patient’s condition, don’t do Spiritual
Freedom Technique (SEFT) therapy on the patient’s condition
loss of consciousness and uncooperative.

2. Provide action in the from of Spiritual Freedom Technique

(SEFT) ) therapy in patient’s anxiety as much as 1 time a day
for 10-15 minutes.

● Krisnawardhani, K. K., & Noviekayati, I. (2021). Terapi Seft (Spiritual Emotional

Freedom Technique) untuk Meredakan Gangguan Cemas Menyeluruh pada Subjek
Dewasa. Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia, 6(5), 2251.

● K, Y. (2017). Evidence Base Practice Efek Seft (Spiritual Emotional Freedom

Tehnique) Therapy Terhadap Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Di Ruang Persiapan Iar
Rso Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta. Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical
Medicine, 4(2).

● Prabowo, R. K. (2019). Efektivitas Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

(Seft) Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien Pre Operasi Bedah Jantung.
Indonesian Jurnal of Health Development, 1(2), 11–18.

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