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Persona: evon

Goal: creat a present in flower&gift app

ACTION Open app Create gift location Callender Complete order

Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks

A. install app A. select the creation A. tap next A. tap next A. confirm order
B. create an account bottom B. select the place or B. chose the day and the B. provide a payment
TASK LIST C.log in B.chose design write the location hour (chosen). information the materials C.continue or skip C.confirmation call
and colors

Excited for her Satisfine when she had Happy to finish Happy that she can Happy to finish the
new app. the opportunity to the gift. select the day she want order
create her own gift. Worry if it wont come
Confused about Overwhelmed by Frustrated from in the right time. Worry if there is a
EMOTIONS her next step. number of options. not finding her mistake

Create an easy app to Sort options by Access google Provide the available Provide a simple
easy login color, style…. maps days and hours checkout flow
Write a description for Provide the expected
users who will install Include images. Determine the time period for the Include a reward
the app scope of the app order to arrive program.
Make a guid who tell
the user what to do

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