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Made by:
Szabó napsugár
when was it built?
◦ In 1753, used for the
collection of doctors and
◦ It opened for the first
time on January 15, 1759.
◦ it was built on the site
of Montague House.
What is it about?
◦ One of the world's largest museums
dedicated to the history of people.
◦ it also has more than 13 million years old
pieces in its collection.
◦ here is the rosette stone found in 1802,
the world's oldest glass from Egypt.
where can it be
◦ Great Russell
Street, London.
◦ next to the museum
Is British Museum free to enter?
Yes, it's completely free to enter.


Because of their global heritage. 

But even the art gallery section is free.

what are the interesting
things in it?
◦ can be found from very old Egyptian
times, for example:
◦ Inner Coffin of
Hornedjitef, from Thebes,
Egypt, 240BC
◦ Ancient Greek black-figured
(wine jar) 540-530BC
Before or after
◦ Brass head of an
Ooni (king) of
Ife, Nigeria 1300-
early 1400s
◦ Lewis Chessman,

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