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It’s party time!

The grade 2
pupils are drinking juice. Some
children hold glasses. Some
boys drink from bottles and
mugs. Some girls sip from cups.
Teacher holds a big pitcher of
orange juice.
Suddenly, Ferdie shouts, “Look,
we are drinking orange juice of
different shapes.”
The pupils laugh.
Teacher says, “Don’t laugh,
children. Ferdie is just giving his
observation. Juice is liquid.”
“You see,” says Ferdie,
“liquid takes the shape of its
container. Liquid has no
shape of its own.”
“That’s a good lesson,
Ferdie!” exclaims Teacher.
1. What did the teacher have in the big pitcher?
2. Who used cups in drinking juice?
3. What was Ferdie’s observation about liquid?
4. Why did the pupils laugh? The pupils laugh
because of __________.
5. How did the teacher feel about Ferdie’s
6. Which word describes Ferdie?

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