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Functions, Roles and Skills of a Manager

Managers supervise, sustain, uphold, and assumes responsibility for

the work of others, in his or her work group, team, department, or
the organization, in general.

Manager is an individual engaged in management activities such

as supervising, sustaining, upholding, and assuring responsibilities
for the work of others in his/her work group, team, department,
on the organization in general.
Managerial Levels - Organization typically has three levels of management with
their respective managers- top level managers, middle-level managers, and
frontline or lower-level managers.

 Top- Level managers are the Strategic Managers who focus on long
term organization concerns: its stability, development, progress, and
over-all efficiency and effectiveness.

 Middle -level managers are Tactical Managers in-charge of the
organization’s departments. They formulate specific objectives and
activities based on strategic goals set by top-level managers.

 Lower-level managers are Front-line Operational Managers. They are
responsible for supervising the organization’s day to day activities.
A manager must perform functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing,
and controlling. All these functions are essential for running an organization
smoothly and achieving enterprise objectives.
Role of Manager in an Organization

The manager’s role is crucial in an organization. He is a planner,

coordinator, producer, and a marketer. The success of an organization will
depend upon the caliber of the manager in utilizing the resources for
achieving business goals.

A manager is a pivotal figure in the task of creating wealth. There are rapid
changes in technology, methods of production, marketing techniques,
financial set up and the manager should be competent enough to cope with
the changes.
Categories of Managerial Roles according to Mintzberg
Managerial Skills:
A manager has to perform a number of jobs. It necessitates that a manager
should have proper skills to perform different jobs. Managerial skills are
conceptual, human and technical.

 Conceptual skill - is the ability to analyze and solve complex problems.

Conceptual skills are helpful in decision-making. Since all managers have to take
decisions so these skills are essential for all managers, but these become more
important as they make up the organizational hierarchy.
 Human skill is the ability to work well with other people. Managers with human
skills can get best out of the people working with them. They know how to
communicate, motivate, lead and inspire enthusiasm and trust. These skills are
needed by managers at every level but top managers need them the most.
 Technical skill is the ability to one’s expertise. A manager must have the
necessary technical skills or the ability to work with the resources, tools,
techniques, procedures etc. First line managers as well as many middle
managers have involved in technical aspects of the organization’s operations.

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