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Concept of Organization Development

Organizations today have to face numerous challenges such as increased competition, updating technology, changes in strategy, changes in customer demands, efficiency, profitability etc. People in these organizations too face numerous challenges and demands. They need to upgrade their knowledge and skills, find satisfaction in work, and work in pursuit of organizational goals. OD channels the intelligence, experience and creativity of organization members in a systematic fashion. Organizational Development is not just about improving organizations, but also about developing individuals.


is an effort  Planned organization wide  Managed from the top  Increase organization effectiveness and health  Planned interventions in the organization's processes using behavioral sciences knowledge (Beckhard,1969)


OD can be defined as a planned and sustained effort to apply behavioral science for system improvement, using reflexive, self analytic methods (Schmuck & Mills,1971) OD is a systematic application of the behavioral science knowledge to the planned development & reinforcement of the organization strategies, structures and processes for improving an organization s effectiveness. (Cummings and Worley,1993

Characteristics Of OD
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OD focuses on culture and procedure. OD encourages collaboration between organization leaders and members in managing culture and processes. Teams of all kinds are important for accomplishing tasks and are targets for OD activities. OD focuses on the human and social side of the organization and in so doing also intervenes in the technological and structural sides. Participation and involvement in problem solving and decision making by all levels of the organization are hallmarks of OD.

Characteristics Of OD
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OD focuses on total system change and views organizations as complex social systems. OD practitioners are facilitators, collaborators and co learners with client system. An overarching goal is to make the client system able to solve its problems on its own methods. OD views organization improvement as an ongoing process in the constant changing environment.

Characteristics Of OD


Od relies on action research model with extensive participation by the client members. Od takes development view that seeks the betterment of both individuals and the organization. Attempting to create win win solutions is standard practice in OD

Goals Of OD:

To create open, problem solving climate throughout an organization. To supplement the authority associated with the role or status, with the authority of knowledge and competence. To locate decision making and problem solving responsibilities as close to sources of information as possible. To build trust among persons and groups throughout an organization.

Goals Of OD:
To make competition more relevant to work goals and to maximize collaborative efforts. To develop reward system which recognizes both the achievement of the organization's goals and development of people. To increase the sense of ownership or organization's objectives throughout the work force. To help managers to manage according to objectives rather than the past practices. To increase self control and self direction for the people within the organization To improve effectiveness of the organization.

Taking On the Global Challenges with the Help Of OD


services in India and China  OD work in KPIT

Nature of OD:

OD is an ongoing process Neither organization nor planned changing process are static phenomena for prediction. An organizations tends to increase its effectiveness. OD achieves growth toward greater effectiveness through series of intervention activities over a period of time.

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