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Healing Invisible

Anxiety and Stress Management
Dr. Kaveri Chauhan,
APA: 190630 International Affiliate
Founder of MindSpark PsycCare, Behavioural Scientist, Counsellor,
School Psychologist, Mindfulness Trainer & Hypnotherapist.

क्या करें क्या न करें,ये कै सी मुश्किल है |

कोई तो बता दे इसका,हल ओ मेरे भाई

“The mind can go either direction
under stress—toward positive or
toward negative: on or off. Think
of it as a spectrum whose extremes
are unconsciousness at the negative
end and hyperconsciousness at the
positive end. The way the mind
will lean under stress is strongly
influenced by training.”
― Frank Herbert
Recognising Stress Checklist
Triggers for Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Immune System


Seek emergency help if you ◉ Yoga

Might harm yourself or others ◉ Counselling
Make an appointment to see doctor ◉ CBT
if you
•Have uncontrolled anger ◉ Family Therapy
•Feel isolated ◉ Group Psychotherapy
•Become anxious in social situations ◉ Skill Development
•Experience problems that affect your
◉ Emotional regulation
work or relationships
◉ Forgiveness
◉ Micronutrition
WHO Survey Report October 6th ,2020
"India already has the highest number of suicides globally. With the covid-19-
induced lockdown, self-harm and suicide ideation have upped. Other than creating
awareness, reducing stigma related to help seeking, and providing psycho-social
support, the government will need to increase socio-economic safety nets, and
think of ways to support those suffering abuse," Nelson Vinod Moses, founder,
Suicide Prevention India Foundation (SPIF), said.

WHO pointed out that pre-covid-19 estimates reveal that nearly $1 trillion in
economic productivity is lost annually because of depression and anxiety.
However, studies show that every $1 spent on evidence-based care for depression
and anxiety returns $5.

People with pre-existing mental, neurological or substance use disorders are

more vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection, anc may stand a higher risk of severe
outcomes and even death.
Globally, over 60%
reported disruptions to
mental health services for
vulnerable people, including
WHO Survey, 2020

oChildren & Adolescents

oOlder adults (70%)

oWomen requiring prenatal

or postnatal services (61%),

Yeh kya hua,
kaise hua, kab
kyon hua, jab
hua, tab hua
oh chodo, yeh
na socho yeh
kya hua

✔Vitamin –D and B12

✔Sunscreen Lotions

✔Iron Building

Raisins: Munakka

Emblic: Amla

Sunlight & Oxygen

Flex Seeds: Alsi

Lemon & Banana

Stress Management

Diet and Sleep Yog and Set Priorities


Family and Set Realistic Reframe

Friends Goals Thoughts
Non –Judgemental View
Focused Attention
Nine -Dot Problem

There are nine dots arranged in a set of

three rows. Your challenge is to draw
four straight lines which go through the
middle of all of the dots without taking
the pencil off the paper. If you were
using a pencil, you must start from any
position and draw the lines one after the
other without taking your pencil off the
page. Each line starts where the last
line finishes.
Think Out of the Box
Is the internet killing problem solving?
Investigate the boundaries
What are the boundaries which the solution must fit
Are the boundaries your own perceptions or reality?
What are the possibilities if you push the boundaries?
What are the benefits of small boundary changes?

Hard work is not the solution

•Repeating the same wrong process again and again with more
imagination does not work.
•Thought is the solution, physical hard work will not work.
Intrinsic Motivation
पांव नहीं ठहराय , चढ़ो गिर -गिर पड़ो,फिर- फिर उठो सम्हार पांव आगे धरो
-- सत कबीर

Life is like a book, if one page get spoiled , you

won’t throw the book. In the same way if one bad
incidence happened in life, don’t end up.
MindSpark PsycCare
That’s a lot of blessings

Dr. Lybrate KC16C0

Write to me here in private message .You will get
solutions within 24 hours @ e-clinic .

Total success!
American Psychological Association

Thank Any questions? You can find

me at

Dr. Kaveri Chauhan

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