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Universiti Negeri Yogjakarta

Futuristic Models in
Teaching History
Centre for Education & Community Wellbeing
Faculty of Education
Dato’ Dr Abdul Razaq Ahmad Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Professor of History Education
What is 4IR? How it relates to History
• This video will show you
the evolution of technology
from the past until now and
• This informs us that the
History Curriculum,
teaching and learning also
need to be changed in line
with technological
Revolution of Technology for Teaching
History During this decade, the use of
In 1900s, History Education is delivered in a computer and basic internet have
classroom by using a teacher-centered become more popular. Many
pedagogy where most of the time a teacher schools and universities
used a chalk & talk technique. During this purchased computers to support
decade, not many educational technological teaching and learning. Teacher
tools were used in school. Indeed, it was a time starts using technology to get
where the world is in conflict and unstable more information and historical
situation due to the World War I (1914-1918) facts. Downloading information
and the World War II (1939-1945). became a new trend to learn
• 1900s: Chalk & talk history during this period.
In 2000 era, computer sciences have affected • 2010: Computer & Internet Assisted Educational Tools
teaching and learning methods in many
developed countries. Many gadgets were We can see nowadays,
invented in Western countries. There are many downloading and uploading
educational technological tools were a lot of things are becoming
introduced in schools. Many developed normal activities in teaching
countries exported educational technologies and learning. To teach
to developing countries. So, we can see a lot of history to youngsters are
computer based technology is used in many more challenging because
schools in South East Asia countries. Many they have much historical
teachers used LCD, Projector, Slides, Television information and facts.
• 2000: LCD, Projector, and Video in teaching history. Basic computer
Desktop, Compact Disc (desktop) and printer are also used in schools • Now: Online-learning, Web-based, Applications &
for documentation and preparing documents.
Self learn with ICT gadgets
5 Challenges in Teaching History in the New
Challenge 1: Students claimed that History has no economic
values, so why do we need to learn this subject?
• The History Curriculum should take into account a biographic
history of successful people in business/economics; so students
can learn many things directly and indirectly.
• This will make students are happy and have interest to learn
Challenge 2: Many students feel that historical facts in a
school curriculum has nothing to do with their life. What are
the relevancies with their life?
• We need to use many recent technologies in teaching History
because this is the students’ life. They are born as a native in the new
technological era.
Challenge 3: Research found that many students felt unhappy
and boring to participate in learning of history in school.

• Teachers must be very

creative because students are
nowadays very creative too.
Most of the time, students
have the information very fast
so teaching in classroom just
like a repetition activity.
Callenge 4: Too much historical facts to be
memorized. Why do they need to memorize those
• New method of teaching must be focusing on
how historical facts can help them to think out of
the box rather than just memorizing facts only.
• This requires high level of thinking skills such as
analysis, synthesis and evaluation in historical
• Teachers must expert to apply the Historical
Thinking Skills in a creative way and in various
situation while teaching history
• Peter Seixas is one of the experts in Historical
Thinking Skills where it has six elements:
• Establish historical significance
• Use primary source evidence
• Identify continuity and change
• Analyze cause and consequence
• Take historical perspectives, and
• Understand the ethical dimension of historical
Challenge 5: Research found that many teachers are still
lacking of teaching skills to teach Historical Facts and
Historical Thinking Skills?
• Re-design of teachers training
and in-service training for
History teachers in order to
polish their skills in line with
the new era.
• A collaboration between
teachers in other countries is
really needed to exchange
knowledge, skills, attitues and
Future Teaching & Learning: How Robots
replaced School Teachers?
• Teaching history in future may
be replaced by a robot.
• Either we agree or disagree
with this situation, it will going
to be happened
• For instance, last time we do
not imagine that we can learn
via online without teachers.
But, now, we can learn many
online everywhere.
• How to manage these changes
if we are not ready now?
Imagination of Future Teaching History in Malaysia: A School Situation

In Malaysia, we are
starting doing many
imaginations of the
situations for teaching
history in the future

This video has been

created by school
students. They imagine
the future learning
History in school
• We need to rethink of the current curriculum, teaching styles,
teachers training and many more to make sure that teaching History
is always relevant for young generations.
• The most challenging part is how to instill historical values,
patriotism, national identity and critical thinking in teaching History.
I will leave it to you to think further.
Thank You Very Much

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