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The body ( matter ) is

considered the potency and the
soul ( form ) is the act.
b. 1.
Potency is the capacity of something to
become another thing. It is the
characteristic of the matter to become
something else because it is in potency to
be so. Matter is the corporeal body which
means capable of decay, limitation and
subject for corruption.
b. 2..
The act is the perfection. The soul is considered the act.
The soul substantiates the body by animating it. The body is
actualized when the soul is united with it. So when the soul
is united with the body, the body becomes actualized
because of the soul. The soul, then, becomes a determining
factor what kind of living being is that (Vegetative for
plants, sentient for brutes, and rational for man)

The soul is the principle of life. The activity is intrinsic.
It gives life to the body. The soul is incorporeal and
spiritual. It is the principle of movement. It is not subject
for corruption.

“Son, you have grown so fast. And your body is

getting bigger and stronger.”
“Yes Dad, because I have been eating nutritious
foods, and go to bed early.”
“That is right son, take care of your body.
Because when your body is healthy, it follows a
healthy mind. And when your mind is healthy, you
can think well and your whole body is always in
good condition.”
C. The body (in union with
the soul ) becomes one
c. 1.
A substance is a being that can exist by itself.
In the world of living and non-living bodies, the
body is a substance. The word substance is a
metaphysical term. An accident is a being that
exist through another. Example of an accident
is shape, size, color, texture. Their existence
exist temporarily. It is capable of change and
decomposition. Whereas, a substance is
c. 2.
Substance because it acts, it wills, it
knows, it thinks.

c. 3.
The soul when unified with the
body, like sensation is possible.

“ Your skin is getting darker! What

happen to you?”
“I just came from vacation. I did
snorkeling and sun bathing.”
D. Human Person (union of
body and soul ) is a substance
by participation.
d. 1.
Participation means the existence of a
finite being depends upon the existence of
the infinite Being (God). The Being-ness (of
God) is considered a Necessary Being. We
owe our existence to the Necessary Being.

d. 2.
Every corporeal being is a substance by
“Do you think the physical world can exist without
a Creator?”
If yes, then how did everything begin? If no,
then there is a need to affirm the existence of a
Creator because Creator must exist first before
we do.
• If the creator must exist, then He is a
Necessary Being. And a Necessary being must
be an Infinite Being.
• And then the created ones are being-by-
participation. Beings by participation are
finite and corporeal beings.
E. Death is a reality.
e. 1.
Death is a separation between body
and soul. This is a reality for all
substances-by-participation. You and I
will die, soon. This is a fact. (This will
be discussed thoroughly in the later
“The idea of acceptance works only in
understanding the intrinsic relation between life and
death. Life is essentially the workings of nature while
death is just the transformation of things. Where
one finds life there he finds death. One who takes
death seriously appreciates life more while one who
understands death cannot hate life. The idea of faith
works during the time of transition from “being-ness
to nothing-ness”. When my faith works, there is no
actually a state called nothing because faith dictates
that there is Light that shines and overpowers the
terrifying darkness of nothingness.”
- Stome reflections on the Thanatology of Zhuang Zi
Prepared by Group 6
From ABM 11

Jamaica Bernal
Zeldane Heart Florida
Krizzia Winneth Pandaan
Jayson Troy Palma

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