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Shri Shankaracharya Institute of

Professional Management &

Technology, Raipur


IOT PROJECT [B033424(033)]









 Main Aim Of The Internet Of Things Is To describe physical object with sensors,
processing ability, software and other technologies.

Management of water resources and proper usage have become increasingly important
in recent years. Rain sensor senses rain and sounds an alert so that we can save water to
use for other purposes later. For example, there are several methods for conserving water
harvesting which means is the process of collecting and storing rainwater instead of
letting it wash off. Rainwater is collected from a roof-like surface and directed to a tank,
cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer, or reservoir via percolation, where it
seeps down and replenishes ground water. The level of ground water can be raised by
conserving groundwater and limiting water use.

The rain alarm is an application that detects rainwater and sounds an alarm when it is
detected. This thesis describes a simple and reliable sensor module that may be available
in the market at low cost.
WORKING : Rain Water Detection Using IOT.

 Water is basic need in every one’s life. Saving and proper usage of water is very
important. Here is an easy project which will give the alarm when there is rain, so
that we can make some actions and save the rain water.

 As a result, we can increase the water levels of underground water by using

underwater recharge technique. Rain water detector will detect the rain and make
an alert; rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home automation,
communication, automobiles etc. Here is the simple and reliable circuit of rain
water detector which can be constructed at low cost.
• RAIN Alarm Project Block Diagram:

Rain water sensor is the main component in the circuit. For this rain sensor, no
need to go and buy in the market or online. We can do it ourselves just by
taking the piece of Bakelite or mica board and aluminum wire. Bakelite or mica
board should be made completely flat and aluminum wire should be pasted on
the flat board as shown in the figure below of rain water sensor. Care should
be taken that there should be no spaces between the wire and board. When
the rain water sensor is completed, it should get connected to the circuit and
voltage should be passed through the wires.
Rain water sensor diagram is shown below:

If there is no rain, the resistance

between the wires will be high and
there will be no conduction
between the wires in the sensor. If
there is rain, the water drops will
fall on the rain sensor which will
also decrease the resistance
between the wires and wires on
the sensor board will conduct and
trigger the NE555 timer through
the transistors circuitry. Once
NE555 is triggered, it will make the
output pin high and which will
make the buzzer to make alarm.
Rain Alarm Project Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Explanation:
1. The points A and B of the circuit are connected to the points A and B of the rain
sensor respectively. When rain is falling, the rain water will fall on the rain sensor
which has aluminum wires on mica or Bakelite sheet. Due to the water on sensor,
the aluminum wire ‘w’ develops resistance and gets conducted because of batter
connector, the sensor and also to the circuit.

2. When the aluminum wires are connected, the transistor Q1will get turned on
and make LED to glow and also Q2 will also be turned ON. When the Q2 is
saturated, the capacitor C1 will be shorted and make the transistor Q3 to be turned
ON. C1 will get charged by the resistor R4. The reset pin of 555timer which is
connected to the emitter of Q3 will be made positive when Q3 reaches to the
saturation mode.

3. The 555 timer is configured in astable mode. When the reset pin of the 555
timer is made positive because of saturation mode of Q3, it will generate the pulse
at the pin 3 and make speaker to ring alarm. Capacitor is connected in between the
pin 3 of 555 timer and speaker because to block the DC signal and allow only the
variations in the signal which make the speaker to make sound. The diode D2 will
not allow any reverse current from the timer.
• LED light






• The rain sensor module/board is shown below. Basically, this board
includes nickel coated lines and it works on the resistance principle.
This sensor module permits to gauge moisture through analog output pins
& it gives a digital output while moisture threshold surpasses.

This module is similar to the LM393 IC because it includes the electronic module as

well as a PCB. Here PCB is used to collect the raindrops. When the rain falls on the
board, then it creates a parallel resistance path to calculate through the 
operational amplifier.
➨It helps in saving money by switching off the irrigation system when it
rains. This saves money by cutting off bills on electricity consumption.

➨It extends life of rain sensor based systems such as car wiper,
irrigation systems by running them only when it is necessary.

➨Rain sensors help save water during rain events and hence water is
available during summer and emergency applications such as firefighting

➨Operating principle is very easy.

➨It consumes less power for operation.

➨Installation of rain sensor based systems are very much simple.

➨Individual rain sensor costs very less.

➨The rain sensor based system functions when water falls on
the sensor directly.

➨The cost of overall system increases as additional

components are needed along with rain sensor.

➨In order to avoid false detection of rain, it requires rain

sensors to take decision after few minutes.
1.In the irrigation, it will detect the rain and immediately alert the

2.In automobiles, when the rain detector detects the rain it will
immediately active the wipers and inform the driver.

3.In communications, it will boost the power of the antenna and

increase the signal strength to send or receive the signals.

4.In normal house hold, with the help of rain water detector we can
automatically save the rain water. (This can be done only when
home automation is done and there is proper equipment to save
the rain water. In this, rain water detector will detect the rain and
helps to switch ON the equipment which will automatically save
rain water for different purposes).

5.This can also be used if there is a chemical rain also. This is very
common in industrial areas.
To conclude, this sensor will detect rain and sound a buzzer, indicating that
action will be taken in the future. The rainwater detection alarm system can
be used in both residential and commercial settings. It alerts users to the
presence of rainfall and rain when it is forecasted to fall. It is activated by
even the tiniest drop of water, allowing the user plenty of time to reclaim
their belongings, cover windows, and, in some situations, prepare to collect
rainwater. When appropriately positioned to catch the first set of raindrops,
the device can protect objects drying in the sun / rain from invading homes,
businesses, and silos, among other places.

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