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By Neil, Rehan , Rohan and Mehlam

What is fauna

• Fauna: the animals of a particular region, habitat or geological

What puts fauna in danger

• The main problem of faunas getting extinct and endangered are caused due to people or in other
words us. Some points of animals getting extinct are because of:
• Poaching
• Hunting
• Deforestation
• Ebola
• Pet trade
• Human warfare
• Etc.
Conventional methods to Save Fauna

• If we cut down trees, plant new ones as they are a home to animals.
• Protect wildlife habitat.
• Stop hunting.
• Don’t litter. Instead, throw it in the recycle bin.
• Reduce water consummation.
• Don’t Hunt animals without any reason.
• Protect them by keeping them in zoos which has many trees inside the cages.
Non Scientific Ideas to Save Fauna

• Donate money to ZOO so that the money is used for food and care of the animals.
• The animals shall be kept in Zoo for protection and cure only and then they shall be left in
their habitat.
• Do not use animals in circus or any other festivals as they may get hurt.
• Do not use animals in harmful sports such as Bull fighting.
• We will keep dead wood as they are home to many birds.
• Consider eating vegetables instead of meat. Sometimes if you eat meat is ok
• We will free the faunas or animals in their own habitats
Innovative Scientific Ideas to Save Fauna – Water Habitat

 We will build a submarine installed with intelligent devices which

can detect the type of fishes and compare it with AI data.
 Based on their physical and body changes(like temperature, speed
of reactions, movement etc.) we will observe and if the marine
animal is unfit on scan we will catch and treat it on board with the
help of a vet.
 Once the marine animal is fit, we will release them in their habitat.
 This project will be called the Savior Submarine.
Innovative Scientific Ideas to Save Fauna – Land & Water Surface
Drone Model - Drona

 Create a Drone fitted with AI devices & Technology.

 It will have scanners and cameras which could be used at reserve parks
to monitor animals' health.

 It could also monitor the area for any hunting or poaching activities.

 We will connect it to the rangers centers and also vets, so that they can
monitor the activities of sick animals and hunters in the region. Drona in Action - Video
 It will also be used in ocean areas to monitor the water surface of oil
spillages and garbage.

Name Responsibility
Rehan PPT Maker, Data Holder, Poster Maker
Neil Speaker, Data Holder
Mehlam Model Maker, Explainer, Data Holder
Rohan Data Holder, Editing
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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