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Name: Yash Vitthal Mohite

Class/Div: SYBBA (B)
Roll no: 94
Subject: cb&sm
Topic: to study the consumer preferences over
1.Which brand you prefer in cars?
options No. of people %
BMW 20 48.8%
Audi 08 19.5%
Maruti suzuki 02 4.8%
Toyota 02 4.8%
Tata 09 22%

Interpretation : 48.8% respondents prefer BMW

19.5% respondents prefer Audi
4.8% respondents prefer Maruti suzuki
4.8% respondents prefer Toyota
22% respondents prefer Tata
2. Which type of car you prefer?
Options No. of people %
Hatchback 5 12.8%
Supercar 15 38.5%
Suv 14 35.9%
Sedan 5 12.8%

Interpretation : 12.8% respondents prefer Hatchback

38.5% respondents prefer Supercar
35.9% respondents prefer Suv
12.8% respondents prefer Sedan
3. Which fuel type you prefer?
Options No. of people %
Petrol 14 34%
Diesel 9 22%
CNG 7 19.5%
Hybrid 10 24.4%

Interpretation : 34.1% respondents prefer Petrol

22% respondents prefer Diesel
19.5% respondents prefer CNG
24.4% respondents prefer Hybrid
4.Do you like off-roading?
Options No. of people %

Yes 26 63.4%

No 15 36.6%

Interpretation : 63.3% respondents prefer Yes

36.6% respondents prefer No
5. Which feature in car you like most?
Options No. of people %
Sunroof 17 41.5%
Push button 2 4.8%
AMT 12 29.3%
Adaptive cruise 5 12.2%
ABS 5 12.2%

Interpretation : 41.5% respondents prefer Sunroof

4.8% respondents prefer Push button start
29.3% respondents prefer AMT
12.2% respondents prefer Adaptive cruise control
12.2% respondents prefer Abs
6. Which tyre you prefer for your car?
Options No. of %
Bridgestone 5 12.5%

MRF 15 37.5%

Apollo 15 37.5%

Ceat 5 12.5%

Interpretation : 12.5% respondents prefer Bridgestone

37.5% respondents prefer MRF
37.5% respondents prefer Apollo
12.5% respondents prefer Ceat
7.In which range would you like to buy car?
Options No of %
5-10 lakh 6 14.6%

10-20 lakh 12 29.3%

20-25 lakh 12 29.3%

More than 11 26.8%

50 lakh

Interpretation : 14.6% respondents prefer 5-10% lakh

29.3% respondents prefer 10-20% lakh
29.3% respondents prefer 20-25% lakh
26.8% respondents prefer more than 50 lakh

1.From Q.1 - There is majority for BMW and that is 48.8%

2.From Q.2 - There is majority for supercar and that is 38.5%
3.From Q.3 - There is majority for petrol and that is 34.1%
4.From Q.4 - There is majority for Yes and that is 63.4%
5.From Q.5 - There is majority for Sunroof and that is 41.5%
6. From Q.6 - There is majority for both MRF and Apollo is same
and that is 41.5%
7. From Q.7 - There is majority for both 10-20 and 20-25 lakh is
same and that is 41.5%
Conclusion –

According to survey some respondents are rich and

some are poor so, according to that their choices are also
different. Some respondent goes for brand and some goes
for features and type. The respondents choose different
options according to their mindset. Many of the
respondents like off-roading to respondents budget their
ranges for buying the car is also different.

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