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What is Organizational Commitment (OC)
Definition: the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member
of the organization.
In other words, the employee is ready to put his fullest efforts for the
cause of the organization and has no attention to leave the organization
to search a job in some other organization.
An other dimension, the employee volunterily wants to remain part
that organization and is happy to maintain his membership with his
organization is considered as committed employee of company.
O.C and Employee withdrawal behavior
(EWB) compared
Definition of Employee withdrawal behavior(EWB):
the employee intends to leave the organization to search a job in
anyother organization volunterily. It means he is not compelled to do so
by any factor in or outside of the organizattion.
Comparison of OC & EWB:
Both are just opposite to each other, OC and EWB has negative
relationship between them, meaning by this, if level of EWB increases
then the level of OC decreases and vice varsa.
FIGURE 3-1 should be consulted in textbook recommented.
Four Components of employee’s
withdrawal behavior
When employee is facing low level of commitment and converts towards withdrawal
behavior opts one of the four outcomes:
a. Exit- an active, destructive response by which an individual ends or restricts
organizational membership. Example- leaving job or remains absent frequently from the
b. Voice- an active and constructive response in which individual attempts to imporve the
situation. Example- raising the voice by criticising and commenting on actions for
c. Loyality- as passive, constsructive response that maintains public support for the situation
while the individual privately hopes for improvemnet.
d. Neglect- as a passive and destructive response in which interest and effort in the job
declines. Sometimes neglect may be more damaging as compared to exit, because
employee neglects duties months and years.
Two forms of Withdrawal Behavior
1. Psychological Withdrawal (neglect): consists of actions that provide a
mental escape from work envirnment. Shapes &Sizes of this behavior:
a. daydreaming- apparently working but distracted by random thoughts
and concerns not related to job.
b. Socializing-verbal chatting about nonwork topics that goes on, it
includes cubicles or at mailbox or at vending machines.
c. Lookbusy- it indicates intentional desire on the part of employees to
look like working even when not performing work task. Some very
smart show that they are more focussed on the work while strolling
around the premises and look very busy with their duties.
Psychological Withdrawal (neglect): continue
d. Moonlighting- they use work time and resources to complete
something other than their job duties, such as assignments for another
e. Cyberloafing-using internet, e-mail, and instant messaging access for
their personal enjoyment rather than work duties.
2. Physical Withdrawal
it consists of actions that provide a physical escape, whether short term or
long term, from the work environment. Physical withdrawal also comes in
number of shapes and sizes:
a. Tardiness- the tendency of employee to report late at work or leave work
early. But sometimes it is unavoidable like car problem, bad weather, it
often represents the desire to spend less time at work or intentional
avoidance of performance of duties.
b. Long breaks- longer-than-normal launch, soda breaks, coffee breaks, and
spending more time in prayer and other like things.
c. Missing meetings- employee neglects important work functions while
away from the office.
Physical Withdrawal (continue)
d. Absenteeism- it occurs when employees miss an entire day of work.
Of course, people stay home due to varity of reasons like: illness, family
emergencies but here we mean when intentionally someone fails to
report at work without any reasonable cause to absent from duties.
Moreover, research findings are there that absenteeism is first
symptom of dissatisfaction from the job.
e. Quitting the job- finally this most serious form of the physical withdrawal-
employee voluntarily leaving the organization.
i. Leaving for more money.
ii. Better career opportunities in any other organization.
iii. Dissatisfaction with supervision.
iv. Working conditions or work schedules not suitable.
v. Family factors and health of employee or any member of the family.
vi. Any shock in life like- breaking relationships, personality clashes, or physical
jerks etc.
1. Affective Commitment (AC) (Emotional Based):
The desire to remain a member of an organization due to an
emotional attachment to, and involvement with that organization.
Explanation- AC is basically emotion-based feeling to stay with the
organization due to:
a. My best friends here that I will miss them if left the organization.
b. I really like the atmosphere here due to fun, and relaxed.
c. Job is very rewarding and I enjoy coming to work each morning.
d. Finally you are staying that you want to stay.
The desire to remain a member of an organization because of an
awareness of the costs associated with leaving it.
In other words, you want to stay with organization because of the
salary, rewards, promotions, benefits means all economic reasons to
stay or not to stay. Simply, you NEED to stay.
Strictly speaking it is not commitment with organization but it is
commitment with your benefits, if balance of benefit is in your side
more than anyother alternative job, you are committed otherwise you
have no interest with this organization.
The desire to remain member of the organization due to a feeling of
obligation. Simply you stay you OUGHT TO mean I should remain here.
a. Boss has invested time, mentoring, trainig, taught me to do good.
b. Organization adopted me when everyother was not accepting me.
c. Organization helped me out of jam, number of occasions.
d. Staying because you ought to.
1. Diversity of workforce-
a. Workforce diversity is changing the style of workforce commitment due to the fact
women are becoming a major part (47%)of workforce.
b. Aged workforce is an other trend because people over 60 try to remain part of active
workforce for their activeness physically and mentally.
2. Changing employee-employer Relationship:
a. Longlife service as a pride is over, everyone search his/her career to earn more and
more that is only possible by switching one organization to an other organizations,
so the commitment with organization is at discount.
b. An other phenomenon, is downsizing that also plays negative role to maintain high
commitment. Survivors of downsizing are always in fear, distrust and guilt and finally
not committed to the organization.
1. Perceived Organization Support (POS): the degree to which
employees believe that the organization values their contributions
and cares about their well-being. The things that support POS that
ultimately enhance the level of organizational commitment:
a. adequate rewards for job done.
b. Protecting employees by increasing job security.
c. Improving working conditions: i. physically ii. Psychologically.
d. Minimizing the bad impact of organizational politics on employees.
2. Supporting Woman at workplace:
a. More facilities like daycare for small kids.
b. Training of female to face their personal problem at work and at home.
c. Facilitation for time schedules that suit more according to their resposibilities.
3. Enhancing continuance commitment- as this type of commitment is based on
economic benefits, so by creating new benefits and increasing financial benefit
already inforce this type commitment can be enhanced.
4. Promotions: more promotions to for more committed employees, it may
reduce dissatisfaction, absenteeism, turnover, and withdrawal behavior.

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